Sent: 	 Tuesday, November 4, 1997 1:53 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: A Prophet and a word of prophecy defined
From:          "Fredrick L. Murphy" 
To:            Hebraic Roots <>
Subject:       Prophecy defined

Hello All,

I have a question, about prophecy.  Is prophecy "a word of exhortation" to
get people to do something they should do...or to act upon the Word of
God???  Is it mostly about future issues?  I have recently been told a
definition of what a prophet is, that doesn't match up with what I pictured
from scriptures.  Please share your views...other than the obvious that
whatever they say must come to pass.

Thank you everyone, Shalom,

>From Eddie:

           There is a difference between the office of a prophet  and 
a prophetic word that comes through the inspiritation of the Holy Spirit 
to another individual. 

           A prophetic word through the inspiration of the Holy 
Spirit from a chosen vessel of God who hears and gives the 
prophetic word to another individual is a word of CONFIRMATION NOT 
a word of REVELATION. (I Cor 12:4,7,10-11, I Cor 14:3). In other 
words, this is a word from the Lord that will CONFIRM a direction 
in your life that God has put upon your heart NOT a NEW REVELATION 
of what God wants you to do that you had no previous knowledge that 
God wanted you to do a particular thing.

           The office of a prophet speaks of future events in the 
plan of God. The Biblical requirement of a prophet is that 100% of 
all that the prophet of God speaks comes to pass. Otherwise, he is a 
false prophet. (Deut 13:1-5,  18:18-22)
