HHMI Newsgroup Archives
From: Rabbi Ed Nydle
To: heb_roots_chr@hebroots.org
Subject: The Olive Tree: Two Houses of Israel
The Torah
of Kil'ayim and the Olive Tree
Proof from the Law of "mixture" that the Wild Olive Branches are
By Rabbi Edward "Levi" Nydle B'nai Avraham Messianic Congregation
Guard My laws. Do not let your livestock mate with another kind. DO NOT SOW YOUR FIELD WITH MIXED [Kil'ayim] SEED. And do not put a garment woven of two sorts of thread upon you. Wayyiqra 19:19 The Scriptures
Do not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seeds, lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled. Devarim 22:9 The Scriptures
While studying the Torah portion Parashot Ki Tetze, I came across this
negative law called Kil'ayim or "forbidden mixtures." This law is a
chuqim or a law seemingly to have no reasons. The Rambam declares
Yahweh has His reasons but no man can know them. I believe that we can
see Yahweh's purpose in the law if we allow the Ruach to reveal to us
the Two House Truth in opposition to the One House theory. Right away I
knew the Ruach had a revelation for me concerning the Olive Tree in
Romans chapter 11. Let us look at this law and how it helps us as
Messianic Yisrael explain the Wild Olive Branches found in Romans
chapter 11.
The "Law of Genesis"
First we must look at the Torah found in the Book of Beresheet
concerning trees producing after their own kind in the creation of
Yahweh. I call this "The Law of Genesis".
"And Elohim said, " Let the earth (haeretz -the land)
forth grass, the plant that yields SEED (zera), and the FRUIT TREE
that yields fruit according to its KIND, and the tree that yields it
fruit, whose SEED is in itself, on the earth."And it came to be so.
Beresheet 1:11 The Scriptures
The word KIND is #4327 miyn "to portion out; a
So, we can conclude that when Yahweh created TREES, they were to
produce SEED (zera) and fruit (pri) after their own SPECIES or kind.
Yahweh then saw this was GOOD (tov). Notice this was on the THIRD DAY
Yahweh created the world with certain distinct species, and in His
wisdom He decreed that they should remain intact and unadulterated.
Torah forbids man from altering the species or the order of creation.
A Heavenly force directs each species on earth, so that the earthly
species represent profound spiritual forces in the heavens. According
to Nachmanides and Ibn Ezra, man is forbidden to alter the course of
creation as designed and willed by Yahweh. It also shows a complete
lack of belief in Yahweh according to the Rambam.
The Mishnah and other Sources
We read in the Mishnah in the First Division: Agriculture -KIL'AYIM
Section 1:7a -" They DO NOT GRAFT b. [either ] a tree onto a
tree [of a different kind (species)] The Mishnah: A New Translation by Jacob Neusner page 50
Kil'ayim: The GRAFTING or mixing of TWO SPECIES of living creatures or plants. The Torah forbids this practice, which
includes sowing of two different plants together.. The Encyclopedia of
Jewish Life and Thought page 251
Kil'ayim/ Forbidden Mixtures: Your field. It is forbidden to
plant mixtures of seeds.. and it is forbidden to GRAFT a different
SPECIES ONTO A TREE. Artscroll Chumash page 663
Graft: v.1.a to cause to unite on a stock; to unite (plants) to
form a graft b. to propagate by grafting 2a. to unite closely b. to
attach Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary
From these sources concerning the Torah of Kil'ayim we see that it is
FORBIDDEN to graft TWO DIFFERENT SPECIES together. We can also
apply this principal to marriage between a Believer and an unbeliever
(2Cor.6: 14-18)- NOTE: This law in NO WAY forbids interracial
marriages but only applies to interfaith marriages (see Deut.7: 3) Rav
The Art of Grafting
Allow me to give you some quotes from the book, Backyard Fruit and
Berries by D.Bilderback and D. Patent. We sometimes need to look at
the natural to understand the spiritual (Romans 1:20).
