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Subject: God's Grace, right hand left hand imagery, YOM KIPPUR, a
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 15:16:43 -0800
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From: Gary Collett
Subject: God's Grace, right hand left hand imagery, YOM KIPPUR,
and the Ashes of the Red Heifer

Greetings from Jerusalem, Israel!

This is letter number seven in a series of e-mail letters sharing
information, which has been original with us in research.

We are continuing the thought that: The crucifixion of Christ is
stated in the New Testament to have occurred on the Mt. of Olives, how
this is part of the "left hand" "right hand" imagery, how this relates to
the Ashes of the Red Heifer (Numbers 19) and Yom Kippur (Leviticus 16).

A question asked is why is so much of our material "new", why has it not
been taught before? We have had many pastors comment that they were not
taught any of this material in Seminary, Why? There are two parts to the
answer. 1) History has separated the Western World from the
understandings of Jewish terminology as used in the Bible and 2) this was
a part of God's plan that things "sealed until the time of the end" would
not be understood until then. In other words, there are many issues that
are very Biblical but were not to be understood until God's time. We
believe that now is the time to understand many Biblical truths that
have been hidden!

Concepts from previous letters...

1) The ash from all cremated sin offerings from the Temple on Mt. Moriah
are taken to the top of the Mt. of Olives to the place called the
"Miphkad Altar", "Without the Camp", the "Appointed Place", the "Place of
Accounting", a "Clean Place" and other references. (See the books of
Leviticus, Numbers, the Midrash section on the Red Heifer and Talmud.)

2) The Bullocks or Beasts, whose blood is used in the Temple on Mt.
Moriah, are cremated at the same site where the Ashes are taken from all
cremated sin offerings on Mt. Moriah, (see the Book of Leviticus).

3) The Red Heifer was always cremated, <bold>at the same site in
orientation</bold> to the Tabernacle or Temple, throughout history as
started with Moses and Aaron and given to Eleazar the priest, before "His
Face" i e God, Numbers 19:3. The Red Heifer was always to face through
the open gates and doors of the Tabernacle or Mt. Moriah Temple
directly to the "Face of God" and always DID!

I pray each of you have visualized the "Hand Imagery" as found in the
"Left and Right Hand" or "East and West" of Jerusalem to "catch"
important facets of the following statements.

All sin representation in the form of cremations ended up at
the Altar on the top of the Mt. of Olives --this represented
total separation from God. The altar has no
physical description given in the Bible but the Midrash states it was an
"Altar (hole) in the ground". This means that when the Ashes of the Red
Heifer were collected, ash from all of the other offerings would have
been represented in the Red Heifer's Ash! The Red Heifer's Ash
became the representation of ALL sin offerings! Looking at the
Left Hand (see letter #1) we would then see all sin represented to the
left, of the left hand, but it then gave the access to go back to the
right and the presence of God! How? The Red Heifer was cremated looking
into the "Face of God" i e the area of the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy
of Holies. The Ashes of the Red Heifer were used on a daily basis in the
Temple system in order to allow daily access to the outer Holies where
the Menorah, the Table of Shew Bread and the Altar of Incense stood. To
enter this area the Priest, such as Zacharias, the father of John the
Baptist (Luke 1:5-11), would have to first pass the Blood Sacrifice and
then the Water Purification, ("Cleansing" is not a proper translation as
there is a major difference between Jewish "Cleansing", "Mikvah" or
"Purification"). The Ashes of the Red Heifer were used in the Tabernacle
or Temple on a DAILY basis! But the higher form of use was then on the
most Holy Day, Yom Kippur, when the Priest was to enter the Most Holy
Place where the Ark of the Covenant was placed. Without the Ashes of the
Red Heifer there was NO access to the Temple, there was NO access to the
presence of God! The part of the Temple to the LEFT (in looking from the
North towards the south-- seeing the left hand) on the Top of the Mt. of
Olives, Ezekiel 43:21, became the most important part of the Temple in
order to approach God on the RIGHT because of the Ashes of the Red

How does this then relate to the crucifixion of Christ who fulfilled
the Torah giving us total access back to the presence of God?

We can start with the typology of the heifer. Biblically and
historically the Heifer was always provided by was Christ. Man
never genetically breed for a heifer..neither was Christ. God always
provided the sacrifice.. (sounds like the offering of Isaac..could this
be a Biblical principal?) and the heifer sacrifice had to be pure having
no blemishes, approximately 3 and 1/2 years of age, blood red (no more
than three black or white hairs), virgin (pure without sin) and never
having had a yoke (the result of the curse of sin). Can we relate these
to Christ?

Relating the typology of the Temple:

Hebrews 13:10 states "we have an altar where no man may eat",
(Leviticus chapter six verse thirty), "where the bodies of the beasts or
bullocks are cremated, whose blood is used in the sanctuary by the high
priest for sin". The next statement is "Wherefore Jesus also"....

****The author of the book of Hebrews just told the site of the
crucifixion, "without the camp"..."a clean place", i e the Miphkad Altar
(Hebrews 13:12-13) on the top of the Mt. of Olives, to the East of
Moriah, but looking directly back to God as represented in the Temple!
Does this then mean that Christ became THE Red Heifer fulfillment? And
as Judaism calls the ashes of the Red Heifer mixed with water "Living
Water" does this then mean that Christ became THE Living Water?

In his Love,

G.R. Collett, DD
P.O. Box 11388
Jerusalem,91113, Israel

USA: Jerusalem Ministries International
P.O. Box 1668
Everett, Wa. 98203

P. S.

1) Not understanding the relationships of events and sites is one of
the fifty plus reasons we have encountered why Jewish people do not
accept Christ as the Messiah.

2) Understanding these all of the above concepts gives major
clues to end time events!


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