Sent: 	 Tuesday, October 14, 1997 11:29 PM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Jesus in the Talmud


From:          Diana
To:            Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup <>
Subject:       Jesus in the Talmud

     Praise God! I have heard that some of the rabbis changed the name
of yahoshua in the Talmud as an expression of disapproval. Is this true?
If it is can you shed any light on how rabbinal jews view our Savior?

     Thank You

>From Eddie:

       In the Talmud Yeshua/Jesus is mentioned as YESHU. YESHU is a 
Hebrew acronym which means "May his name be forever blotted out of 
our remembrance".  If you have been on the Internet and spoken with 
Orthodox Jews on various newsgroups, they will often refer to Jesus 
as YESHU. YESHU is a very derogatory term.