"When you look at a cultivated fruit tree you see just ONE
PLANT. But in reality, what you're looking at in most cases is TWO
TREES that have been COMBINED TOGETHER to make ONE. The roots or
rootstock comes from one tree, and the upper part of the tree, called
the scion, comes from another. Sometimes a THIRD TREE enters the
picture, contributing a short section of the trunk, called an
interstem, between the roots and the scion. Why are parts of
different trees combined? The reason is that some varieties of trees
produce wonderful FRUIT and others have superior ROOT systems...In this
way grafting allows us to have the best of both worlds."
"In a successful graft, the new xylem cells from one part
join up with those from the other part, forming a continuous WATER and NUTRIENT conducting system...CLOSE CONTACT BETWEEN THE GRAFT HALVES IS CRUCIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF THE PROCESS."
"Grafted trees take a great deal of time and EFFORT to
"Individual plants of clonal rootstock, however, are
GENETICALLY IDENTICAL...The grower can predict their characteristics with
great accuracy."
"Once the grower has the ROOTSTOCK, the SCION, and, if
needed, the interstem, they can be grafted together to form a new
"Once the graft takes place, you'll have a BRANCH of a
different variety flowering and bearing fruit of THE PARENT TREE.
Usually it is BEST to stick with one plant species when you
are budding and grafting.."
So, we can see from the natural that in order to have a successful
grafting process, you need a ROOTSTOCK, a SCION, and perhaps a third
part INTERSTEM from the same species to form a new tree. The
cultivated trees or rootstock are genetically the same [Judah] from
the Scion or wild branch [Ephrayim], or the interstem [the nations].
In order for a successful graft they must all have constant contact
with one another for LIFE to flow to all the grafted in parts. If the
grafting is a success, it will take time for the wonderful fruit to
come forth after much work and effort. But the fruit that
results will be the natural fruit that the parent tree [Yisrael]
produced when it was healthy and strong.
Let us continue our study by looking at the Olive Tree to gain truth
and understanding of Romans chapter 11 and the law of Kil'ayim.
"Because of its potential to live over 1,000 years and
BEAR FRUIT, the olive tree has symbolized longevity and immortality.
It propagates by putting out shoots [branches] ensuring its continual
SURVIVAL even as its main trunk becomes hollow.
The Psalms compare children (Tehillim 128:3) to "olive shoots around
yourtable" a symbol of CONTINUITY THROUGH OFFSPRING. Based upon this
verse, the olive branches have been a popular image in ketubot
(marriage contracts)." The Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols by Ellen
Frankel and B.Teutsch
"Olive: The term "zayit" is applied in the O.T.
only to the
cultivated olive tree, the wild olive, the oleaster of the ancients,
being designated as "etz shemen" (Neh. 8:15)..Whether a variety of
the wild olive or the cultivated olive furnished the wood for the
Temple (I Melakim 6:23,31) is still a matter of dispute. It is
difficult to determine the original home of the olive, as the tree
in a wild state was widely scattered even in the earliest times. The
olive is propagated by means of WILD STOCKS
which are GRAFTED." The Jewish Encyclopedia Vol.9
From these sources we find that the olive tree [Yisrael] is a
wonderful symbol of a promise [the Avrahamic Covenant] of continuous
offspring [zera-seed] that are a product (fruit) of a marriage between
a couple[Yahweh and Yisrael]. The olive tree was used to build the TWO
CHERUVIM [two witnesses] and the TWO DOORS or ENTRANCES of the
Speaking Place in the Temple (Biet HaMikdash) of Yahweh (the House of
Yahweh) during the time of Shelomoh. Not only that, it is reproduced
by means of WILD branches or shoots that have to be grafted back into
the original tree, for the tree to survive.
We now must ask the question-Who is the Olive Tree? We read in
Yermeyahu 11:16, " Yahweh has named you [Yisrael], Green Olive Tree,
Fair, of Goodly Fruit. With a great noise He has set it on fire
[judgment], and its BRANCHES ARE BROKEN. And Yahweh of hosts, who
PLANTED you, has spoken evil against you for the evil of THE HOUSE OF
done against themselves to provoke ME, by burning incense [a symbol of
prayer] to Ba'al [the lord]." The Scriptures: notes added by Rav Ed.
