Journey of the Bride

The harlot bride becomes the repentant bride as she makes Teshuva and returns to the God of Israel, and to His Torah.

The wedding betrothal/marriage covenant made at Mt Sinai between Yaheweh and his chosen people Israel was immediately broken when the people fell into the sin of idolatry and golden calf worship. Later, during the time of Rehoboam and Jeroboam, the kingdom is torn asunder and both Northern and Southern Kingdom fall into spiritual adultery/harlotry and chase after other gods. Yet, the Father promises us in Jeremiah 31:31-33 that He will do a new thing and pour out His spirit, and the Torah would no longer written upon stone tablets, but instead the living Torah would be written upon our hearts. So, the harlot bride becomes the repentant bride as she makes Teshuva and returns to the God of Israel, and as she returns to keeping the commands from Torah by the power of the Spirit.

From this page, you will hear teaching on the following:
*There was a marriage at Mt Sinai
*Yeshua married the House of Jacob
*The House of Jacob was an unfaithful bride
*Yeshua died on the tree to redeem His bride
*There are two stages to the biblical wedding
*When we receive Yeshua as savior, we enter into the first stage of the marriage.
*Not everyone who is saved will enter into the second stage of the marriage.
*The bride is required to be faithful
*The bride of Messiah passionately follows after Him
*The bride of Messiah is spiritually mature
*Yeshua will dwell with His bride initially in the Messianic era and then for all eternity in the New Jerusalem.

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