HHMI Newsgroup Archives

From: 	 heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com
Sent: 	 Tuesday, July 22, 1997 10:47 PM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup; mizrahictrn@springmail.com
Subject: The healing power of God

From:          Lenora Strickland
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Re: Healing Testimonies of Stefan Blad

I am concerned about the Healing Testimonies of Stefan Blad.  
Arms and Legs growing?  

From:          Stefan Blad 
To:            "'heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com'"<heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com> 
Subject:       RE: Healing Testimonies of Stefan Blad

"And Jesus departed fron there, skirted the Sea of Galilee, and went up on the mountain and sat down there. The freat multitudes came to
Him, having with them those who were lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus' feet, and He healed
them. So the multitude marveled when they saw the mute speaking, THE MAIMED MADE WHOLE, THE LAME WALKING, and the blind seeing; and they
glorified the God of Israel." Mat 15:29-31

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than theese he will do, because
I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, tha I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John 14:12-13

"Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ (The Messiah) to them. And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things
spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were
posessed; AND MANY WHO WERE PARALYZED AND LAME WERE HEALED. And there was great joy in that city." Acts 8:5-8

"Yeshua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Heb 13:8

"As in the days when you came out of the land of Egypt, I will show them marvelous things" Micah 7:15

May the G'd of Israel bless you



From:          Riki Mizrahi 
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Shalom: re: Stefan Balad testimony

I have a similar testimony and would like to email to Stefan if this is possilbe- or snailmail.  Is this possible? Thank you for your
response Nazira Mizrahi

From Eddie:

         Why don't you tell the entire newsgroup ???


From:          Luanne Brown
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Re: Healing Testimonies of Stefan Blad

This is in response to Larry's question of God's healing power.  I had a 
personal experience when my little girl, Jordyn, was 4 years old (she's 7
now).  My husband and I were taking a trip, but weren't able to take the
children with us.  Now the question of healing had been on my mind.  I had
seen people sick but I didn't see any healing power going forth.  I began to
pray to the Lord regarding healing.  I had a friend also who was very sick.
Anyway,  over time I really got discouraged about this "so called healing".

My faith began to plummet.  I said within myself, maybe healing really was
for Bible times only.  I was so discouraged about "spiritual healing".
Anyway to make a long story short, on our way back home, we were at the
airport waiting on our plane, I decided to read the Bible.  So I went back
behind a petition (not because I was ashamed) but just to be alone.  A man
(whom I never seen in my life) came around the petition and said "that's a
good book you're reading".  I said "yes, it is".   And the very next thing he
said as he sat down next to me was "you know, God does still heal in this
day".  Well at this time my mouth just dropped open and I couldn't believe
what I was hearing.  He went on to tell me how the Lord had miracously healed
his wife from liver cancer.   Cancer had just about eaten up her liver and
the doctors at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota said there was no hope and nothing
more they could do.  Well he went home and prayed and cried out to the Lord.
 The next day the hospital called and told him to come right away.  He just
knew she had passed away.  But when he got there the doctors said something
has happened and we don't know how to explain it.  They said your wife woke
up this morning and wanted a full meal (she had been so sick she wasn't able
to eat).  They took xrays and said she had a liver like that of a newborn

My heart soared in worship to the Lord for what he had miracously done!  Well
little did I know I was going home to a very, very sick little girl.  When we
got home my daughters ankle was sore. We thought she had sprang it.  But our
babysitter said no she didn't.  She said she was fine up until the day we
returned.  That night she became hesterical.  We took her to the doctor and
he concluded that she had  strepocaucus (I think thats how it's spelled) the
flesh eating disease.  She had somehow gotten strep throat and the infection
went into her bloodstream and settled in her ankle bone.  They immediately
admitted her to the hospital.  There were five doctors working on this little
girl.  Partly, because they had never seen a case as severe as this one.  Our
daughter had this infection in her for at least 5-6 days before it was
detected.  She should have been dead.  But God had already sent me and my
husband a word, that he still heals in this day!!

Even after they ran test to see what type of infection the strep infection
had caused in the ankle, it took them 24 to 48 hours.  Time was running out.
We began to pray and we would stand by her bed praying and singing praises
to the Lord.  She was in so much pain, they were giving her morphine.  Every
time she would have severe pain we began to sing a song "Oh how he loves you
and me".  The pain would immediately lift.  The nurses would look at her and
see her pain and would ask my husband and me to sing to her.  They said she
seems to get better when you are singing.  They even seen God working.  God
was working his healing power through worship in song.  Although this wasn't
done in one big swoop, God nevertheless healed our daughter.  The doctors
were worried that the infection near her growth plate in her ankle might
stump her growth in that particular leg.  But God said no, HE stills heals in
this day.  Needless to say she did come through healthy and strong.

Jordyn's leg and ankle are just as healthy and strong and she is getting so
tall.  Know and believe that God is healing in this day.  He convinced me!  I
will never doubt again!  I Praise God for his healing power!

Luanne Brown


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