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From: 	 heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com
Sent: 	 Wednesday, July 30, 1997 12:36 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Re: Jewish Worship

> From:		heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com
> To:		Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
> Subject:	Jewish Worship
> From:          "Ross Family" 
> To:            <heb_roots_chr@geocities.com>
> Subject:       Jewish Worship
> I've been asked to do a teaching on Jewish Worship at our Church on Wedneday night.    ........  I   need all the information
> anyone can give me on the Biblical basis for Jewish worship -- book, chapter and verse!  
> From Eddie:
> ***************
> Yeshua/Jesus was born a Jew, lived a Jew, died a Jew. The Apostle Paul kept the Jewish customs AFTER he became a believer in 
> Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah.
> This should get you started ...


From:          Bill Zack 
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Re: Jewish Worship


I may not be able to give you the chapt and verse for the order of service, but I can give you what the order of service is for a
Messianic Synagogue is.  As I understand it, the order of service for us is very similar, if not the same, as for a Jewish Synagogue.  Here
it is:

The Barechoo (Oh Bless Ye)
Bless the L-rd who is blessed.

V'Shamroo-I can't find the scripture right now, but it is a rememberance of G-d's instruction to keep the Shabbat.  "The children
of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations as a everlasting covenant.  It is a sign between me
and the children of Israel forever, that in six days the L-rd made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he ceased from work and

Lecha Dodi - This is a song or prayer that is sung and is quite beautiful....Come, my beloved, with chorus of praise, welcom bride
Sabbath, the Queen of the days.  "Keep and Remember" - in one divine word He that is one made his will heard; One is the name of Him,  One
is the L-rd! His are the fame and the glory and praise!  Rise.  O my flok from the dust of the earth, garb thee in rainment beseeming they
worth; Remembering the hour of the Bethlehemite's birth, Look toward Yeshua, our Atonement he stays.

Kindling the Sabbath Lights - This is the traditional lighting of the Shabbat candles. After the candles are lit by a lady, she passes her
hands over them symbolically spreading the light throughout the synagogue and prays "Blessed are you, O L-rd, Ruler of the unvierse
who has sanctified us by your Word and commanded us to be a light for the nations and gave us Yeshua, our Messiah, the light of the Word. 

Kiddush - Sanctification - Genesis 2:2 is sung by the Cantor in Hebrew. Very beautiful.  It reminds us that G-d rested on the 7th day
and sanctified it and made it holy.  

The Kiddush also includes the blessing over the bread and wine symbolic of the cup of redemption(the 3rd passover cup I believe) and
the bread symbolic of Manna which was provided in the desert.

Shema - This is one of my favorites.  Deut 6:4 is sung.  It reminds us that G-d is Echad and that we should keep the remembrance of G-d with
us always.

Then the traditional sermon and message.

Finally, the Aaronic blessing is sung this is Num 6:24.

Hope this helps.  In Hebrew, it is very beautiful and very meaningful to the heart.




From:          Jim Henkel
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Re: Jewish Worship

There are numerous web sites that have more info then you can use be ready with discs for download and a ton of paper and its great info
Eddie's book seven festivals of the messiah is the best single source I've found so far.

the foundation of judaism by akiva aaronson, 
torah rediscovered by ariel and d'vorah berkowitz,
jewish roots by david juster
god's appointed times by braney kasdan

these should keep you busy for awhile, they provide a broad scope for learning,

jewish book of why the basic well also.

our small church just merged witha basic baptist, so we're starting over as well, we had a messianic oriented service before the
merge -our pastor's father-n-law is a messianic rabbi so we had "good" influence please do not deduct spelling, punctuation from my grade

hope this helps -call again



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