Subject: Re: Sound the Shofar!!!
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 23:43:35 +0000
To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>
> To:  
> From:          Lars-Toralf Storstrand 
> Subject:       Sound the Shofar!!!
> Hey, I just bought myself a Shofar, when visiting Israel the last
> time, and I'm starting to get the hang of how to blow the thing.
> Yet, I have a few questions.
> 1. I've heard that there are five distinct signals to blow with the
> Shofar. Myself I know only two: The T'qiah and the T'ruach. If
> anyone can tell me the others, and please: Give a distinct
> description of how they sound, or how to blow these distinct sounds.
> This is something I want to learn.
> 2. Someone once said to me: The Shofar is easier to sound if the
> Ruach HaKodesh is close. Anyone?
> Greetings in Y'shua
> El'Azar (Lars-Toralf Storstrand)
> Lars-Toralf

From:          R.T. Channell
Subject:       Re: Sound the Shofar!!!

Here is a bit of information that I know about Blowing a Shofar.

Before blowing recite the following blessing:

Baruch ata Adonai, Elohaynu Melech ha'olam asher kidshanu bemitzvotav
vetzivanu lishmo'ah kol shofar.

Blessed are You O Lord, Our God and King of the Universe, who has made
us holy with mitzvot and has instructed us to hear the call of the

The notes of the Shofar are as follows:

1. Tekiah: lit. "blast" one long blast with a clean consistent tone.

2. Shevarim:  lit. "broken sound"  three short calls together as long
    as tekiah. 

3. Teruah:  lit.  "alarm" a rapid series of very short
    notes generally three series of three that together total one tekiah.

4. Tekiah gedolah:  lit "the great tekiah" a single blast that is held
     as long as you can do it.

I hope that is bit of information has been helpful to you.

Shalom and Shavuah Tov


From:          Sara Sutherland 
Subject:       Re: Sound the Shofar!!!

These sites might help they had some audio of Shofar sounds.



From:          David Weiner
Subject:       Re: Sound the Shofar!!!


The Shofar...................The Ram's Horn. An instrument well used
by Jews as far back as when they were slaves in Egypt. It is said, The
Shofar was blown at times when Jews needed to hear it's sound, just to
keep going as slaves of Pharoah. Who blew the Shofar at that time?,
someone who probably was well hidden. It is true, the Roch Hakodesh
will send the sound as far as necessary for the ears of Jews to  hear.
It is also said that along with the shouting, it was the Shofar's
sound that brought down the walls of Jerico. Down thru the ages, long
before the birth of Yeshua, the sound of the Shofar was the Jewish
symbol of faith, deliverence and a reminder of who you were and why
you are Hashem's children. The Shofar is blown on all Jewish
festivals, victories, and especially on Yom Kippur. Learn to blow your
Shofar well, it is a sound that Satan hates, but God loves to hear it.

Boruch Hashem, 

David Ben Reuben


From:          Rick/Sheila Ruffin
To:            <>
Subject:       Re: Sound the Shofar!!!

Shalom in the Mighty Name of Yeshua!

My wife and I have a shofar and have found several sources of info
that have been very helpful. One is: . 

We found this by searching the net for shofar. Another wonderful source
for us on many issues in the past has been Dick Reuben Evangelistic
Association, P.O. Box 777, Boonville, In. 47601. He is a messianic
(completed) Jew  that has awesome revelation concerning Scripture. The
teaching on shofars is a video entitled "Shofar", item # V-SHO, and is
$15.00 plus $3.00 s&h. I guarantee you this will be some of the best
money ever spent on teaching material. May Hashem greatly bless you in
your search for the Truth about the One we serve and worship, and His
holy things. The Ruach HaKodesh will always lead us into Truth, and as
we follow, into all Truth. There is nothig else that will set you


Rick and Sheila Ruffin


Subject:       Re: [Sound the Shofar!!!]


 If you will emaile a fax #, I will fax you a copy of a teaching
on the blowing of the shofar. Personally, I know three of the
particualr blasts, not five. Doesn't mean there aren't. I shall return
to reading the work myself. 

Steven Berkowitz


From:          Paul 
Subject:       Re: The Shofar and Silver Trumpets.

Dear Eddie,


I am enjoying the material and the commentaries by your readers, even
though I do not have time to study all in detail. Thankyou.

Would you care to comment on the significance and history of the
Shofar in relation to O/T practice and the possible significance in
our worship today. I have visited the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. I
would welcome comments on the silver trumpets both in O/T times and
perhaps in the future re. the rebuilding of the temple.

Your brother in Messiah from Down Under.


