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Subject: HaY'Did Learning Center: Update - Part 1 of 2
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 15:23:00 -0800
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From: HaY'Did Learning Center
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HaY'Did Learning Center UPDATE April 11, 1999

Cheryle Holeman (

Shalom, Everyone! Did you have a great Passover? We
did and still are! We've attended four passovers this
season and still have one more to attend this Friday at a
Church of Christ in Tulsa. Its been a blessed time of
fellowship and celebration of Our Lord's Festival of
Our Freedom. We rejoiced in what HE has done for us,
and is doing for us, and will do for us! God is good

We have LOTS of news to tell you about, so let's get
started, shall we?

Section One:
1. Prayer request for Jeanette Pryor (Dwight Pryor's
2. Passover Blessings
3. Russia on our hearts
4. Omaha Women Restored! Conference June 4-6, 1999
5. Tulsa Family Restored! Conference Aug 5-7,199

1.) Recently while we were in Tulsa at Dr. Brad
Young's conference Larry Ehrlick, National Director of
Bridges for Peace, called for prayer for Jeanette Pryor.
Many of you have been blessed through the years by the
tape ministry of Dwight Pryor and know that Jeanette
and Dwight have been married for over 33 years.
Dwight has taken Tom and I under his wing many times
over the years, and we so appreciate his support and
trust in the work that we are doing. Jeanette is very ill
and we ask that you join everyone in prayer for her.
This is the latest report that we have on her condition.
Greetings, dear intercessors, in the name of the Risen

"All is well!" on the battle lines here. We continue to
be blessed, strengthened, and encouraged in the Lord.
What a wonderful and anointed time we had at our
Sunday Resurrection service!

Medically, the oncologist has ordered a battery of tests
for Jeanette --trying to determine the source of the
cancer. So far the tests have found nothing. During the
next two weeks a number of additional exams and tests
will be performed. Please pray that these physically
and emotionally tiring procedures will not wear down

Thursday evening of this week (two days from now), at
7:30 PM eastern time, Jeanette and I will meet with an
experienced and anointed prayer team for a time of
extended ministry and intercession. They, with the aid
of the Holy Spirit, will help us further address any
spiritual, emotional and physical issues related to this

We believe this will be another key event in Jeanette's
healing. Please pray in advance and during this time
for God's mighty hand to be in complete control of that
prayer session -- that the great power of the Holy Spirit
will effect fully God's purposes and God's life for

Thanks you for all your prayers and notes of
encouragement. We are overwhelmed by the response
of dear people all over the world. God is good, God is


2). Passover Blessings-We have attended four
blessed passovers this seasons and really have seen
many NEW faces gathered around the LORD's table
this season. Over and over we've heard from many of
you that you had MORE people asking to attend than
every before! What a blessing that the LORD is opening
up these new doors for teaching! I began many years
ago with a desire to present just one little passover.
What could it hurt? Just one! Well, that desire has been
honored by Our Father, and taken around the world in
the materials that HE has directed us to write and give
away through our books, materials and website. Many
of you have used our ANTI-PANIC PASSOVER
GUIDE, and the haggadah that Eddie Chumney and I
wrote together. We were blessed to know that this
material was used by HIM to touch people's lives
around the world, and hope that it continues to bless. If
you haven't seen this material then please go to our
website and find our passover index page. Help
yourself to what you need, and maybe you'll drop us a
note, too!

