From: To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<> Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 00:04:25 +0000 Subject: Re: Teaching Hebraic Roots in Balance
> >From: George Weidler >To: >Subject: Re: Torah in the great commission > >To Randy Felton, > > I just read your comment. Praise G-d!!!! For once I see someone > that seems to be getting it right. For so many years the Christian >community has moved away from our jewish roots which is very wrong. >But now I see a trend that is moving back to the jewish roots, >however they seem to be doing a lot of Christian bashing as they go, >which is just as bad. I don't believe that is what Jesus had in >mind. Yes to the Jew first but don't forget the gentile. There are >some things that we have right. And I'm getting real tired of being >told what fools we are by people that are speaking in the name of >Jesus. Two wrongs don't make a right. We are ALL G-ds people and >it's about time we started acting like it. Yes if it's wrong please >tell me, I need to know, but please come down off your holy mountain >before you tell me. > >This way we can all grow and be blessed by our Lord. > >May G-d bless and keep you >George Weidler > >********************************************************************* > From: Randy Felton Subject: Re: Teaching Hebraic Roots in Balance Dear George and members of the newsgroup, I appreciate the response to my comments. It is hard to keep a balance in our walk and in our service. I also, have had a fair share of "bashing" from both sides.....Jewish believers and non-believers who want to castigate the Church as well as churchmen who don't want anything to do with "that old Jewish stuff". Both sides are in error. The Church has made mistakes and committed great atrocities against mankind, not only the Jews. BUT, the Chruch has maintained the faith and passed down the gospel. Along with the error there has always been a "remnant" a thread of true believers who kept and maintained true faith. The same is true today. We do need to pull together in unity and work for the common good. My message is to the Church to try to sound the alarm that "Messiah is Coming! and SOON!". My ministry is not primarially to the Jews, although I do interact with them and minister to them as led, still, I am Goyim and my main message is to Goyim. I have been told not to use that term, to use "God Fearer" ....however there is a problem with any label.... since I am from Oklahoma, I just prefer to be a "Cow Goy". Lets all try to be a little more charitible toward one another and walk out our faith using Yeshua/Jesus as our pattern. Remember, Messiah is coming, SOON! Shalom, Randy ******************************************************************** From: Roi Levine Garcia To: Subject: Re: Teaching Hebraic Roots in Balance Thank You! Being a congregational leader I know hear the bashing all the time by indiviuals that think they have their interpretation is the only right one. They consider Christian Theology a joke. Say, many people came to know and accept Messiah through main stream denominational congregations. Yes, they have gone off on tangents but if they speak about my Messiah' s death,burial and ressurection... this is what brings salvation. I applaud your boldness in speaking out. Roi Levine Garcia ************************************************************** From: David Penrose To: Subject: Hostile toward Christians? Eddie, I would like to address an issue raised by a writer, who recently expressed "slight hostility" toward believers who are "Christian bashing." The message is simple. If you were trying to reason with a murderer you could not, should not even give a hint of support for their behavior! You must know that sin -is- sin! No sin is worse than another! So, not keeping even ONE of the ten commandments (decalogue) makes the person a sinner. And, what does Paul write ... "Avoid every kind of evil."(I Thessalonians 5:22) If anyone is being hostile, it is Christians who do not accept the authority of Yeshua (his teachings were pro-Torah) and the Torah. Paul admonished believers to have nothing to do with them. Sinning routinely (breaking G-d's commandments), and promoting pagan practices? We should be accepting of these? How quickly we forget that we are to purge the evil from among us. That means that after the spiritual victory is obtained (through Yeshua, blessed be He) ... we are responsible for the behavioral! What murderer should be free because they are a nice person? What kind of a nice person would murder someone? My words are strong, I know. Eddie is too diplomatic to say something that would offend someone. However, I am not! And, neither was our Lord and Savior, Yeshua. He offended the status quo and they weren't happy until he was crucified. You are entitled to your opinion. However, do not teach that Christianity has something to offer while the majority of churches continue to teach their members to SIN! Yeshua said (Matthew 19:17) "...if you want to enter life, obey the commandments." An important note to your readers. We (believers) have an obligation to align our behaviors according to G-d's instructions (Torah). Evidence ... "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of G-d. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. HOW MUCH MORE serverly do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of G-d under foot, who has treated as an ungodly thing the blood of the convenant that sanctified him, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? (Hebrews 10:26-29) David Penrose ********************************************************************* >From Eddie: *************** I believe the correct balance is found in Ephesians 4:15-16 at it is written: "But speaking the TRUTH in LOVE may GROW up into him in all things, which is the head even Christ. From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the EDIFYING of itself in LOVE" I embrace speaking the TRUTH. I also embrace speaking the truth in LOVE. All truth and no love is out of balance. All love and no truth is also out of balance. Love speaks the truth but does so to edify. This is the heart of this newsgroup and Hebraic Heritage Ministries. I am very thankful and grateful for my denominational upbringing. It was here that I learned about my Messiah and learned to love God, His Word and His ways. Therefore, I love and appreciate the church and all the Godly people who love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength within it. However, the church is not perfect. The church has faults and errors just as individual believers has faults and errors. Realizing some of the ways in which the church errors, LOVE seeks to encourage, uplift and edity other believers to GROW in the knowledge and understanding the Messiah and the ways of God's Kingdom. I appreciate the good that the church has given me but I also realize some of it's shortcomings, I am thankful that God poured out His Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) upon my life and has given me a love for my Hebraic Roots, the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. I am thankful that God has shown me some of the richness of the spiritual truths concerning the sabbath and the Biblical holidays. For me, it is a joy and a high honor to be able to share what God has taught me regarding the Hebraic/Jewish roots of my faith with other believers in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah and encourage them to embrace their hebraic heritage also. For all of us, this is a process. None of us got to where we are in our understanding overnite. Somebody had to be patient with us and teach us about our roots. As teachers, we are to share the same patience and understanding for others that God has shown to each and every one of us as we grew in our understanding of our Hebraic Roots and saw the need to adapt our beliefs and our ways. In order to grow, we need to be taught the truth. In order to grow, we need to be shown love, patience and understanding. Let us all rejoice in the fact that Yeshua/Jesus is Messiah and encourage each other to embrace our Hebraic/Jewish roots and allow each one of us to be led by the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) as He shows us our need to adapt our beliefs and change those areas in our spiritual life where we need to grow in a greater knowledge of Messiah (especially in embracing our Hebraic/Jewish roots). Shalom in Messiah Eddie ***********************************************************************