"[Yahweh] planted ONE Israel that became TWO nations through division and
eventually Both nations were laid bare before all the nations, as branches both
natural and unnatural or cultivated and
uncultivated were cut off. Since [Yahweh's] olive tree contains Both
houses of Israel according to Jeremiah 11, then so must Paul's. We
find that to be exactly the case in Romans chapter 11." Rabbi Moshe
Joseph Koniuchowsky The Truth About All Israel Rav Ed: I highly
recommend you obtain this book refuting all the arguments against the
Two-House Truth. We stock the book http://www.teshuvah.com/bnaiavraham
or order directly from YourArms to Israel at http://www.yourarmstoisrael.org.
Yahweh called Yisrael an Olive Tree; Green and Fair. The branches were broken off because of unbelief or disobedience by going into "god -lord or BAAL worship". We read in Yermeyahu 2:21,
"Yet I [Yahweh] planted you a choice vine, ALL of it a true seed. How then have you turned before me into a DEGENERATE plant of a STRANGE or FOREIGN VINE?" The Scriptures.
"Regardless of WHERE an Israelite lives, or WHAT he or she believes, he or she is STILL AN ISRAELITE... verse 21 of Jeremiah
2 teaches that Ephraim who traveled on the Assyrian road had degenerated from being an olive tree to a degenerate vine. The word in Hebrew for degenerate is NOKRI or
"foreign" vine! They became foreigners among foreigners. They became the latter day Gentiles! In Hebrew today the term NOKRI LITERALLY MEANS GENTILE. The olive tree of Ephraim had become so degenerate, that it took on
the behaviors and features of the non-Israelite nations! Rabbi Moshe Joseph Koniuchowsky The Truth about All Israel
We now have the understanding from Scripture and history that the
EPHRAYIM. When the two Kingdoms split they became TWO OLIVE
TREES-a cultivated tree (or the rootstock out of Yahudah as embodied
by Yahshua), and a scion (Ephrayim) that became scattered into ALL the
nations and became the degenerated vine or wild shoots (yet from the
original tree). Yahudah was able to preserve some of the original
richness and fatness of the Root be preserving Torah and its identity.
It kept most of the characteristics of the original tree. While
Ephrayim in becoming a wild tree, left Torah and adopted many pagan
"Gentile" ways, it DID have a revelation of Yahshua as the Moshiach.
The plan of Yahweh as proclaimed by the Navaim was to bring these two
trees back together in Moshiach or a Greater Melek Dawid (Yahshua)
-see Yechezqel 37.
We are now ready to tackle the Olive Tree of Romans chapter 11 and
find out who the "wild olive branches" are according to Scripture.
There are many misconceptions concerning the Olive Tree and the Root.
Most people believe the Olive Tree and the root are the Jews, so they
spend all their time, money, and efforts in Jewish evangelism or
studying their "Jewish Roots". They also claim that the "wild olive
branches" are the Gentiles, and that the poor adopted "Gentiles " are
grafted into the Jewish Olive Tree-destined to always have a second
class or associate membership in the Body of Moshiach. Thus we end up
with thousands of "Gentile" Believers that are Jewish-want-to-be's
and always envious of Yahudah.
They spend all their hours trying to prove somewhere down the line
great-great-great- grandma had Jewish blood, therefore they can join a
Messianic Jewish Congregation. Also, with that mind-set they seek
conversion to Judaism (be it Messianic or some other brand) to gain
the acceptance of the Messianic Community (who by the way are now
accepting conversions). All this is contrary to Scripture and negates
what Moshiach came to do. It establishes the ONE-HOUSE HERESY of Jew
and Gentile. It totally leaves out the other 10 tribes of Yisrael who
were swallowed up by the nations and assimilated into the various
cultures of the Gentiles.
The Torah of Kil'ayim or mixture proves that the wild olive branches
of Romans 11 are NOT the "Gentiles" as many teach, but are Yisraelites
from the Northern Kingdom of Ephraim [Yisrael] returning to Yahweh by
belief in Moshiach Yahshua. Through the grafting process of belief
(not faith), they are being grafted BACK INTO the Olive Tree of
Yisrael (the Whole House of Yisrael -12 Tribes). Remember this law
The ROOT is Moshiach Yahshua: In Hebrew the word is sheresh from the root sharash meaning "root, bottom, deep, to root, to
strike the ground." The Greek is rhiza and means "a
root, cause, origin, source, shoot, out of dry ground, and the Root of Dawid." See Revelation 5:5,22:16; Yeshayahu 11:10,53:2. Romans 11:16b
says, "And if the Root is set-apart, so are the branches."