Early in March two friends of ours locally, Sandy and
Barbara, came to me and asked me to be in agreement
with them that the door would open for them to present
a passover in their Nazarene Church. They had sat
many years in that church and prayed that this would
happen, but nothing seemed to work. The Nazarene's
had found Focus on the Family's THAT THE WORLD
MAY KNOW video series a couple of years ago that
they used in their Adult Sunday School Class for 27
weeks, and it had really opened the hearts of the
people. Barbara had 120 women from different
denominations sitting in several groups of Bible study,
too, each week. So, Sandy called and asked for prayers
of agreement that the door would open, and it did!
Barbara had called and asked the pastors to meet with
her and Sandy one morning to just read through the
haggadah. If at the end of that time, the pastors still did
not want to do a seder, then that would be fine, but at
least read through it. They went to the church and
prayed for 2 hours previous to the meeting, and then
they walked in and trusted HIM to show Himself
strong! When they had finished reading the haggadah,
there was not a dry eye in the house! Not only did they
present the seder for 200 people a few weeks later, but
the pastor has asked the ladies to go to the district
pastors' meeting and share about how they did this
marvelous presentation! The pastor also decided that
this would become an annual event, too! Baruch
haShem! Tom and I were invited to attend and we were
so blessed to see how our students had done! What a
great blessing it was to see every one singing and
dancing, too! I was asked to teach Dayinu, which
presented a problem as I only know it in Hebrew, but I
did explain the meaning of the song and everyone
pounded with great gusto on their tables! It would have
been enough if God had allowed me to do "just one
little seder" years ago, but HE directed me to write
books so that others would now do passovers!
DAYINU! It would have been enough if HE had led me
to do the seder for my family, but HE has led others to
also do them around the World! DAYINU! It would
have been enough if HE had only given me my own
studies, but HE has allowed me to write for others!
DAYINU! And it would have been enough if HE had
given me personally YESHUA, but HE has given YOU
YESHUA, too! DAYINU!!! (Little dance around the
office now! Ah, one ah two, kick and swing! Heee!

At our own seder, we had 50 in attendance. It was
wonderfully presented by our dear friends, Marshall
and Susanne Martz from Tennessee. Marshall and
Susanne found us several years ago off the internet, and
has discovered that our local group is truly a close knit
family that loves to meet new people. They and others
keep coming back! We hosted our seder at a local
Baptist Church and had several deacons and people
from that congregation join us! Our crew swung into
full gear and decorated up a storm!
When you arrived, you came through the main door and
there sat my mother and Carol Jontra at the "money
changer's desk". People would pay for their meal and
buy the haggadah before passing through the portal. The
portal was designed by our local friend, Rachel Unruh,
the high school art teacher. It was wonderful! Add this
one to your files for next year, okay? She constructed
out of cardboard a real door way that was put together
like a jig saw puzzle. It had 3 pieces, and she used
paint to draw the stones up the side of the door, and
then put a large piece of cardboard across the top that
connected the two sides together. She then took red
paint and with a wide brush painted the blood down
both sides and across the top! It was the letter "chai" or
"life"! Then she took another piece of cardboard and
laid it down under the portal and painted it with red
paint, too, so you had to walk across the blooded door
way as well! What a beautiful visible sign this is of
Our Lord's Sacrifice! Thank you, Rachel for creating
this visual effect for us.
Then we had a table set up on the other side of the door
way, and our grandchildren were posted there to wash
hands. On the table we had baskets, fruits, wheat,
barley, and bowls of figs olives and dates laid out for
everyone to see with a mini-table tent with scripture on
it. And beside the grandkids was a huge wall made up
of 3 flats from a stage that the Nazarene's had used at
their presentation that was a picture of Jerusalem!
WOW! Was it beautiful!

As the people came in, they saw everything done up in
blue, white and purple, and scriptures written on the
walls, too. At the tables we had clusters of plastic
grapes, vines and plastic frogs, grasshoppers and bugs!
Everyone enjoyed the touch of humor, too.
It really was a wonderful evening, and Marshall did a
super job. Marshall is a Messianic Jew that is an
Assembly of God Evangelist that travels around
teaching these things. He is friends with the Orthodox
rabbi in Memphis, too. Marshall's daughter had a bad
car wreck and totaled her car the day of the first
passover. She was not injured (Baruch HaShem!), but
Marshall had to deal with insurance and such before he
could leave. His friend, the orthodox rabbi, held the
seder until Marshall could be there to attend. Truly
Marshall's presence is a blessing and I would
encourage you to contact him about coming to your
church to teach soon...especially if you are Assembly of
God. We call Marshall "The Apostle to the Baptist"
teasingly, as he spends more time teaching in the
Baptist churches in his area of the country (Memphis),
than he does anywhere else! Hee! Hee! His district is
quite blessed to have Marshall there, and you will also
see him at our conference in August teaching in Tulsa,

I have other things to write about passover, but want to
wait until I start writing in the next section about the
Tulsa conference before I share them.

