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From: 	 heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com
Sent: 	 Tuesday, June 17, 1997 1:14 AM
To: 	 Parasha-Page List
Subject: Torah Weekly - Beha'aloscha

Reply-to:      ohr@jer1.co.il
From:          "Ohr Somayach" <ohr@jer1.co.il>
To:            " Highlights of the Torah weekly portion" <weekly@jer1.co.il>
Subject:       Torah Weekly - Beha'aloscha
Highlights of the Weekly Torah Portion
with "Fatherly Advice" Tidbits from The Ethics of our Fathers 
Parshas Beha'aloscha
For the week ending 16 Sivan 5757
20 & 21 June 1997

Aaron is taught the method for kindling the Menorah.  Moshe sanctifies the 
Levi'im to work in the Mishkan.  They replace the firstborn, who were 
disqualified after sinning with the golden calf.  After five years of 
training, the Levi'im serve in the Mishkan from ages 30 to 50; afterwards 
they engage in less strenuous work.  One year after the Exodus from Egypt, 
Hashem commands Moshe concerning the Korban Pesach.  Those ineligible for 
the Korban Pesach request a remedy, and thus the giving of the mitzvah of 
Pesach Sheini, which allows a "second chance" to offer the Korban Pesach 
one month later.  Miraculous clouds, that hover near the Mishkan, signal 
when to travel and when to camp.  Two silver trumpets summon the princes or 
the entire nation for announcements.  The trumpets also signal travel 
plans, war or festivals.  The order in which the Tribes march is specified.  
Moshe invites his father-in-law, Yisro, to join the Bnei Yisrael, but Yisro 
returns to Midian.  At the instigation of the Eruv Rav (the mixed multitude 
of Egyptians who joined the Bnei Yisrael in the Exodus) some of the people 
complain about the manna.  Moshe protests that he is unable to govern the 
nation alone.  Hashem tells him to select 70 elders, the first Sanhedrin, 
to assist him, and informs him that the people will be given meat until 
they will be sickened by it.  Two candidates for the group of elders 
prophesy beyond their mandate, foretelling that Yehoshua instead of Moshe 
will bring the people to Canaan.  Some protest, including Yehoshua, but 
Moshe is pleased that others have become Prophets.  Hashem sends an 
incessant supply of quail for those who complained that they lacked meat.  
A plague punishes those who complained.  Miriam makes a constructive remark 
to Aaron which also implies that Moshe is only like other Prophets.  Hashem 
explains that Moshe's prophecy is superior to that of any other Prophet, 
and punishes Miriam with tzara'as, as if she had gossiped about her 
brother.  Moshe prays for her, and the nation waits until she is cured 
before traveling.




Haftorah: Zecharia 2:14 -4:7


"For behold I will bring you my servant -- the flourishing one" (3:8)

Why is The Mashiach referred to as the `flourishing one?'  

Even though today it seems that all remnant of the majesty of the Royal 
House of David has been uprooted and has vanished into nothingness, 
nevertheless, the root is still living, hidden and dormant.  

Immediately prior to the coming of Mashiach, there will be tremendous 
confusion in the world.  Everything will seem to have gone haywire.  The 
natural order will be turned on its head:  Age will bow to youth.  Ugliness 
will be trumpeted as beauty, and what is beautiful will be disparaged as 
unattractive.  Barbarism will be lauded as culture.  And culture will be 
dismissed as worthless.  

The hunger of consumerism and the lust for material wealth will grow more 
and more, and it will find less and less to satisfy its voracity.  
Eventually Esav/Materialism will grow so rapacious that it will become its 
own angel of death.  It will literally consume itself and regurgitate 
itself back out.  

However, from this decay,  the line of David will sprout, like a plant that 
springs forth from no more than the dirt of the ground.  There will be 
three wars of confusion, and then, at the appropriate moment, the Mashiach 
will appear like a majestic tree flourishing from barren ground, laden with 
fruit, revealed to all.  


o  Kilroy Was Here - The Kotzke Rebbe, Rabbi Yehoshua Bertram
o  For Keep's Sake - Pirkei Avos 4:2, Rabbi Meir Chadash, Rabbi Menachem
   Zvi Goldbaum in `Moser Derech'
o  The Best Man For The Job? - Ruach HaChaim
o  Chanukah Gelt - Ramban
o  Bio-Degradation - Malbim, Ohr Yesharim in the Hagadah Migdal Ader

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Production Design: Lev Seltzer
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                     Eddie Chumney
                     Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l

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