The natural or cultivated branches are the Yahudim (Jews) or the rootstock. The word natural in the Greek is kata phusis
"meaning down- from growth, a lineal descent, genus, NATIVE, native disposition, constitution or usage." Otherwise, they (the
Jews) maintained the cultural appearance of the original olive tree that was native to the land of Yisrael.
The wild olive or uncultivated branches (notice they are NOT apple branches or peach branches) are NON-JEWISH YISRAELITES. The word wild in the Greek is agrielaios and means " AN OLIVE
TREE WHICH IS WILD!" It comes from the word agrios meaning "
wild as pertaining to the country, fierce, wild, raging; elaia "an
olive tree or fruit tree"; and agros meaning " a field
(vineyard), farm, country, LAND, piece of ground". We already know from
Yermeyahu 11 that the Olive Tree is Yisrael. Therefore, we can conclude that the
wild branches are Yisraelites not found in the Land of Yisrael that
have become wild, fierce, or raging-or GENTILES!
We are told in Romans chapter 11 by Rav Shaul that both type of
branches have been broken off because of "unbelief" or disobedience,
exactly whatYermeyahu 11 states! This proves that the Olive Tree is
Yisrael and these branches are all Yisraelites-both Jewish and
Non-Jewish or Ephrayim!
The capstone of this is in Romans 11:25 -26 where Rav Shaul states
that"..Until the completeness or fullness of the Gentiles (Hebrew melo
haGoyim) has come in. And SO ALL YISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED, AS IT
HAS BEEN WRITTEN, "the Deliverer (Moshiach) shall come out of Tziyon,
and He shall turn away wickedness from Ya'aqov (Israel). "He (Rav
Shaul) is quoting from Beresheet 48:19 when Ya'aqov (Yisrael) is
blessing Ephrayim, the son of Yosef and the Gentile wife Asenath. The
Artscroll Series commentary on the Torah says, "melo means a fullness
and connotes abundance.. Meaning: his seed will become the abundance
OTHERS." David Stern says, " His descendants [speaking of Ephrayim]
will grow into many nations." Rashi says, " A multitude of nations but
more literally, SHALL FILL THE NATIONS." Rav Shaul was revealing the
Mystery of the Olive Tree to the congregation at Rome. He knew in
order for ALL YISRAEL to be saved that ALL 12 TRIBES HAD TO COME BACK
"If Romans 11:17-24 refers to Jeremiah's olive tree, which
both houses of Israel, then the Israel referred to in verse 25 must
also refer to all Israel, not just Jewish-Israel." The Truth About All
Israel by Rabbi Moshe Joseph Koniuchowsky
The Ephraimites are returning to Yahweh through Yahshua and being
grafted back into their original olive tree-Yisrael. They are
partaking of the fatness of the Root -Yahshua the embodiment of the
Torah, Prophets, Writings, and the covenants to Yisrael.
According to the Torah of Kil'ayim this is THE TRUTH ABOUT ALL
YISRAEL! Yahweh will not break His Torah, and we can see now the
wisdom and the reason He gave this law to Yisrael.Kil'ayim reveals His
latter-day plan to those who are willing to seek His wisdom behind
this chuchim.
The Torah of Beresheet also helps us to understand that the fruit of
an Olive Tree [Yisrael] bears seed [or physical descendants] after its
own kind. Therefore according to this law established at creation by
Yahweh, the wild branches have to be blood descendants of the original
tree! Remember that no matter where they are, or how they act, they
are still Yisraelites! Plus we have the promise made to Avraham that
his seed would fill the earth and become many nations! But that is
another article!
How then do the pure "Gentiles" or Goyim come into the Olive Tree and
how are they grafted in? I believe they are the THIRD BRANCH or the
THIRD TREE (the interstem)! They too, are grafted into the Olive Tree
of Yisrael. How?
