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From: heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 11:26 PM To: Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup Subject: Re: The parables of Jesus and Outer darkness From: Phil Bryant To: heb_roots_chr@geocities.com Subject: Re: The Ten Virgins From Phil: ************ On a personal note, I will consider your offer for your book, as I cannot argue with your relationship with the Hebrew from what I understand. I would also like to have your answer regarding the series of 4 parables. The parable of the sheep and goats is clear. From Eddie: ************** The parable of the SHEEP and the GOATS is a separation of NATIONS. In Matthew 25:31-32 it is written: "When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upn the throne of his glory. And before him shall be GATHERED ALL NATIONS and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats" In Zechariah 14:16 it is written: "And it shall come to pass that every one of the NATIONS WHICH ARE LEFT ..." Some nations WILL NOT make it through the tribulation. The nations who do will be separated as told in Matthew 25:31-32. Their judgment will be based on HOW they treated the Jewish people when they lived in their lands throughout the centuries. From Phil: ************ The parable of the wicked servant is also clear, as the goats or the wicked servant are cast into the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. The parable of the talents ends with the unwise servant being cast out of his masters sight. From Eddie: *************** I explain "outer darkness" in my book, "Who is the Bride of Christ?". The Bride will dwell in the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM. This city will be lit by the GLORY of God (Revelation 21:23). This glory in (Revelation 21:23) is ABSOLUTE LIGHT. The tabernacle of Moses was a PATTERN of the heavenly tabernacle (Hebrews 8:5, Rev 21:1-3). The "outer court" of the tabernacle was LIT by NATURAL SUNLIGHT. The "holy of holies" was lit with the GLORY of God. When you compare the GLORY OF GOD (ABSOLUTE LIGHT) with the sunlight of the SUN, then the sunlight of the sun would be considered "outer darkness" or "Shady". The Greek word for "outer darkness" is (4655) and is "skotos". The Strong's Greek dictionary tells us that this word "skotos" comes from the base of (4639) which is "skia" which is defined as meaning "shade, shady or shadow".. Therefore, "outer darkness" can mean the absence of ABSOLUTE LIGHT. I have a Zodhiates Hebrew/Greek Key Study Bible. Zodhiates is Greek and is a Greek scholar. He has a commentary on the Greek word "outer darkness" as it is used in the NT. He explains that it can refer to BOTH unbelievers AND believers who LOSE REWARDS and are therefore, "wailing and knashing of teeth". Here is what he writes: "The expression outer darkness occurs three times in the Bible (Matthew 8:12, 22:13, 25:30) and is always preceded by the definite article in Greek. It seems to have denoted an area outside a well-illuminated banquet hall where there was darkness (see the parable of the wedding feast in Matt 22:1-14). The person who managed to sneak into the banquet hall without the proper garment was cast into "outer darkness" separated from the ongoing feast. In the first two instances, "outer darkness" refers to a place of suffering for the unbelievers and is in contrast to the light where the believers will shine as the sun in the Kingdom of the Father (Matt 13:42-43). The "outer darkness" in (Matthew 8:12 and 22:13) is referring to Ge'ena (1-67) the "place of burning" (Matt 5:22, 29-30, 10:28, 18:9). The expression "outer darkness" in Matthew 25:30 occurs at the end of the parable of the talents which emphasizes the necessity of SERVING Christ faithfully. However, the "outer darkness" of Matthew 25:30 may not refer to Ge'ena. Others say that this parable does not refer to all to be unbelievers or hypocrites but to the believers who neglect to exercise their God-given talents. The Lord calls such a servent (wicked ...4190) and (cursed 2672) (Matthew 25:41) despite the fact that he is one of the Lord's servants. This is similiar to the instance where the Lord called Peter "Satan" (Matthew 16:23). Hence, these terms may also be applied to believers who have failed the Lord in their service. The words of Paul in I Corinthians 3:10-15 are in full support of the fact that the works of faith as servants will be tried by fire. Therefore, in this instance, the "outer darkness" may be a reference to a place of POSITION of far LESS