Sent: 	 Monday, December 1, 1997 1:13 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: John the Baptizer / Immerser being born at Passover
From:          Roi Levine Garcia
Subject:       Re: John the Baptizer / Immerser and Elijah

Boker Tov!

I do know that we know the aprox birth of John the Immerser. It was at

By knowing that the time of his father's revelation in Luke 1:4-9, he was
from the course of Abijah which is July/Aug. Abijah is the 8th course of 24
courses of Levi's anual service. 

This is why Yeshua said that John came in the spirit of Elijah. On Pesach 
we have a ceremony on wheather Elijah has come.

Roi Levine Garcia
Baruch HaShem in San Antonio
