From: Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky" <>
Proclaiming revival to all Israel from the Miami beach Israel revival!
PO BOX 414068 Miami Beach, Fl. 33141 305-868-8787 RESTORING THE
Your Arms To Israel is the international teaching outreach of Rabbi
Moshe Koniuchowsky & B'nai Yahshua Synagogue of Miami Beach, home of
the Miami Beach Israel Revival. Your Arms To Israel is published
quarterly by Rabbi & Rivkah Koniuchowsky. Rabbi Moshe is General
Secretary of The Messianic Israel Alliance.
The views expressed in Your Arms To Israel are solely those of Rabbi
Koniuchowsky, Yours Arms To Israel Revival and B'nai Yahshua
Synagogue. These views and doctrines do not necessarily represent the
views of the Messianic Israel Alliance, its member congregations, its
steering committee or any of its members.
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Rabbi's Study:
Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky
3 of 6: (Part 2 of 2)
Everywhere our English bibles use the word or the phrase "church", it
is a terrible translation, mistranslation, and perverted understanding
of the inspired Greek word ekklessia, along with its intended original
meaning. The English translators as well as earlier monks, and
papists, took the word eklklessia which literally, and quite simply
means "the ones called out", or a "called out assembly", and
translated the word as "church". The result of this terrible action
gave license to the early Jew haters of the 4th century AD, to pin
this unscriptural moniker (church) on themselves, thereby allowing
themselves ("non Jewish "believers"), to reorganize, and reconstitute
themselves under Constantine, and his amalgamation of Messianic faith
with sun, and emperor worship. These breakaway renegades proudly used
this word "church" derived form the word "kirch" of Celtic pagan
This separate breakaway entity based in Rome, then declared herself to
be the new, and improved Israel, the true Israel that had arrived to
do Yahshua's will, and eliminate Jewish Israel by any means including
the sword. This separate entity did not recognize Yahweh as the
Sovereign who sent The Son they claimed to love. This separate entity
changed the Feasts, dietary laws, and the Sabbaths of Yahweh, and
claimed to have no ties whatsoever with Jewish Israel. This separate
entity wrestled the title of Israel away from the early Messianic
community that included all nations, and stated that the saved remnant
of the Jewish nation was not welcome as Jews in this renegade separate
entity. This separate entity called itself "the church", and its
adherents were called Christians. Acts 11:26 confirms this truth by
stating that the early disciples were first called Christians. Notice
that Yahweh never called born again Israelites by that name, rather it
was man who called non Jewish believers Christians. Later these non
Jewish "so called Christians", separated into the separate entity that
for the next two millennia would be called "the church". With two
separate entities vying for the much treasured title of Israel, is it
any wonder that Jewish Israel has become the victim rather than the
covering for Messianic faith?
Keeping in mind that the Greek word for church is ekklessia, we will
allow scripture, and history to explain to us that ekklessia in Greek
was understood by all the writers of inspiration to be a reference to
Israel, and the people of Israel. Approximately 150 years before
Yahshua the blessed Holy One was born in Bethlehem of Judea, seventy
of the leading traditional non Messianic rabbis got together to
translate the Hebrew Tanach (First Covenant) from Hebrew which was the
original language of inspiration, to the widely spoken common Greek
language which was the universal language of that time. The
translation produced became know as the Septuagint in honor of the
seventy scholars who translated the work.
Every time the 70 traditional rabbis came to the Hebrew words Kehilah,
Kehelat or Adat, they without fail translated the words into the Greek
word "ekklessia". This same word is translated in English as "church"
in the Brit Chadashah. Kehela, Kehelat, and Adat are all titles used
to designate Yahweh's single covenant people, Israel. In both
covenants whenever ekklessia is used in either the Hebrew Septuagint
or the Greek New Covenant, it never refers to any group other than
twelve tribe Israel! From a linguistic standpoint alone, the word
ekklessia could not mean "church". The assembly or congregation or
gathering of Israelites was, is, and always will be the ekklessia.
Some modern translations are at long last correcting previous
erroneous English translations. More, and more newer translations have
thankfully eliminated the term "church", and are rendering ekklessia
correctly as assembly. Following that same line of understanding into
the Messianic or New Covenant scriptures, we see that all references
to ekklesssia or the ekklessia of Yahshua, or the ekklessia in Yahweh,
means the assembly of Yahweh. Since He is the Yahweh-Elohim of Israel,
the born again community of faith are the people of Yahweh, or the
people of Israel. The people of Israel make up a single flock that
hears the Good Shepherd's voice, and obeys His commandments (Rev.