When a "Gentile" receives Yahshua the Messiah, we are told in
Ephesians chapter 2 that they become part of the Household of Yahweh
and fellow citizens of Yisrael THROUGH MOSHIACH YAHSHUA.If they have
"put on Moshiach" then they have become part of the Root [Yahshua the
total embodiment of Yisrael] and have become of the same species as
Yisrael and can be grafted in with the "wild olive branches" contrary
to nature, so the Torah of Kil'ayim and Beresheet is not broken. Let
me quote from The Truth About All Israel by Rabbi Moshe again, "Verses 11-16 in Romans 11,talks about the glory of Israel's Elohim
coming upon the non-Israelites or true Gentiles in the earth, because
of the stumbling of both houses (Isaiah 8:14) and subsequently being
broken off...The rest of the chapter deals with Israel and NOT the
nations!.. Notice that Gentiles, or non-Israelites are not olive
branches at all! Rather, they are branches of a different tree."
"Interstems serve and are used for two purposes. Sometimes a particular scion (branch) doesn't graft well onto a desirable rootstock.
In that case, an interstem of a variety which is COMPATABLE with BOTH the rootstock and the scion is inserted between the two to serve as a sort of a BRIDGE.Interstems are also used when the grower wants to deepen the anchorage of a certain rootstock but desires a dwarf tree." Backyard Fruits and Berries by D. Bilderback and D. Patent
Let not the son of the foreigner who has JOINED HIMSELF [or made himself compatible] to Yahweh speak saying, Yahweh has certainly separated me from His people [Yisrael], nor let the
eunuch say, "Look I am a dry tree..." Also the son of
the foreigner who join themselves to Yahweh, to serve [worship Him], and to LOVE THE NAME OF YAHWEH, to be His servants, all who guard my SABBATH, and not profane it, and hold fast to my covenant, them I shall bring to my set-apart mountain, and let them rejoice in my House of Prayer. Their burnt offerings [
totally being consumed with Yahweh] and their slaughterings [praise, prayers, and worship] are accepted on my altar, for My
House is called a house of Prayer for all the peoples. The Master
Yahweh, Who gathers the outcasts of Yisrael, declares, "I gather
still others to him besides those who are gathered to him." Yeshayahu 56:3-8
We can see that any Gentile who joins himself to Yahweh through
Moshiach Yahshua is acceptable or compatible to the rootstock Olive
Treeof Yisrael and can then be grafted into the Olive Tree as the
third tree. So,there is room on the Olive Tree of Yisrael for Yahudah,
Ephrayim, and the one from the nations who attaches himself to Yisrael
(as the TaNaK teaches about the stranger or "Ger."). Yahweh has always
made provision for the "goyim" IF they attach themselves to Yisrael
through the Name of Yahweh and the Torah. He [Yahweh] is doing the
same now through believe in Moshiach Yahshua. They begin with the four
Torah commands of Acts 15 and then sit and learn Torah and the Name in
a Messianic Congregation. Messianic Yisrael then becomes the House of
Prayer for all as Yahshua declared it to be!
In Mattithyahu 13:24-30,36-43 Yahshua tells a parable about the wheat
and the tares. He is explaining the principle of Kil'ayim (the sowing
of two kinds of seed in one field) and the end times to His talmidim.
This is a Two-House parable with many deeper truths hidden in it. We
need to look at the deeper meaning behind this parable. But first we
MUST establish who is the wheat in the parable.
Yochanan the Immerser tells us in Mattithyahu 3:12 that Moshiach
will come and gather His wheat into the STOREHOUSE (another name for
the Temple) and he will burn the chaff (the false doctrines and
unusable part of the wheat) in unquenchable fire of judgment.
Yirmeyahu 23:25-40 declares the chaff is the sayings of FALSE PROPHETS and the fire is the Word of Yahweh that judges them. He says, "what is the chaff to the wheat [the true remnant of
Yahshua in Yochanan12: 24, in speaking of His true talmidim that would lose their lives to gain it, says, "...unless a grain
of WHEAT falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone.."
In the parable in verse 37-38 ,Yahshua tells us that , " He
who is sowing the good SEED is the Son of Adam [Moshiach] and
the wheat is the good SEED. The wheat are the sons of the reign
or Kingdom [Restored Yisrael] but the darnel are the sons of the evil
one [Satan/Hillel/Venus]"
The wheat therefore is the True Believing Remnant of Yisrael sow into
the world (the field) by Yahshua. But who are the darnel or tares?
