Subject:       Re: Fellow Believers In Alabama

To the Newsgroup:

My wife and I live outside of Birmingham, Alabama and want to know if
there is anyone who meet on the Sabbath for fellowship discussing our
Hebriac Roots.

If so, please contact me Lloyd Gainer at



>From Eddie:

          Lloyd and others in the Birmingham, Alabama, area:

Fellow members of the newsgroup: (Terry / Janell Sullens) are
starting up a hebraic roots fellowship at center point in Birmingham,
Alabama.  Their e-mail address is: (   Please
contact them for more information. There are other newsgroup members
who live in Anniston, Calera and Montevallo, Alabama, who may want to
join this fellowship also.


From:          Steven Pappas <>
Subject:       Moving to South Africa.....

Hello Ed and other rooters,

The most wonderful event is going to take place in my life.   I am
getting married!!!  Her name is Mary-Anne Hulley and she is from Cape
Town, South Africa.    Our romance started through email.     During
the course of our first telephone conversation after a few weeks worth
of every day emails, I asked her to marry me.   The call from Yahveh
(the Lord) was so strong.   And she said, yes, of course!!    He now
has directed us to live at least a year in Cape Town until we look
into possibilities for service in Israel.   I will admit the story is
much longer and even more miraculous then it sounds!!    I have never
seen Mary-Anne face to face.   I will see her for the first time in
Israel when we meet for the Feast of Tabernacles celebration.   There,
we will get married. We checked and South Africa will accept a
marriage certificate from a Christian pastor in Israel!   If any of
you know a pastor who will marry us please have him email me!!   Right
now we have 2 individuals in mind.

Now this leads me to my question.   I want to get connected with
people in Cape Town regarding the study of our Hebrew roots.    I
celebrate all the Feasts and keep the Sabbath and I am a Ruach ha
Kodesh-filled believer.    Are there One New Man fellowships in Cape
Town?    Mary-Anne has heard the call to return to the ancient paths
and looks forward to learning more about the Feasts and keeping the
Shabbat with me, but she has not been plugged in to believers studying
their Hebrew roots.   So I am asking any of you rooters to help me. I
look forward to hearing from you.


Steve Pappas


From:          "John Walsh" <>
Subject:       Lost Sheep Looking for Fellowship -Reply

In the same vein are there any MJ fellowships near Manchester UK. I
live in Preston.

John W


From:          Yvonne M. Wang
To:            <>
Subject:      Newsgroup contacts

To Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup

   My name is Yvonne Wang, I`ve just signed myself up at the Hebraic
Heritage Ministries. I am a student from Bergen in Norway.
The last five years I`ve studied the Bible, in order to reconsider my
faith according to it. This has led me closer to Hebrew thought, and I
hope to learn even more as I`ve joined your group. I welcome you to
visite my homepage; It`s
rather simple. But as I`ve read from a Jewish book; If there were 660
000 people at Mount Sinai when Moses was given the Law, then there is
660 000 ways to reach God. I hope my simple Articles can help someone
to understand how significant the biblical Scriptures are. I would be
happy if I could establish some links to some of you, in order to offer
a deeper understanding of some of the topics I write about.

Shalom, from Yvonne M. Wang


From:          Ronald E. Wyncoop
To:            <>
Subject:       Re: Lost Sheep Looking for Fellowship

Dear Eddie & all:

I recently moved to Columbus, GA and am looking for a Messianic Jewish
group in the area.

In His service,
Ron Wyncoop


From:          Gayle Ingraham
Subject:       Moving to Charlotte, NC

Greetings Eddie and fellow believers in Messiah,

Our family will be moving to Charlotte, NC and would love to meet any
of the family of "rooters" who may be living in the area.  Please feel
free to write to me at my e-mail -   We look
forward to meeting you!

Shalom in Messiah Yeshua!

Gayle Ingraham


From:          Rosita Rodriguez
Subject:       Re: Lost Sheep Looking for Fellowship

>From:          Jackson, Pamela
>To:            "''"
>Subject:       RE:Hebraic Congregation in Washington DC
>Dear Eddie & New group,
>I reside in Washington DC and I'm wondering if there are any Messianic
>Jewish Congregations in this area.  If so could I please have a list
>of them.
>I would like to experience the Jewish feast days, etc.....
>Thank you in advance...
>Pamela R. Jackson

Hi Pamela:

In the Washington, D.C. I can recomend:
in Maryland.

Please call: 301-977-0156 and ask for Rabbe/Pastor Jerry Miller

Many blessings,
Silver Spring, Md.


From:         Diane Rankin
To:            "''"<> Subject:       
RE: Lost Sheep Looking for Fellowship

I know of a great Messianic Jewish Congregations in the Washington, DC
area. I attend Ahavat Yeshua located at 3850 Nebraska Ave, NW,
Washington, DC (202) 537-0572. I hope to see you there soon.

Diane A. Rankin


From:          Anne Brodbeck
Subject:       Re: Lost Sheep Looking for Fellowship

I would also like to know if there are any Messianics in Chatanooga TN
. . . so far I have come up dry . . . but a few years ago there was a
sizeable group there. 

Could everybody have moved?


From:          "Pam" <>
To:            "Hebraic Heritage" <>
Subject:       Invitation to Join Us in May for Israel

                        "Sharing the Land"

Covenant Tours in Israel and Mesharet Outreach Center join together in
offering a unique and personal experience in the Land of Israel. This
is a very intense and unique trip with a high level of academic inpput
by several scholars in the land, including: lectures by Col. Yehuda
Levy, former publisher of the Jerusalem Post, and Prof. Issachar
Goldrath of the Tel-Aviv Open University (which will also include a
walk of the Rabbinical Tunnel with him!) Join us as we explore the
known and not so known sights, including a full day in Petra!

Dates: April 25 thru May 7, 1999; Cost: $147 per month, financing
available, contact us for more info! Visit Mesharet Outreach Center
for a virtual tour
call Pam Staley at 314-566-6184.

Hope to hear from you!

Pam Staley
Mehsaret Outreach:
Voices United For Israel: ICQ


>From  Debbie Lockledge (
Subject: September Conference in Houston


I want very much to come to the conference in Houston but can't afford
the hotel expenses.  Are there any women in the mishpachah who would
be willing to share a room and split the cost? 

Let me know.  -Deb.

Debbie L. Lockledge '82
Academic Advisor
Biomedical Engineering Program
Texas A&M University
(409) 847-8509


To educate, train and equip for study both the Jew and
Non-Jew in the Rich Hebraic Heritage of our Faith.

Please visit the Hebraic Roots Global Network
Web Site located at:

                          HEBRAIC ROOTS SEMINAR

Hebraic Heritage Ministries is having a Hebraic roots seminar in
Houston, Texas,  September 11-13, 1998. For more info, see the

Eddie Chumney
Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l