To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 02:14:36
Subject: Yom HaKeseh
From: Louise Cluff
Subject: Yom HaKeseh
Dear Eddie,
In your book the Seven Festivals of Messiah you tell about the Yom HaKeseh:
The Hidden Day. Can you give me more info. on the source. As far as I know
this is not practiced in modern Judaism - does it come from the old
Rabbinical teachings?
Baruch HaShem,
Louise Cluff
>From Eddie:
In Psalm 27:5 it is written:
"For in the time of trouble He shall HIDE me in His pavilion: in the
secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me: He shall set me upon a
Another name for Rosh HaShanah is "Yom HaKeseh", the Day of the
Hiding or the Hidden day. The term "keseh or keceh" is derived from
the Hebrew root "Kacah" which means to "conceal, cover, or hide".
Every morning during the month of Elul, a trumpet is blown to warn
the people to turn back to God, EXCEPT on the 30th day of Elul, the
DAY PRECEEDING Rosh HaShanah. On that day, the trumpet (shofar) is
not blown, and is therefore silent. This is to teach us that the day
of Rosh HaShanah is CONCEALED or HIDDEN. In Psalm 81:3 it is
"Sound the shofar on the New Moon, in CONCEALMENT of the day of our
Rosh HaShanah is HIDDEN from Satan so that he will not know about
the arrival of Rosh HaShanah also called the Day of Judgment (Yom
Because Rosh HaShanah is CONCEALED, this is another reason for
understanding the phrase "No one knows the day or the hour" as spoken
by Yeshua/Jesus in Matthew 24:36.
To our Western minds, Matthew 24:36 spoken by Yeshua/Jesus means
that "you cannot know when Messiah will return". From a Jewish mind,
this was/is an idiom for ROSH HASHANAH. Therefore, Yeshua/Jesus is
telling us that He will return on a future ROSH HASHANAH.
A Jewish reference for Rosh HaShanah being called "The Hidden
Day" can be found in the book, "The Complete Story of Tishrei" by
Nissan Mindel, (Brooklyn, New York: Mekkos L'inyonei Chinuch Inc,
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