Sent: 	 Tuesday, September 09, 1997 11:48 PM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: A prayer for Israel and the Jewish people

From:         "Suzanne Lancaster" 
To:           <>
Subject:      Prayer for Israel and the Jewish People


I preface this with information to you that I am a non-Jewish
believer in the G-d of Israel and a lover of His people, and
that is based upon the fact that I believe in the Jewish
Meschiach, "Hasher, haya, v'hovey, v'yavoh" (pardon my lack of
knowledge of Hebrew; trying to say "Who was, and Who is, and Who
is to come").  Please do not think, though, that I would dream
of trying to "convert" you, or change one ounce of your
Jewishness.  Indeed, my heart is to be one of ten gentiles who
grasp the garment of each Jew and says, "please take me with
you; I know you know the One True G-d".

That being said, my only consolation, and hopefully yours, is
the knowledge that the TaNaKh is true, and therefore we know the
ultimate end:  Israel's side wins!  And I pray daily for Israel
as a nation to come back to the place she was when she followed
Him completely, obediently, faithfully, and could rest in Him
who said, "Stand still, and see the Salvation of the L-rd",
along with King Yehosophat.  The timing of His entering into the
fray with His Shk'nah to fully destroy Israel's enemies will be
when she has her back to the wall enough to cry out to Him as in
days of old, and say, "Baruch ha-ba baShem Adonai".  I know that
at present, Israel has the military power to do this all by
herself, but she won't cry out to Him til she is aware that she
can't do it all by herself.  It may take being humiliated even
more and losing even more of her precious children, but I hope
that is not the case.  

That may not sound like much consolation; I don't speak well or
clearly sometimes, especially through tears.  But you are men
who have the ear of Israel, and even those in leadership, at
least to some degree.  And my cry to you is, Draw your people to
call, even now, for His help.  Urge them, especially the
leaders, to call, like Nehemiah did, for the people to come and
hear the Words of the Covenant when they hadn't heard it for 70
years.  Ask HaShem to raise up a prophet to whom the people will
listen, and sound the shofar to call them together, to hasten
the day (please, L-rd, let this come to pass soon!!) when all,
ALL the people will say:


Please, Sirs, YOU are His people!  YOU are His wife!  Respond to
His love that waits for you to call upon Him...please?

Thank you, and Sha-alu Shalom Yerushalayim!

Shalom (HIS Shalom), Suzanne (Shoshannah) Lancaster
Amarillo, Texas USA
