To:	 "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>
Date:	 Fri, 31 Oct 1997 01:10:11 +0000
Subject: Liturgy for the Birthday of Yeshua during Sukkot


From:          Dee Crabb
Subject:       Re: The Birthday of Yeshua during Sukkot - II

Chris Johnson,

The liturgy for sukkot can also be found in the The Authorized Daily Prayer
Book, by Joseph Hirtz. What some of you may not know is that the festival of
Chanukkah is also called Second Sukkot. The liturgy is much the same, and
Mary's prayer was on the festival of Chanukkah, and not on the first Sukkot
during the month of Tishri. This prayer of Mary's can be found on page 813 of
the Daily Prayer Book. It speaks of being "surrounded by the pure and holy
radiance of thy glory, that is spread over (overshadows) our heads as the
eagle over the nest that he stirreth up: and thence bid the stream of life
flow in upon thy servant (thy handmaid)."  

You will see many Messanic
references to Yeshua in this liturgy done at the Second Sukkot, or Chanukkah:
such as "the way of commandments," "washing, and cleansing of sin," "life,"
"blessing," "the giving of bread of water unfailingly," "worthy to dwell
trustingly," "covert of thy shadowing wings" (tzitzit, Torah commandments),
"departure from this world," "setting of a seal" (Messiah), and "dwelling in
'the land'" . 

Shalom, Dee.
