From:           Hubner Soivilien
Subject:       Rebuttal to Anti-Missionaries

Shalom All,

Well, some of you have heard about how many people among the unbelieving
Jewish community have come up with all kinds of work to fight against the
Belief in Yeshua as the Messiah.  A number of works have been done by many
unbelieving Jews to show that the Message of the Brit Chadasha is wrong and
that it's not of G-d.  Some of you may have seen some of those works like
"Their Hollow Inheritance", a book written by some guy to show that the
Christian message is all false and that Yeshua/Jesus is not the Messiah.
"You take Jesus; I'll take G-d", another book written with the same view.
And another is Rabbi Tovia Singer's anti-missionary tape set "Let's Get
Biblical" from Outreach Judaism.  The argument presented in those works are
very strong and many people who had claimed to be believers in Yeshua got
deceived stop believing that Yeshua is the Messiah. I had shared some of
those informations with some believers to see how we could refute them.
Most Christians would not have a clue on how to defend the New Testament
against these works. My desire and prayer  was that G-d would move someone
to do some teachings that would help in this situation.  Here's something
that I got from the Nazerene newsgroup:

"There was some talk about producing a body of work which would counter or
explain the fallacies of these tapes. It seems that Dr. James Scott Trimm
( has done so in a fourteen tape set.

 A 14 tape set response to Rabbi Tovia Singer's anti-missionary
 tape set "Let's Get Biblical" from Outreach Judaism.

Even if you have never heard Rabbi Singer's "anti-missionary"  tape
set you will still benefit greatly from Dr. James Trimm's response to
the "anti-missionaries."  This detailed response to the
anti-missionaries is a must for:

 Nazarene Jews
 Messianic Jews
 Hebrew Christians
 Gentile Christians
 "Anti-missionary" Jews
 and Apologists of all kinds!

Although OUTREACH JUDAISM charges $99.00 for its "Let's Get Biblical"
tape set, we at SANJ are asking only for a $60.00 donation for the
"Let's Get Truthful" tape set.

To receive this tape set and companion study guide please send your
donation of $60.00 or more plus $5.00 shipping and handling to:

Box 471
Hurst, TX 76053

Please make your check payable to: "The Society for the Advancement of
Nazarene Judaism."

Tape Set includes:

TAPE ONE: INTRODUCTION - Learn how the anti-missionaries mislead their
audience.  Learn how they do not apply the same rules to themselves as
they apply to their opposition.  Learn the four levels of
understanding of any scripture.

TAPE TWO: THE TWO MESSIAH THEORY - Learn how anciently Judaism
maintained a belief in two Messiah's: a suffering servant and a
Davidic leader.  Learn how the Qumran community believed in two coming
Messiahs. Learn how ancient Jewish scholars questioned whether these
would be two Messiahs or two comings of one Messiah.

Hosea 11:1b out of context?  Have Messianic believers changed Psalm
22? Does Mt. 2:23 just invent a Messianic prophecy from nowhere?  Does
Mt. 1:23 misuse Is. 7:14 regarding a virgin birth?  This tape answers
all these questions.

TAPE FOUR: SIN AND ATONEMENT, - James discusses the logistics of
atonement.  What does the scripture really mean "Avram believed YHWH and it was
counted to him as righteousness" (Gen. 15:6).  What did Avram believe?
What does EMUNA (translated believe) mean in Hebrew?  Who did Avram
believe in and how was this counted to him as righteousness?  Learn
the answers to these questions and more.

TAPE FIVE: ISAIAH 53 PART 1 - Go line by line through Isaiah
52:7-53:12. Who is speaking?  Do these passages speak of Israel?  Do
they speak of Messiah?  Learn the answers.

TAPE SIX: ISAIAH 53 PART 2 - Learn what ancient Rabbinic literature
taught about Is. 52:7-53:12.  What does the Targum say?  What does the
Talmud say?
 What does the Zohar say?  Learn the answers.

TAPE SEVEN: ISAIAH 53 PART 3 - Learn what the Qumran community thought
about the figure of Is. 52:7-53:12 before Yeshua was even born.

TAPE EIGHT: THE DEITY OF MESSIAH PART 1 - Learn the truth about the
deity issue.


TAPE TEN: ISAIAH 9:5-6; ZECH. 12:10 & ZECH. 13:6 - Have Bible
translators altered Is. 9:5-6?  Have Messianics misused Zech. 12:10 &
13:6?  Find out.

TAPE ELEVEN: DANIEL 9 - Does Daniel nine foretell the date of the
coming of Messiah?  What does the Talmud say?  What do the Dead Sea
Scrolls say? Find out.

TAPE TWELVE:  PSALM 2:12 and PSALM 110   Does Psalm 2:12 say "kiss the
son"? Does Ps. 110 speak of the Messiah?  What does the Targum say
about Ps. 110?  What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say about Ps. 110? Has
Ps. 110 been changed?  Who changed it, when and why?  Find out.

Testament really full of mistakes and contradictions?  Do these
writings meet the same standards as those of the Tanak?  Find out.

clear from the prophecies that Yehua is the Messiah.

Well, I would really encourage you all to try to get these tapes set.  For
they would be a blessing to you everyone who would take the time to go into
these studies.  I am sure that these tapes will be a good tool to equip
someone when it comes to Jewish evangelism.  And I believe that we can use
that to help the Church.  And I believe this can be a very good opportunity
for us to show the gentile church her need to return to the root of the
faith.  For if you were to present those unbelieving Jews works to the
gentile church, THE MAJORITY of the believers ESPECIALLY THE SO CALLED
BIBLE SCHOLARS would not be able to defend their faith.  And I think that's
what we need to do. We must present them those works and ask them to refute
them and that would make realize that they are equip for that.  So once
they realized that they are not equip for that since they would not be able
to refute them, we then teach them how to refute by using this tape set
that Brother James Trimm has done.  I really believe this will be a great
help for equiping the non-Jewish and Jewish believers that they can be more
effective and also that will show them how the importance of studying the
scripture in its Jewish/Hebraic Context.  I would also encourage you all to
pass this news to other believers.  For there is a war going between the
kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness.  May G-d bless you all.




P.S.  I have listened to these tapes by Dr. James Trimm and I HIGHLY
         recommend them for your studies.

         Eddie Chumney
         Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l


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