So we see that Satan knowing this concept of one flock, attempted to
erase the Jewish people by having them join the manmade "church", in
order to pull them out of national Israel, and turn them into Roman
citizens loyal to paganism. The idea being if all Jews that are saved
join a man made institution, they will lose their Jewish nationality,
and within a few generations genocide will in effect have subtly taken
place. (Of course when this plan didn't work Satan tried the old
forced baptism, and forced conversion method done at the point of a
The truth of the whole matter is that the opposite holds true. All
peoples, tongues, and tribes are called to join believing Israel, as
the true divinely created, and ordained ekklessia of Israel. In this
divinely sanctioned version of New Covenant Israel, all paganism, and
foreign detestable idols should be left at the door, and not brought
to the altar. In Matthew 16:18, Yahshua tells Keefa (Peter), that the
Heavenly Father had given Keefa divine revelation that Yahshua the
Messiah would build His ekklessia against which the gates of hell
would not, and could not prevail. The word here translated "church" is
ekklessia in the Greek. Yahshua is in essence saying that national
Israel's elders, and leadership, were vainly trying to rebuilt, and
restore Israel by their own manmade rules, and efforts. Satan
continually prevailed against that version of Israel. Yahshua on the
other hand would build His version of the ekklessia (Israel), and that
that Israel would continually overcome all the forces of Satan, and of
darkness. Traditional replacement theology points to Matt.16:18, as
some sort of proof text that Yahshua was about to create, and built
something new called "the church", and furthermore that it would be
something that the Jews because of their unbelief would have to deal
with. What hogwash, and popycock that is! Had He intended to built a
church, He would have said so, don't you think? Instead He told this
Israelite named Keefa (Peter), that He (Yahshua), would build a
successful enough, and strong enough ekklessia of Israel, that would
survive the onslaught of the gates of hell. What a difference! In Acts
7:38 Stephen the first Israelite martyr (not "church" martyr, since
scripturally speaking "the church" never existed), confirms this
marvelous truth. He states that Moshe Rabainu or Moses was with the
ekklessia on Mt Sinai receiving the Torah. Stephen here refers to the
giving of the Torah to the ekklessia of Israel. In the King James
Version, and others as well, it states that "this is he who was in the
church in the wilderness". Now either Moses went to church at Mt
Sinai, or the word ekklessia means that Moses was with the assembly of
Israel when he was called up to receive the Torah. Stephen the first
New Covenant Israelite martyr (not church martyr), understood the same
thing as Yahshua, and all the other writers of New Covenant scripture.
That the ekklessia that would mushroom into the global Kingdom of
Yahweh, was Israel reborn, rebuilt, reconstructed, and renewed! In
none of the aforementioned verses or anywhere else in the New Covenant
for that matter, is there any divine authority or sanction given for
the creation of a separate entity called "the church", the Gentile
church, the Gentile Christian church, or the non Jewish church, for
that matter.
The prophet Jeremiah confirms this everlasting truth in Jeremiah
chapter 31:verses 31-34, where he prophecies that the New Covenant
will be cut with both houses of Israel, in order to forgive sin, and
internalize Torah through the Brit HaLev (circumcision of the heart).
These verses say nothing about the New Covenant being cut with anyone
else, though other scriptures do in fact teach the salvation of the
"Gentile" nations that enter into this NEW ISRAELITE COVENANT!
Therefore last days ministries that are for the most part sincere, and
working very hard to reconcile "the church", and the Jews, are wasting
their time at best, and are in fact becoming part of the problem as
opposed to part of the solution. This ministry to "the church", is in
itself a defacto false recognition that there is a separate "Gentile"
entity apart from Israel called the church. HOW CAN YOU, AND I HAVE A
GET SERIOUS! The only ministry acceptable to the Heavenly Father is a
ministry to the victims of the manmade ecclesiastical system called
"the church", in order to gently rebuke, reprimand, and correct them
unto repentance, by renouncing separate entity theology, and practice,
and by bringing them back into New Covenant Israel, where everyone is
welcome, and where everyone follows Yahshua, and honors His Torah!