These are sown by the enemy (#2190 echthros from the word echtho - to hate, hateful, hostile, adversary, Satan, foe) while men slept (the watchmen over Yisrael). Yahshua tells us these
are the sonsSatan/Hillel/the Devil.
Tares in the Greek is #2215 zizanion- darnel, FALSE GRAIN, tares. These look like wheat and grow among the wheat UNTIL the harvest comes. Why? At the harvest the FRUIT on the grain is apparent.
Tares are a poisonous grass, almost indistinguishable from
the wheat in the blade. But when they come to ear or fruit is shown, they
can be separated without difficulty.
Also, in verse 41 of this parable, Yahshua informs us that the tares
are stumbling blocks in the Kingdom and are those who are lawless or
do not keep Torah. So, we can understand from Scripture that the
tares are people who are among the wheat yet do not believe that
Torah is for today, nor do they practice it.
"Bible Manners and Customs" by J. Freeman says on page
350 about this parable, " A man wishing to do his enemy an
injury, watches for the time when he shall have finished plowing his
field, and in the night [darkness: the time of evil], he goes into the
field and scatters pandinellu, or "pig-paddy". This
being of rapid growth springs up before the good seed, and scatters itself before the other can be reaped, so that the poor owner of
the field will be YEARS before he can rid the soil of the
troublesome weed."
We know then from these sources and from the mouth of Yahshua Himself that the tares or darnel are FALSE Yisraelites among the TRUE. Their
fruit is very poisonous if eaten by man or animal. Unfortunately, they
cannot be distinguished until the harvest is ready for the messengers,
the reapers-the malakim of Yahweh at the Time of the Ingathering!
NOTE: These messengers may not be "angels" per say, but men who are
messengers of Yahweh in the latter days who are gathering Yisrael
Yahshua then says verses 30 and 42 of chapter 13; that FIRST the tares
are to be gathered and bundled [sorry this disproves any pre-trib
rapture because you do NOT want to be in the first "rapture" unless
you are a tare]. Then we are told they (the tares) are to be burned in
the furnace of fire (Gehenna).
Remember in Devarin22: 9-11 when speaking of the field with two different kinds of seed or a forbidden mixture that, " and
the fruit of your vineyard be defiled." The Scriptures. In The Torah: A Modern Commentary it translates that verse from the Hebrew, "and the yield of your vineyard may not be
used." In the notes commenting on this translation it says, " Literally;
lest it become sacred, i.e. set aside for [Yahweh's] use. Tradition provided for that the field BE BURNED."
In the parable of the wheat and the tares, Yahshua is giving us an
end-time scenario by using this Torah of Kil'ayim to explain the final
harvest at the end of the age. There will be those among us who are
not True Yisraelites, sown by Hasatan/Hillel/Venus, that will be
scattered with us in the field (world). They are to be among us UNTIL
the reapers or malakim of Yahweh separate us at the end.
With a proper understanding of this law from the Torah, Kil'ayim or
forbidden mixture, we can now prove that the wild olive branches of
Romans 11 are Yisraelites and not Gentiles as the "kirch" and
Messianic Judaism teaches. The olive tree is Yisrael not Judah, and
the root is Yahshua. Torah forbids the grafting of two different
species together. Rav Shaul used this law to explain the Truth of the
Two Houses and the Mystery of the Olive Tree-Yisrael!
Yahshua used this law to explain the parable of the wheat and the
tares, proving only Yisrael will be gathered into the granary of
Yahweh. At the end of the age, the FALSE Israel (that grows together
with the TRUE) will be gathered and burned because of lawlessness-the
poisonous fruit of "antinomianism." Yahshua called the tares; the sons
of the Devil. ANYTHING that offends must be gathered and burned BEFORE
the Kingship of Yahshua/Yahweh is established on the earth in the
Millennium. I pray that Yahweh will bless your understanding of the
law of Kil'ayim and the Olive Tree.
Rabbi Edward "Levi " Nydle B'nai Avraham Messianic Congregation
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