3) Russia on our hearts....A friend of ours and Jimmilea
Berryhill called me a few weeks ago upon her return
from Russia. Her name is Marilyn Gelinas. She and her
husband Frank may be contacted at PO Box 375,
Jasper, AR 72641, or 870-434-5162.

I would like to share this note and testimony from
Marilyn and Frank with you. If you feel led to pray for,
or to donate to them please contact them directly. They
are truly honest people that you can fully trust. This
note will explain more:

"In 1985, my husband and I were reading as we usually
did in the morning and as I was reading to him, I heard
a loud audible voice. "I have called you to my people
the Jews." I was so surprised that I dropped the book to
the floor and Frank said what happened and as I shared
with him we began to pray about what we could do. We
considered moving to Israel to help as Frank is a civil
engineer and of course it must mean we were to go to
Israel. 2 weeks later as I was walking through our
family room, Russia was written on the walls in big
black letters! I began to pray and was told that we
would go to Russia and it would be very later. We
waited 11 years before the L-rd sent me to Russia for
the first time.

At that time, 1996, the L-rd made some connections for
us that have led us to where we are today. In April of
1998 we left for Russia not knowing what we were to
do and we were led to a very large synagogue where
we spoke to two rabbis who were sent there from
America and Israel to teach the people about their
Jewish roots so that they would be able to return to
Israel knowing who they are. Israel has been having
problems with the Russian Immigrants who do not
know their own heritage. Since then our trips have been
more and more frequent.

We developed a strong spiritual connection with the
teacher of the synagogue. He was in tears as we shared
our testimony with him. He asked how we could work
together and what was the plan HaShem had for them.
We told him we must walk it out and HaShem would
reveal it as we walked in obedience to Him.
This man is a precious follower of G-d and is laying
his life on the line to gather the Jews together and teach
them about their heritage and the necessity to leave
Russia. Many are elderly and sickly or do not have the
means to get out at this time. He will stay to assist these
people and we have been called to help him. The Lord
has given us contacts in a neighboring country who are
ready to help these people as they leave, and they are
also working with us to set up an "underground
railroad" to continue to move people out when the
doors close. It touches our hearts deeply to be able to
reach out to these precious people of G-d with love
because of what has been done to them in the past. We
must leave out names and places for the safety of the

