Sent: 	 Monday, September 08, 1997 1:25 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: RE: Dream

Subject:       Dream

Dear Eddie,

I was drawn to the dream shared by brother Tony in the email this
morning.  I have been in constant prayer about it and remain so.  I am
sharing what I see from it and hope that it might edify your readers.  I
ask that you not include my name or other such revealing information.

Thank you,

The cow was not just the year 1996, but was the American church in the
year 1996.  The church has grown really big, but at what cost?  It is no
longer healthy and strong, but sick and dying.  The farmer (church
leaders) stood by and observed the sickness, yet did nothing to abate it,
as they thought the growth to be good.  (Is not church growth the golden
calf of the 90's?)  Though 97 will be a good year also, it will not be as
good as the year before.  The 97 offspring was not a calf because the
church has lost its childlike faith.  Also, it is not producing new
babies (born again believers), but rather converts who are unchanged from
the world (normal - not different and set apart as we are called to be). 
Without true growth, it will wither and become malnourished.  That is the
last cow.  

One question I have concerning the years is could the cows possibly
represent succeeding generations rather than succeeding years?  The
problems of Judges occurred only 3 generations after Noah.  

Tony is seeing what the church is producing when he sees theses things
come out of the cow.  The false prophet, too, will come out of the
church.  And, in their weakened state, many will follow him.  

The farmer took Tony inside the cow to brag of its "life" and "growth" -
how big it was.  He proceeded to the neck and shoulder because this is
the place the church leaders of today have taken - the neck is the
connection to the head and they have deceived the people into believing
that they (the leaders) are the people's connection to Christ (the head),
when, in reality, we all have access to Him.  The cow was basically
hollow because the church has been gutted out.  The very depths of its
being- the bowels, etc., have been removed.  It is empty and shallow,
having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.

Perhaps the concrete blocks represent the remnant and the board across
the top represents the platform of truth.  This is what truly supports
the church.

The cloth covering the neck area is the shroud the leaders have put up,
thus keeping people from seeing the true Messiah.  The blood is a result
of trying to sever the church from its true head.

"Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my
pasture! saith the Lord.  Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel
against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and
driven them away, and have not visited them: behold I will visit upon you
the evil of your doings, saith the Lord."  Jeremiah 23:1-2

This is what I feel God is showing me concerning the dream.  I do believe
the dream is from the Lord and I will continue to pray for wisdom and
discernment concerning it.  I would like to conclude by sharing something
that happened to me in 1996.  I was very discouraged with working in the
mainstream church.  My husband is a pastor, serving the Lord in the
mission field of the organized church system.  At times we do get
discouraged and wish to quit.  This particular time I was praying to the
Lord concerning my frustration.  I agonized in prayer and, after a time,
asked God for a special word to keep me going.  He led me to Jeremiah
23:4:  "And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and
they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking,
saith the Lord."  God has placed my husband in this mission field in
order to gather together the Lord's flock that have been scattered by the
other pastors.  There are many in the organized church system that really
do want to know the truth, but so many pastors today are tickling itching
ears, thus scattering the remnant.  I thank God for using my husband to
feed His sheep.  I thank God that my husband preaches the truth and those
eager to hear it come to be fed (though the number may be small).  Yes, I
still get frustrated, but I rest in Yeshua and the promise God has given
us.  Please pray for those who are called to minister for the Lord in
this way.  It would be easier to quit the organized church, but that
would be turning our back on the mission God has set before us.  The
prayers of fellow believers do much to add strength to our work.




From:          "MARET Systems International" 
To:           <> 
Subject:       dream 

I have not had a similar dream.  I have, however, been concerned about
the year 1998 for some time.  The number 1998 is 666 x 3.



From:          Nita Horner
Subject:       Re: Dream

Tony, your dream has prompted me to go ahead and send a dream I 
recently had in hopes that someone here can see what I cannot...I do
believe the Lord has given me partial understanding, but so that I
won't taint the water....I'll just send it here and see if anyone else
can interpret.  I, too, wondered about putting it in the newsgroup,
and finally, seeing yours, decided to do it now..

  Eddie, we trust your discretion.. if you chose not to include it,
that's fine.

  In this dream I was standing in a field...a large field.  As I
looked around I saw a white horse running toward me.  He was running 
very fast, and I was afraid.  I didn't know if he was going to be able to
stop when he reached me, or if the intent was to harm me.  I was just
afraid of either.. The horse was swift and beautiful and charging
right toward me.

  Near me all of a sudden was a tree.  I immediately climbed up into
the tree.  Then my attention was drawn to the tree itself. This tree
was two large branches coming from one trunk.  Almost like two trees.
The branches came up out of the trunk and were very smooth...big
rounded branches...the bark looked branched appearance of
the tree had been there for a long time and was worn.  It seemed to be
really important that I got this. There was no broken limb or anything
sharp.. (I wish I could show you a picture of the was almost
two trees with one trunk..and the place they joined was smooth.. worn,
I guess.. nothing broken or sticking up out of the joined area..

  As I looked back toward the rapidly approaching white horse, I then
noticed a gray donkey in front of it, running in terror. I hadn't seen
him before.  I watched as they both neared the tree... The donkey ran
right up to the tree, and leaped up to jump through the branched
areas.. Only as he did so, he stopped short....dead!  He laid
there..his head and front legs dangling over one side, his
hindquarters over the other side.. As I watched, he began to become
mottled....(this reminds me of Tony Valasek's dream) and his belly,
from my view began to change color and the skin appeared to decay.. as
I watched it did just that and I remember thinking..."Now I know for
sure he is dead".   I also knew there was no natural reason for him to
have died there dangling between the branched tree.. I remembered how
smooth it was...knew he hadn't landed on a sharp limb or anything.

 The white horse was near me.   I didn't look at him, but knew he
reared up to where his head was within reach of me.  I reached my hand toward
him, still not looking, and just as one would hand a horse an apple (I
thought that in my dream), I reached my hand into his mouth...then my
arm, as far as I could go... I was amazed that it was so soft and the
horse wasn't biting my arm..

 The next thing I knew I was in a room with people. There were many
cupboards and drawers, closets.... the people weren't paying attention
to me as I tried to find a place to hide from the white horse.. (still
trying to hide..) finally a woman looked toward me and asked why I was
here.  I explained that the white horse (now he was standing right
outside the window watching me) was wanting to get to me, and I was
afraid. I wanted her to help me get into one of the drawers..I had
planned to scoot in and move to the back.  She told me there was no
way I'd fit in there...and when I looked in, she was was
already filled with "stuff" (I couldn't tell what it was)..

  Others began to look at me, and then back to the horse.  Then to me
again and back to the horse.. evidently they were seeing something
that yoked us, me and the horse, but I don't know what.  There was
real surprise on their faces..  Finally the same woman spoke to
me.."that horse would never hurt you", she said..."especially not
you."  and the people were looking at me surprised that I would be
inside, and surprised that I would not know...whatever "knowing" means
in this dream..

  I awoke..  This has been with me for two weeks.. I asked the Lord to
let it go if it wasn't from Him... I'm not one to dream a lot, and the
details of this dream won't leave me.  The fact of the branched tree
and what the Lord has led me to here in the Hebraic Roots newsgroup
didn't even hit me until a few days ago...  so...what do you think? 
Do you think it may be more than just a personal thing?  I have some
interpretation, but if anyone's interested, I'll give it privately,
email..and not waste room here..  (

Love to you all....fellow sojourners.. You bless me with your 
contributions... I'm just a beginner in exploring the beginnings.. led
directly by the Precious Holy Spirit to this place..  Thank you...

Nita Horner
