HHMI Newsgroup Archives
From: Yair Davidiy [mailto:britam@netvision.net.il]
To: heb_roots_chr@hebroots.org
Subject: Thoughts on Brit-Am
Yair Davidi is an ORTHODOX JEW who lives in Jerusalem, Israel and has a ministry (Brit-Am) devoted and dedicated to doing research and spreading awareness of the Ten Lost Tribes and their reunification with the house of Judah in the end of days.
by Yair Davidi
Brit-Am has good and valuable information and an important message. We intend to intensify our efforts in every direction. This is our duty and we do not know how much time remains to fulfill this mission that has been given unto us.
We need more involvement from others. We need feedback: observations, criticisms, requests, complaints, suggestions, etc. We try in principle to answer all letters but often it does not work out that way but all letters are read and all ideas taken into consideration. Most letters are answered. I personally have experienced bonds of friendship with quite a few of you, have received advice that was useful and on some occasions have given advice when asked. We would like to close somewhat whatever distance exists between ourselves. We also need those who are capable of writing articles and have something to worth saying to do so. At the moment we cannot pay anybody anything. On the contrary we need more contributions and bulk purchases in order to function. Things may change but at the moment we need increased and more regular funding to put out the message and to improve it. Please contribute if you can. If you believe in Brit-Am please do what you can to spread the message.
Yair Davidi
From: Sharon Lindstrom
Subject: Re: Message from Brit-Am
Hi Yair,
You've asked for some feedback from readers regarding the articles and commentaries posted by Brit Am. Brit Am is very important to me (and I think to all Israelites) in that it gives meaning and substance to the tribes of Israel. It makes it real and not just a spiritualized thing. It brings to light the reality of the Bible and who we are as a people.
But we (within Brit Am) have differences in our beliefs in Messiah. Yeshua-followers have their reasons -- they are very real and they have scriptural support for their beliefs. Likewise, Judah looks to a future Messiah who is very real and they have scriptural support for their beliefs as well. However, there is a HUGE middle ground between them. I do not know how to breach that middle ground without stepping on each other's toes. It seems impossible unless one bends to the other. Yet neither of us will, or should have to do that in order for our personal goals and visions of how we should be with each other come to pass. But the middle ground between Judah and Ephraim is huge, like a giant cavern. And within it lies Messiah. Messiah is a heated subject with us. I have seen us rise up and defend our beliefs in Him against each other. Yet I have seen you, on behalf of Brit Am and its message to Israel, manage somehow -- miraculously in my opinion -- turn us towards a common goal and inner desire to get to know each other, and focus our minds and hearts together in a way that we don't insult and attack each other.
I personally do not agree with you on some scriptural points as I am sure you do not agree with me either on some scriptural points. There is NO bridging that gap. I have learned that I will find very few, if any, Orthodox Jews who will accept Messiah as I believe, and likewise, Judah will not find many Christians who would cross the gap from what they've known and learned about Messiah.
So there it is. We have a gap. Neither of us will cross it of our own human ways and understandings. We will cross it by the power of G-d and only by His power and in His time. For now, He brings us together and He has opened ways by which we can communicate and actually find that we really care about and like each other -- that is SO miraculous! (and I DON'T really mean that in a joking way even though I am somewhat jocular in the statement). The point is -- Judah and Ephraim are the most unlikely pair one could imagine, yet when they do actually unite in a common cause they behave like brothers separated at birth. It is a very powerful thing. Men have studied brothers separated at birth for centuries yet no one has ever used Judah and Ephraim as the experiment! ... (o my, what one could LEARN! :-) Nevertheless, all differences aside, I wanted to give you my thoughts and I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate and value the studies and information you share. It's very special to me and it determines much in the way of how I raise my family -- my kids have never been "better kids" since I have been studying and teaching them about the tribes. So thank you. God bless you and I hope you have a safe and happy Passover. This Seder will my second so far and I'm looking forward to it again -- I love it :-) ... what a beautiful Holy Day!
From: Joan Griffith
Subject: Re: Message from Brit-Am
Hello, Yair,
You wrote: Someone sent me a letter some time ago pointing out that we are attempting to promote a message that has a strong religious content and this is difficult since I am an Orthodox Jew and many (most) of our subscribers are Christians.
