To:      "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>
Date:    Mon, 29 Dec 1997 03:45:21 +0000
Subject: The 7 and 9 Branch Menorah


From:          Dr. JOHN R. STROME
Subject:       Re: The Menorah and the Seven Spirits

Can you advise;

What does the nine candel Menorah represent? They are seen every 
where in Jewish Book Stores etc.

Dr. Strome


From:         Dianne Myers
Subject:       Re: The Menorah and the Seven Spirits


Amen, I understand the seven branch menorah, BUT there is a nine
branch, ten branch (?), etc. Can you all explain what the differences
of all the menorahs we see in scripture and what they mean? 

I appreciate the scriptures you sent and the explanation to 
them...BLESSING IN MY HEART.  Bless you in the name of Yeshua.


>From Eddie:

          The seven branch menorah is what is depicted in the Bible. 
It was the seven branch menorah which was placed in the Holy Place 
in the Temple.

          The nine branch menorah is called a Chanukia. It is used 
exclusively for Hanukkah.  The middle branch is called the 
Shamash (Servant). The other eight are lit one each day for each of 
the eight days of Hanukkah.


From:          Donald R. Levesque 
To:           <> 
Subject:       Re: The Menorah and the Seven Spirits

>From:          Michael Detwiler
>Subject:       Re: What is a Menorah / Chanukia ?
>We have always related our Menorah to the seven spirits, each bringing
>light and revelation to man.  These are listed in Isaiah 11 as:
>1. The Spirit of the Lord
>2. The Spirit of Wisdom
>3. The Spirit of Understanding
>4. The Spirit of Counsel
>5. The Spirit of Might
>6. The Spirit of Knowledge
>7. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

The Menorah  represents the Seven Spirits in the spectrum of Skinah,
the pure white light that is divisable into seven lights.  The rainbow
is a type of shadow upon which pure light is divided into seven
colors.  A prisim divides pure light into seven.  Likewise Yeshuah the
perfect (prisim) triunity divides Skinah into seven ministring
attributes of Skinah.



From:          Beth Ferguson 
Subject:       Re: What is a Menorah / Chanukia ?

Shalom Noma, Rabbis and friends,

Following is a reading to share from the New Union Prayer Book, For
the Sabbath in Chanukah:

"With grateful hearts we remember Your protection {Lord}...  .  We
take pride in the valor of the Maccabees, their faith in You, their
devotion to Your law which inspired them to deeds of heroism.  We
commemorate the rededication of Your sanctuary, the consecration of
its altar to Your worship, and celebrate the rekindling of the eternal
light, whose rays shone forth out of the encircling darkness as the
symbol of Your presence and the beacon light of Your truth for all the

Be with us now - with us and our children.  Make us strong to do Your
will. Help us to understand and proclaim the truth, that not by might
and not by power, but by Your spirit alone can we prevail.  Grant to
each person and every nation the blessings of liberty, justice, and
peace.  Let injustice and oppression cease, and hatred, cruelty, and
wrong pass away, so that all human beings may unite to worship You in
love and devotion.

Bless, O God, the Chanukah lights, that they may shed their radiance
into our homes and our lives.  May they kindle within us the flame of
faith and zeal, that, like the Maccabees of old, we battle bravely for
Your cause. Then shall we be worthy of Your love and Your blessing.  O
God, our Shield and our Protector.  Amen."