It is time for reconciliation and a time to show love
with NO STRINGS ATTACHED. It is a miracle that an
Orthodox man would connect so strongly with a gentile
couple who believe in Yeshua as Messiah. G-d has
made it possible for us to pay our own expenses for
these trips and also to bring our tithes and offerings to
help this man, along with love gifts from friends and
family. However, as I am sure you are aware, the time
is short and many are leaving Russia immediately, as
the door is soon to close. The need is critical now and I
pray you will ask G-d if you are to help in this effort.
We cannot bring gifts from organizations because of the
extreme sensitivity of the Orthodox to any Christian
connections. Our Orthodox teacher has asked that we
do not bring organizational gifts, rather they be gifts
from people with good hearts. We pray that he will be
totally overwhelmed with love gifts from all the dear
ones whose hearts have been melted with G-d's love
for his people the Jews.
I know that many of you can not give financially, but if
you can, I assure you that Marilyn and Frank are
trustworthy people. If you will pray...then God will
direct those that are to give to this cause. Some may
give now, and others may only be directed to pray and
offer a prayer covering. Please, all we ask is that you
be obedient to His Direction. The Will of God is what
we most desire in this matter. Too often Christians give
out of emotionalism, instead of out of obedience. If we
would all pray and THEN be obedient to His
Direction, I believe we will see a major shift in some
things that are way over board in some areas.
For years, Tom and I would attend conferences and
seminars in Tulsa and we would be asked to give. Tom
would tuck an envelope in his pocket, and take it home.
Then we would pray away from the emotionalism. (Of
course, if God directed us to give when we were at a
conference, then we would BOTH hear it and confirm it
to each other.) Often God would direct us to give, and
other times we were directed to simply pray. IF we
would all become more obedient with our offering
money, I believe that we would know EXACTLY
where HE needs for us to sow seed! The parable of the
Sower needs to be reread and studied. Not everything
and everyone asking for money is good ground at that
particular season!! It is important that we understand
that we WASTE so much of our seed money by
purchasing unnecessary things, too. Last year I met a
messianic rabbi that told me a heart wrenching story.
He told me that he sells goods at messianic conferences
around the country, and that he sees people purchasing
jewelry for hundreds of dollars, and such. But when the
offerings are collected, these same people will give $1
or $5 to the teachers that bring forth God's word! How
can anyone justify this kind of spending when there are
soooo many teachers struggling to even get there to
teach? $150 for a ring, or necklace, and the $1 or even
$20 for the offering. We should be ashamed of
ourselves! Which is more important in God's eyes? If
you wish to use a credit card for "extras" at a
conference, then why not go up to the teachers and ask
to meet dollar for dollar the same amount for that
teacher in an offering! Obviously, we aren't as willing
to do that, but I pray that we will. At our conferences,
we do not invite outside vendors to come. Sorry. But
we want the teachers that are teaching at that
conference, to be blessed back instead. HaY'Did is
here to support the teachers that God has supplied for
our edification. Please pray about giving BEFORE you
give. If you don't hear from God, then don't give!
Obedience in our giving is also important! Did you
know that 85% of all charitable giving is given by
WOMEN! But, did you also know that we women
scatter our money so it has NO effect? YES! If we
would become more in tune with God and His Plan,
then we can really fund the Kingdom's business.
Now we are NOT saying to give tithes away from your
churches or synagogues, okay? What we ARE saying, is
to close your pockets and wait for HIM to say, "Give."
HE has a plan, and if you want to give, fine, but be
obedient, and save up your money to give at the right
time instead of squandering it before it is time.
One time we had a conference here in Independence,
and the music minister had finished and his offering had
been taken ($600). I heard in my spirit that I was to sing
a certain song as a closing. Well, singing is okay, but I
have not done it in a while (so don't ask me to do it if
you know what's good for you). Anyway, at that time I
had been singing at churches some, and thought, "What?
Me sing after this guy? He's a professional!" But
clearly I was to sing. I told the minister and he agreed
that I was to do it. I took a deep breath, and sang the
song. The music ended, and I told one of my testimonies
as the Spirit directed. My offering was taken, and I had
$400! WOW! There was also a note in the offering
plate. A lady had written, "You are the one that I have
waited for. God directed a group of us women to start
saving our offerings to give to someone that would sing
that song. Please come to my house on Wednesday." I
did! There was $1300 waiting for us! WOW! Amazing
how a little obedience can add up! This was from a
group of 5 women! They had been saving for over a
year. And they were obedient to what HE had directed.

So if you want to sow seed in the Kingdom, please be
obedient in your giving. I believe that Marilyn and
Frank are pieces of the puzzle. Please support them in
prayer, and drop Marilyn a note.

4. Omaha Women Restored! Conference June 4-6, 1999

Sue Mackrill and her Omaha Sword of the Spirit group
have been busy working to prepare the hearts of the
people of Omaha for these studies. Recently Sue
presented her first passover to the school that she
directs, and I wanted to share some things that she
wrote to me recently in an email:
Thank you, thank you , thank you. We had our first
Passover Sedar at the school. The gym was filled with
children from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The
children listened so intently and had mixed emotions
about the food on the Sedar plate. Next year will be
even more exciting
because I will have more time to plan and prepare for
the dinner. I will open it up to the public at our noon

Saturday night we hosted a Passover for the city. There
were 318 people who attended. There was radio
coverage even today about the event. Speaking about
radio coverage, I want to do a series for the radio
stations here in Omaha for the women's conference. I
know we can do a
phone conference. I was wondering if you would be
willing to do a radio program or two. I would schedule
the radio spots in May. It is amazing how many people
listen to the radio. I want to do one each Saturday in
May. The program is half an hour long. We can lots of
ground. Then I want to get on in the afternoon during the week.

