From: Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 23:52:55 +0000 To: Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup Subject: Messianic Jews / Bnai Noah / Netzarim Movements
From: Sharon Spicka To: Subject: "Messianic Jews"
Dear Mishpachah (family):
I got into a conversation last night with some people who call themselves "Messianics." They believe Jesus is the Messiah, but I don't think they believe He is God. They keep the Torah and do not want to be identified with Christians. Have you heard of these people? I'm not totally sure what they believe, but am going to talk with them further.
Sharon Spicka
>From Eddie: **************
We have talked about some of these groups and their beliefs on this newsgroup in the past. Two of the most prominent groups which come to mind are: "Bnai Noah" and the "Netzarim Movement".
Generally speaking they:
1) Don't believe that Jesus is God 2) Don't believe that the NT is authorative scripture 3) Are very anti-Christian in their writings 4) Believe in keeping both the Oral and Written Law 5) Do not believe that Jesus was born of a virgin 6) Do not believe in "converting" religious Jews to accept Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah
Many would view because they reject some of the fundamentals of the faith that they would be regarded as a "cult" yet they embrace their "Hebraic Roots". While embracing their Hebraic Roots, they diminish emphasizing the role and place of the Messiah in their religious worship and follow a worship style which is more closely associated with Rabbinic Judaism. They try to distance themselves from anything "Christian".
A "Messianic Jew" is a term which Jews who believe that Yeshua/Jesus is Messiah gave themselves because they wanted to worship in a Messianic Synogogue, keep the sabbath, keep the Biblical Festivals, have a Torah based worship service and keep their Jewish identity while still believing that Yeshua/Jesus is Messiah.
A "Messianic Jew" shouldn't be confused with "Bnai Noah" and the "Netzarim Judaism movement". The "Bnai Noah" and "Netzarim Judaism" movement consists mostly of non-Jews. While they embrace their Hebraic/Jewish Roots, they do so in an unbalanced way and reject some of the most fundamental aspects of faith in Messiah and the God of Israel as explained above.
Around 85% of the members of this newsgroup are non-Jews who are discovering, studying and embracing their Hebraic/Jewish roots also. We love the Jewish people and the land of Israel. We believe in examing the scriptures (both OT and NT) from a Hebraic perspective. We believe in embracing the sabbath and the Biblical Festivals and studying to understand the role of the Torah in the life of a non-Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah. We believe that Yeshua/Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. We believe that He was born of a virgin. We believe that the NT is an inspired book of scripture even though the translation of the text may be faulty in some instances. We believe that Messiah should be the center of all that we do in worship to the God of Israel. We believe in encouraging all believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah to embrace their Hebraic/Jewish roots but to do so in the spirit of BOTH truth and love toward other believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah.
Sharon, I hope that this explanation will help to alleviate some of your confusion in trying to understand these different groups.