>From Eddie:

          The topic of the SHOFAR is a HUGE topic in the Bible. In my
book, "The Seven Festivals of the Messiah", I give the various uses of
the shofar in the Bible. This can be found in Chapter 7 of my book on
Rosh HaShanah. You can read the text at the following URL:

          I also talk about the first trump, last trump and great
trump in Chapter 6 on the topic of Shavuot / Pentecost.  This can be
read at:

          In Number 10:1-10, it gives info about the silver trumpets
as it is written:

"And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee two trumpets of silver, of a
whole piece shall thou make them: that thou mayest USE THEM for the
JOURNEYING OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE CAMPS and when they shall blow with
them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door
of the tabernacle of the congregation.  And if they blow but one
trumpet, then the princes which are heads of the thousands of Israel,
shall gather themselves unto thee. When you blow the alarm, then the
camps that lie on the east parts shall go forward. When ye blow an
alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall
take their journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys. But
when teh congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but
ye shall not sound an alarm. And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall
blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance
forever throughout your generations. And IF YOU GO TO WAR in your land
against your enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm
with the trumpets: and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your
God, and ye shall be SAVED FROM YOUR ENEMIES. Also in the DAY OF YOUR
MONTHS, ye shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over
the sacrifices of your peace offerings that they may be to you for a
memorial before your God: I am the Lord your God"

           This next info is taken from my book, "The Seven Festivals
of  the Messiah" in the Rosh HaShanah chapter.

          The SHOFAR was blown at the temple to begin the sabbath each
week. There are two types of trumpets used in the Bible:

#1) The silver trumpet
#2) The SHOFAR, or ram's horn

          On the sabbath, there was within the temple a sign on the
wall that said, "To the house of the blowing of the trumpet (shofar)".
Each sabbath two men with silver trumpets and a man with a shofar made
three trumpet blasts twice during the day. On Rosh HaShanah this was
different. The SHOFAR is the primary trumpet. On Rosh HaShanah, a
shofar delivers the first blast, a silver trumpet the second, and then
the shofar the third. The silver trumpets and the gathering at the
temple are specified in Numbers 10.

          According to Leviticus 23:24 and Numbers 29, Rosh HaShanah
is the day of the blowing of the trumpets. According to the Mishnah
(Rosh HaShanah 16a, 3:3), the trumpet used for this purpose is the
ram's horn, not trumpets made of metal as in Numbers 10.


The Shofar or ram's horn has always held a prominent role in the
history of God's people in the Bible:

#1) The Torah was given to Israel with the sound of the shofar 
       (Exodus 19:19)

#2) Israel conquered in the battle of Jericho with the blast of the 
       shofar (Joshua 6:20)

#3) Israel will be advised of the advent of the Messiah with the 
       sound of the shofar (Zechariah 9:14, 16)

#4) The shofar will be blown at the time of the ingathering of the 
       exiles of Israel to their place (Isaiah 27:13)

#5) The shofar was blown to signal the assembly of the Israelites 
       during war (Judges 3:27, II Samuel 20:1)

#6) The watchman who stood upon Jerusalem's walls blew the shofar
       (Ezekiel 33:3-6)

#7) The shofar was blown at the start of the Jubilee year (Lev 25:9)

#8) The shofar is a reminder that God is sovereign (Psalm 47:5)

#9) The ram's horn, the shofar, is a reminder of Abraham's sacrifice 
       of Isaac and God's provision of a ram as a substitute

#10) The trumpet was blown to announce the beginning of the festivals
         (Numbers 10:10). The shofar was blown to celebrate the new 
        moon on Rosh HaShanah (Psalm 81:1-3)

#11) The blowing of the shofar is a signal for the call to repentence
         (Isaiah 58:1)

#12) The blowing of the shofar is sounded at the resurrection of the 
         dead (I Thess 4:16)

#13) The blowing of the shofar ushers in the day of the Lord 
         (Joel 2:1)

#14) John was taken up to Heaven in the Book of Revelation by the 
          sound of the shofar (Revelation 4:1)

#15) Seven shofarim are sounded when God judges the earth during the 
          tribulation (Revelation 8-9)

#16) The shofar was used for the coronatino of kings
         (I Kings 1:34, 39)

         There are three primary shofarim in Judaism. They are called
the first trump, the last trump and the great trump. These trumpets
are VERY significant in the redemptive plan of God. The first trump
was blown at Mount Sinai (Ex 19:19). The last trump is blown to
signify the resurrection of the dead (I Thess 4:16-17) and is blown on
Rosh HaShanah. The great trump is blown at Yom Kippur and will signify
the second coming of the Messiah (Matthew 24:29-31).

         I hope that this answer your question.

                                Eddie Chumney