I am sending you the flyers if you need them for people.
I wanted to include the workshops, but I could not wait.
I thought if it is alright with you, I would refer them to
your web sight. We have already sent flyers out in
Omaha. You can let me know.
We have been praying for Jeanette Pryor. We will
continue to join in agreement with everyone for her

Thank you for the tapes. I enjoy them so much. May the
Lord bless you as you have blessed me. When you feed
me you feed many of God's children and parents. We
never know what simple things in our eyes will

It is good for me to draw near to God. Psalms 73:28
In His Love, Sue

If you would like a flyer, please contact me or Sue for
one. The information is on the website for you to check
out, and we look forward to seeing you there. I will be
teaching two workshops: (1) Jewish Roots 101: Where
do I start? and The Woman of Valor: Proverbs 31.
Robin Scarlata Sampson will also be teaching a
workshop for home schoolers and Dr. John Garr will
be teaching, too. Main speakers are Jimmilea Berryhill,
Judith Fain, and Sue Mackrill. Registration is $40 and
you need to send it to Sue directly.

Registration information: Prior to May 14, 1999:
Registration is $40 per individual, $50 for married
couple, and $60 for family. After May 14, 1999
Registration will go up to $50 per individual, $60 for
married couple, and $70 for families.
At door registration will be available on a space
available rate only!
*Registration Fees are Non-Refundable.
Meal deadline is May 24, 1999. No meal money will
be refunded after that date.
*Everyone must be registered to attend the conference.
*Credit card registrations are accepted.
*Seating is limited to 300! We encourage you to pre-
register for the entire conference to be assured a seat.
*Send to: Sue Mackrill, Sword of the Spirit School,
2726 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Nebraska 68105 For
more information, or additional brochures: You may
call 402-346-8977 or 402-334-0942

See you there! What a wonderful time we shall have!

5.) Now for some more exciting news! Recently Tom
and I went to Dr. Brad Young's conference in Tulsa,
OK. We had two other friends in tow, and we arrived a
day early to help. I love kitchen duty! I love to watch
people work together, and we definitely are blessed
with meeting new faces. So, off to the kitchen we went
to work for about 4 hours of preparation time.

I had heard about Ann Thrasher for the last few years,
and knew that she was Clarence Wagner's sister (He's
the International Director of Bridges for Peace). Ann
use to be the director of Bridges many years ago, but I
had not met her. Just "heard about her." I wanted to
meet her, and knew that she was in charge of Brad's
seder for Rabbi Sherman. So, with a grin on my face
we went in and started cutting carrots for the salads,
and talking.

I looked over at Ann at one point early on, and she was
frowning and thinking to herself. I asked her, "What's
the problem?" She replied, "I have to shift gears. I am
not use to doing these modern seders." I stopped
chopping and said, "So what kind of seder do YOU
do?" She said, "Today's seders are an adaptation. The
passover is a living changing and growing thing. I have
done extensive research in Israel on the first century
Biblical dinner, and do that kind of presentation. I am
booked for weeks and even sometimes over a year in
advance to present the first century seder all over
Tulsa." I stopped chopping and started talking!!!!

Years ago, I had discovered that Jews feel that we
Christians "steal and take" their Jewish things and add
to them in order to manipulate these Jewish things as
our own. I knew that attending Rabbi Sherman's seder
was different than ours, in that Rabbi Sherman is the
Reform Rabbi of Tulsa. But at the same time, I knew
from my studies that the first century seder was
different, but had never ran into anyone who could
present this important meal so it would be considered
by both Jews and non-Jews as agreeable. Ann had done
her research in Israel and had worked with Dr. Jim
(Yakov) Fleming, the Director of Biblical Resources in
Jerusalem, to develop such a seder. (Are you getting
excited yet?) Ann had also developed a way of getting
non-believing Jews to sit down with gentiles to part
take of this meal together, and to lay their difference
aside. So now we were into a serious discussion....