That is true biblical teshuvah! In this New Covenant Israel, the true
middle wall of partition is permanently crushed.
Let me caution those involved in ministries who in much good will are
trying hard to make these two separate entitles learn how to love, and
get along with each other. These two separate entities with separate
loyalties (Jerusalem, and Rome), and separate Sabbaths, separate Feast
days, separate thinking towards the land of Israel, are not divinely
mandated to get along since they represent two different kingdoms, and
two different spirits! One represents the Kingdom Of Light, the other
the kingdom of darkness, and shadows. Cease, and desist from your work
of flesh whereby you lean on your own understanding, or even worse on
traditional understanding of just who Israel is, and is not. It is the
Father's revealed will, to have one flock with total unity, not two
flocks with some common similarities, and some common areas of
ecumenical understanding. Stop! Cease, and desist!! If you are really
sent by Yahweh to the "church", which is a separate entity without
divine sanction, it will not be to schmooze them into liking the Jews,
and supporting your ministry, rather it will be to call them out of
AND HER ETERNAL PRECEPTS! Repent to the Father for a lack of
understanding of your true call. You may have meant well, but what in
fact you have been doing is continuing to nurture separate entity
theology, which is the very oxygen that feeds, and enflames the
nefarious fires of replacement theology, which you claim to loath, and
despise. There is one people of New Covenant Israel called the
ekklessia or the Israel of Yahweh (Galatians 6:16), and it is up to
you, and I to became part of the solution by bringing to an end the
claims of another renegade, pagan saturated, illegal, compromising
man-made made system called "the church".
Isn't it ironic that my Messianic Jewish brothers who hate replacement
theology the most, and would love to put a final end to its
proliferation, are teaching the very same doctrines that guarantee its
survival. By teaching that the body of Yahshua is made up of Gentile
believers known as "the church", and by Jewish believers known as
Messianic Jews or Israel, they are virtually helping to spread the
belief that these two separate mystical, and mysterious ecclesiastical
bodies, become one in Yahshua. How could that be if one of the
entities uses Torah as an instruction manual, and honors Yahweh's
Feasts, while the other entity burns Torahs, and refers to anything
from Torah as Jewish legalism. Amos 3:3 clearly reminds us "how can
two walk together except they be agreed? You cannot take two entities,
and simply name, and claim unity, while both entities have no plans to
adopt a single code of conduct (Torah), and while most of the time
these two entities are to busy trying to replace, convert, deny or
even annihilate the other entity. As long as you have two brides, and
two separate entities called "the Gentile church", and "the Jews"
(Israel), you will continue to have an ongoing battle royal over the
title of Israel, with each staking its claim to be the real, and the
true Israel at the expense of the other, with each side having its own
collection of "proof texts".
Please my brethren. Be honest with yourselves, and with your own
hearts. Your intentions may have been the best, but all the while you
have been trying to create unity between oil, and water,, and have
further accelerated the spread of the disease of replacement theology,
that you claim to despise. The time must end immediately for Messianic
Jewish leadership to be threatened by the scriptural truth of the two
houses of Israel, which is in no way, shape or form replacement
theology, but rather the permanent, and lasting solution to it! Only a
revelation of who Ephraim/Israel is today, will allow you to spend
your time building, and rebuilding the Tabernacle Of David. I call
heaven, and earth this day to record my prophetic call to the leaders
of Messianic Judaism, of which I am a part, and who I consider to be
my co-laborers, and friends, to recognize their unwilling
proliferation of replacement theology, by withholding Israelite
recognition to non Jewish believers as Ephraim/Israel, who in the most
part are willing to live with Judah, not attempt to replace Judah.
Withholding their true Israelite identity from them is sinful, and is
labeled vexation of a brother in Isaiah 11:13-14! This vexation has
fooled Ephraim into looking for his acceptance in an ecclesiastical
field of dreams, that unfortunately is laced with paganism! When
Messianic Jews grant the other House of Israel their rightful place,
Isaiah 11:13 states that Ephraim (saved non Jewish believers), will
feel the love, and acceptance from Judah, and no longer cause the
Jewish people further problems. There it is clearly outlined in Isaiah
11:1-16, and specifically verses 12-13, which are Yahweh's outline for
the end of the "church" versus "the Jewish" blood bath, and battle!
