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From: 	 heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com
Sent: 	 Thursday, July 03, 1997 1:34 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Re: The birth of Yeshua

From:	 Jack Kilmon
To:	 heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject: Re: The birth of Yeshua

heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com wrote:

> From:	   Stefan Blad
> To:	   "'Hebrew roots'" <heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com>
> Subject: The birth of Yeshua
> I am personally convinced that Yeshua placed His tent among us during one of  the first days of the feast of the tabernacles, at
> the end of September or beginning of October.

A very informative post.  I shall archive it.  Conforming to Stefan's position of the end of September or beginning of October:

In Prague, in 1603, shortly before Christmas, the astronomer and mathematician, Johannes Kepler, was making observations of the stars
through his rudimentary telescope.  He was observing the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces.  The two planets had
converged to look like one larger and new "star."  Kepler later remembered something he had read by the Rabbinical writer, Abravanel
(1437-1508).  Jewish astrologers maintained that when there was a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces, the Messiah would come.  In
ancient Jewish astrology, the constellation of Pisces was known as the House of Israel, the sign of the Messiah.  Jupiter was the royal star of
the house of David and Saturn was the protecting star of Israel, the Messiah's Star  Since the constellation of Pisces was the point in the
heavens where the sun ended it's old course and began its new, it is understandable why this conjunction would be viewed as a portent of the

In 1925, the German Scholar P. Schnabel found, among the endless cuneiform records of dates and observations, a note on a conjunction of
Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces. The position of Jupiter and Saturn, converged in Pisces, had been recorded over a period
of five months in 7 B.C.E!!  Calculations show that the conjunction was observable three times over the course of the year, May 29, OCTOBER 3,
and December 4.

The conjunction in Pisces is observable in the southern sky over Judea and would sit directly over Bethlehem if one were observing along the
road leading from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.  Matthew 2:2 stating "We have seen his star in the east" is a mistranslation of the Greek phrase en th
anatolh "in the east" from the original wording which means idiomatically, "the first light of dawn" (which comes from the east)
when the conjunction is visible.

I agree with Stefan and take 10 Tishri 3755 as the date of Y'shua's birth.

Jack Kilmon

From Eddie:


Stefan presented that Yeshua was born during TABERNACLES (beginning on Tishri 15) NOT on Tishri 10 (which is Yom 
Kippur) as you stated above.  What Stefan presented is given again below.  I also present the same conclusion in my book, "The Seven 
Festivals of the Messiah" in the chapter dealing with Tabernacles. It  can be read "on-line" at:

http://www.hebroots.org/eddiesbooks.htm - go to chapter 9

> I am personally convinced that Yeshua placed His tent among us during one of  the first days of the feast of the tabernacles, at
> the end of September or beginning of October            Stefan


From:          Gregory Richardson 
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Birth of Yeshua

Hey Rooters!

The night of (Tishri 15) October 15th, 1997 is the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Yeshua to a Jewish virgin.  The decree for a census
went out from Caesar Augustus in 4 BC.  When you add 4 to 1997 and subtract 1 (because there was no year zero) you get 2000.


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