I think that this is a sort of "red herring" statement. Misleading. I was raised in the Baptist church, and I attended Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Brethren, and many other versions of Christian churches, and while we had our own celebrations, such as Christmas (which I discarded in favor of Sabbath & holy days), the Jews and Judaism were held forth in all of these groups as the true, basic religion, except for our belief in Jesus Christ. I think you have found for yourself that most Christians will listen to what you say from the Old Testament, and even solicit the scripture/discussions that you send out (even if they might say, "but we think that refers to Jesus" and you say, "but I don't believe in Jesus") ...It's a sort of hazard of life that if you scratch a Christian you will hear about Jesus and what he means in the Christian's life. That may be difficult for an Orthodox Jew, but I think you have the best of attitudes, that we are all seeking the same God and relate in different ways to the same scriptures.
However, what all of us need to realize is that there is this great curiosity and need for Christians to seek their roots from the Jews. I think that may be at the base of why so many Christians want to associate themselves with the Lost Tribes and, yes, look into the Jewish faith. (And remember, the scriptures say that in the last days one will take hold of a Jew and say Show me how to worship God, for we know God is with you (that is just a remembered verse))
Joan Griffith
From: Yair Davidiy [mailto:britam@netvision.net.il]
To: heb_roots_chr@hebroots.org
Subject: Brit-Am: How Can You Help?
by Yair Davidi
How Can You Help?
This is a question that is asked on occasion and the fact is that a need for help is felt by us. The fact that you have received this message and feel the need to do something shows that you have a certain uniqueness. Everything has a purpose and reason. We are not all the same. There are small marginal differences between each and every one of us that qualitatively can be immensely important. The fact that this message has reached you and had an impact on you shows that in that respect you are chosen out for a reason. You can help us firstly by looking after yourself and your family and those upon whom you have an effect. We want our message to be positive and to have a good effect. By making yourself a better person you do something to further justify our efforts. You can help us by taking the message to heart, understanding what we are saying and, where possible, influencing others to take notice of this message. Pray to God for guidance. Learn the Bible, learn our message, do as well as you can according to your abilities and understanding and strive to deepen this understanding. Beyond that you may help us by doing what you can to meet the needs of Brit-Am according to your abilities: We need our message to be known to as many people as possible. We need the message to be learnt. We need our publications to be purchased, to re-print works that are out of print and to print new works. We need financial contributions. We need people to join branches of Brit-Am and to do whatever they can to make Brit-Am viable. We have answers to questions that need to be answered and the answers are positive. Those people who have the ability and inclination to do research of their own could also assist us and through us help others. Brit-Am believes that it is working for the good of Judah and all other Israelite Peoples, i.e. for the good of many people primarily in the West but also elsewhere, for the god of the USA, of Canada, of Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the State of Israel, etc. We are the ones that in our own little way pull everything together. In a sense we survive due to the psychic (spiritual) and material input and support of those who resonate with us. We reflect our supporters and represent them. It is a two-way street: the better you are the better we can become. The more you support us the better can you be represented. Brit-Am is in your interest. It is for you. There is a saying that has some truth in it: Whatever you do, you do for yourself. Whatever you give, you give to yourself. There are people who help us in numerous ways: Without the help of these people we would be virtually non-existent. At present we are faced with the goals: to survive, to improve, to expand. We would wish you to become part of us while maintaining the necessary distance and mutual respect that we all need.
God bless you all,
Yair Davidiy.
Three 60-minute tapes by Yair Davidi are now available:
T.2 Prophecy and The Lost Ten Tribes: IDENTIFYING BLESSINGS OF ISRAEL
T.3 Transcript Tape
Excerpts from the first tape may be heard on our web-site at http://www.britam.org/
The tapes may be obtained for $40 for all three tapes. The price includes postage by registered air-mail and the printed transcript of each tape. The transcript of each tape may also be seen at our web-site in addition to be sent out to the Brit-Am e-mail list. The tapes are worth listening to and by buying the tapes you help support Brit-Am.
Yair Davidi
Brit-Am Israel
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004
"And I will make of you a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great. And you shall be a blessing. "And I will bless they who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed. (Gensis 12;2-3).
The Principles of Brit-Am require:
1. Acceptance of Prophecy.
2. Self-Respect (no hatred of fellow Israelite groups, no antisemitism)
3. Acknowledgement of The Israelite Identity of many
people amongst Western Nations.
The aims of Brit-Am are to encourage:
1. The spread of Identity Awareness.
2. Increased Identity research and clarification.
3. Association of members together for the sake of
mutual-empowerment, learning and fellowship.
The giving of donations together with the ordering of publications enables Brit-Am to function.
Send to:
Yair Davidi
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004
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