Ann had developed a presentation that Larry at the
Tulsa Bridges for Peace office, Clarence in Jerualem,
and others have used since early 1980s. But since that
time she has done even more research. She's even
found the recipe for the sop! (Now you are just about
ready to take a dance, I bet!)

Well, needless to say, Ann and I have had long talks
about this presentation and since then I have attended
the Bridges for Peace's Biblical Dinner. (Neat
testimony: A friend from high school, Frank, and his
wife, Linda, joined us at that seder in Tulsa. We hadn't
seen each other in 20 years, and it was wonderful
sharing our LORD together! We met "again" through
email from our high school class reunion! Now Frank is
on this mailing list and has purchased books from
Bridges to help him in his studies. He also promised to
see us in August!) Gayle Brazil, spent time with us, and
we are thrilled to announce that we will be having a
FAMILY RESTORED! Conference in Tulsa August 5-
7, 1999! Actually it will be in Broken Arrow, OK, but
B.A. is a suburb of Tulsa, so you will need to use the
Tulsa International Airport when you come.

We decided to change the name to Family Restored!
since the whole theme of the conference is different
than Women Restored! I've put up at website with
most of the information (still need to get the speakers'
information page finished and the motel information up)
but for now you can read over it.

One of the MOST important points of this conference
will be that you NEED to arrive promptly on Thursday
morning and plan on remaining through Saturday
evening. There's going to be LOTS of things happening,
and the first speakers up will Dr. John Garr of the
Restoration Foundation and Lenore Mullican of
HaKesher Ministry. (Have to brag here: Lenore was
just named Scholar of the Year by ORU!! She beat out
five men with Ph. D's! You will want to hear her
presentation for sure!) We'll also have a get acquainted
luncheon that day, so we can visit with one another
more. But the main reason for the conference is so you
can see the First Century Biblical Meal that Ann
presents. Registration will be $40 an individual and
$20 for third grade and under. We have planned a meal
ticket that you can purchase for $25 which will include
the Biblical meal, the luncheon, and Friday night
sabbath dinner. Total is $65 for an individual and $45
for children third grade and under. We are also
including six refreshment breaks in the registration fee.
All other meals and your sleeping accommodations are
up to you.

The Biblical meal will be done with scenery and
costumes, too. We invite you to bring your bathrobes or
costumes along to add to the festivities. I promise you it
will be a wonderful time in the Lord!

Our heart's desire is to offer to you a full package that
you can take home with you upon completion of the
conference. Ann and I are working on a new haggadah,
a book that will be a script of her presentation
basically, a how to book, and a video that you will be
able to pre-order or buy when you are at the
conference. A full kit of How to do one of these
passovers, in other words, will be yours! Now if you
can't come, then you may order this kit later this
summer. We are not sure what the price will be, but our
vision will be an army of people going forth prepared
to contact their local churches to offer this kind of
presentation next year at Easter/Passover. Believe me,
when Tom and I went through the seder at Bridges, we
were amazed at how many things were revealed that we
did NOT know even after years of studying and
presenting the seder! WOW! This will be a wonderful
time of fellowship and growing, so please make plans
to attend.

The bad news is, that we can only have 200 attend this
conference. Sorry. But that's all the facility will hold.
No more. I have already blocked out 50 seats for our
teachers and local volunteers that will be assisting us,
and so, we only have 150 seats to offer. They will go to
the first 150 that register! I know that we have 4
churches in Tulsa that want to send people to this
conference that Ann has already talked to, so please
know that we will be full early. Do not hesitate to
register ASAP! If we fill up, we may consider doing
another one at another time within the next year, but
know that we'll try to accommodate everyone.

Another special presentation will be a special Friday
night sabbath service, too. Each day we will prepare
the attendees for that evenings presentation. And on
Saturday Dr. Brad Young has agreed to come teach on
PRAYER. (You can't come to Tulsa and not have Dr.
Young teach, okay?)

We've planned lots of workshops including one on
Hebrew Folk Dancing, and there will be several
workshops for men and families to attend.
