Subject: Other Hebrew Feasts
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 00:20:37 +0000
To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>


From:         Heather Montalbano
Subject:       Hebrew Feasts

Dear Eddie,

  I loved your book on the Feasts as you know, but I have some questions.
I have a list of the feasts from another web site and there are those listed
that are not covered in your book.  Could you please tell me what they

>From Eddie:

        You are probably talking about Purim and Chanukah. Both of
these are not mentioned in Lev 23. Purim is based upon the salvation
of the Jews from the book of Esther. Chanukah is based from the
Maccabean revolt against the Greek Empire and Antiochus
Ephiphanes IV and the rededication of the Temple back to God after
Antiochus IV sacrificed a pig on the alter of the Temple which
initiated a Jewish revolt against Him.

        Often overlooked in Lev 23, the SABBATH is called a Biblical
Festival unto God.
