Subject: Type of Offerings
Date:    Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:57:16 +0000
To:      "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>


From:    Nicole Ellis   
Subject: Types of Offerings


I am enjoying your website and newsgroup so much!  My friend and I have
studied the "Jewish Things" of our LORD for years and your site is most
helpful.  Bless you. (Psalm 45v1)...

I have a question about offerings: first of all do you have a study
online about each type of offering?  And more specifically, can you tell
me the difference in the freewill offering and the offering of

Most interested, 

Nicole Ellis


Please visit the Hebraic Roots Global Network 
Web Site located at: 

Eddie Chumney
Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l

To educate, train and equip for study both the Jew and 
Non-Jew in the Rich Hebraic Heritage of our Faith.