REWARDS for the servants who proved themselves less diligent than those who used who used and exercised their talents to the fullest. The expression would then refer to degrees of the enjoyment in heaven rather than referring to hell. This teaching of varied rewards is part and parcel of the inherent doctrine of the NT that neither heaven nor hell are experienced equally by all because this would anull the justice of God. Entrance into heaven in gained by accepting Christ's sacrifice for justification but a person's REWARDS in heaven will be determined by what he did for Christ on earth (Matt 5:3-12, 7:21-23, 10:15, Luke 6:20-26, 12:47-48, Acts 10:4, 31, Romans 2:1-16, 14:10-23, I Cor 3:13, 4:5, II Cor 5:10, I John 4:17, Revelation 20:11-15) ..." So, "outer darkness" can refer to being cast into hell for an unbeliever. But for the believer, it can refer to being "outside" the ABSOLUTE presence of God (the Holy of Holies ... the place of the THRONE of God). Heaven is called a TABERNACLE (Hebrew 8:5, Revelation 21:1-3). From Phil: ************ Why would the parable of the 10 virgins be different from the rest? Why would Christ instruct his disciples about those who have been chosen to be saved then to differences in the church then back to the unsaved again? From Eddie: ************** It is not. You have misunderstood the other parables. From Phil: ************ This is important to understanding the message that Christ is portraying, as is clear that the parables have been interpreted differently. I appreciate your knowledge of our roots and of scripture. Phil From Eddie: ************** The most comprehensive explanations are given in my book, "Who is the Bride of Christ?". I have done my best to summarize things in this response. I hope that I have answered your question. ************************************************************************** From: "Suzanne Lancaster" To: <heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com> Subject: Re: Who Is the Bride of Christ Dear Eddie, Please put in big bold letters that I heartily and enthusiastically recommend your book -- both books, for that matter! Actually I think "Who Is the Bride of Christ?" is made even more powerful by the "Seven Feasts of Messiah" book, because the Feasts book is so eloquent in showing WHY the Bride must have a heart for Torah and the Feasts. And whereas a heart of stone gives an "I must" aspect to following Torah and observing the Feasts, the heart of flesh gives an "I get to" aspect to it. Just like one don't "have" to speak in tongues, one "gets" to! What bride has to have a 'law" that says she MUST open letters addressed to her from her Beloved? When I got love letters, I ran to the mailbox every day and RIPPED those envelopes open!! Anyone who tried to stop me might well need prayers for their eyes after getting them scratched out!! And if in even one sentence in one of his letters he had mentioned hoping I could fix spaghetti sauce the way his mother made it, I'd be over at her house in an instant wanting to learn every aspect to her own special way of fixing spaghetti sauce. And we've been married 17 years, but just a week ago I got to watch her make chicken and dumplings HER way; in fact she let me help her! She's a master in the kitchen! In notes I've written you before, Eddie, I've tried to convey how I have regarded in the past Israel to be our beloved mother-in-law, as Ruth loved Naomi, and what could ever be considered odd about what our mother-in-law does for the purpose of pleasing her precious son? ...Or Son? I don't allow anyone to tell ME any "stupid mother-in-law" jokes! Mine is a "mother-in-LOVE"! But then, too, your book has shown me the paucity of that analogy in the sense of "who is the Bride of Christ". May every one on this newssource read that book, and be faithful to enter into the Holy of Holies! That is our L-rd's desire for all of us; may all of us center our hearts on Him to do so! I know it is your bottom-line mindset of instructing us, Jew and non-Jew, in the ways of Torah, and thus you are the first who has explained these things powerfully enough to get through my thick non-Jewish skull, past the "we are not under the law" stuff and into rejoicing that He says "if you love Me, keep my Torah". Thanks to you, anew do I go daily into my Scriptures as I would rip open a love letter, eager to bask in and be taught by every word! Love in Him, Suzanne (Shoshannah) ***********************************************************************
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