True two house theology has no room for replacement theology in it,
because it refuses to recognize a false system called "the church", as
REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY! Messianic Jewish leaders must see the teaching
on the two houses of a single people called Israel (not two entities),
as the permanent final solution to replacement theology. Continuing
refusal to accept the biblical, historic, and Talmudic truth of two
still divided houses, with the House of Ephraim having been turned
into hundreds of millions of Gentiles, as their punishment for
paganism, will result in Messianic Judaism continuing to chase its
proverbial tail in futile attempts to abort replacement theology!
True born again church folks must shed their orphan Annie religious
clothing,, and man made designations such as Baptist, Lutheran,
Methodist, Presbyterian, non denominational, or non affiliated,, and
yes even Catholic,, and call themselves what scripture calls them.
Returning Israelites, who were lost before Yahshua found, and saved
them. Settling for anything less than the title of Israel, with their
picture restored back into the family album, will only proliferate the
venomous teachings that have been brought about by their blindness to
their Israelite identity. Two house restoration truth is the cure for
denominationalism as well, which is nothing but a heartfelt expression
of born again believers crying out for some sort of corporate
identity, and belonging!
Awake, and arise oh House Of Israel so long ago outcast, and
dispersed, and come out of the "church system" by returning to your
brother Judah as an equal heir at the table of fellowship in Messiah's
New Covenant Israel!
More, and more Messianic Jewish rabbis are seeing two house theology
as the pure final scriptural, and authoritative end to the two
thousand year old problem of replacement theology. But unfortunately
there are still those who see two house theology (Judah, and Ephraim),
as the cause of replacement theology! Shame on you for believing the
party line birthed in fear, rather than in the faith of Yahweh as He
outlined the plan for Israel's full, and glorious restoration in our
day! Remember the party line is usually not correct. Remember the
party line used to be that Jews cannot, and will not trust Yahshua.
Boy have we seen that myth go to a deservedly quick grave. In like
manner the myth that two house theology is another form of Christian
replacement theology, will, and is already dying a rapid, and well
deserved death. As Bob Dylan once sang: "The times they are a
changin!", and they are changing for the better.
As we know or should understand, error begets error. Or to put it
another way the rejection of truth breeds error. The teaching of
separate entity theology has brought most of Yahshua's body to attempt
to band-aid this breech of scriptural two house truth, by installing a
new heresy. This new heresy is called the physical, and spiritual
Israel theory. This teaching is a frivolous attempt to explain away
the self inflicted results, and wounds of separate entity theology.
This heresy states that the "church" is spiritual Israel, all the
while the Jewish people, and specifically the Messianic Jews are
physical Israel. Why is this teaching wrong? Because it still leaves
us with the unsolvable problem of two Israels, and wrongfully portrays
Yahweh as a lustful spiritual adulterer! Furthermore the spiritual
versus physical Israel heresy cannot be accurate, because in order for
physical Israel to be acceptable to the Father they must also become
spiritual through the new birth. Also everyone who claims to be
spiritual Israel, in the so called "church", are all physical beings
who really do exist. This popular theory is full of flaws, and is not
the solution we are looking for.
The devil doesn't really give a hoot if you call one entity ("the
church") spiritual Israel, and the Jews, physical Israel. As long as
you don't recognize the body of YAHSHUA AS A SINGLE ENTITY, THAT IS
Therefore any Messianic group or congregation that truly wants to
become part of the final solution to this dual entity problem, can do
so by buying into the heaven sent truth of a single people called
Israel, who are both physically descended from Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, as well as spiritually restored back to that very same people
by the blood of Messiah. If we allow ourselves to return to the clear
dictate of scripture, then we will be honored by Yahweh as part of the
solution to this ongoing problem. Remember! Separate entity, or the
"physical versus spiritual Israel lie", is the very life giving oxygen
that fuels the nefarious consuming flames of replacement theology. THE
If we remove one of the two competing entities both claiming to be
Israel, then the battle is over. No one can replace anyone else
because we have finally recognized that Yahweh is not a polygamist
allowing one bride to be Gentiles, or spiritual Israel, and another to
be physical, or the "real Israel". If we come to the true irrefutable
recognition that Yahshua has purchased one entity called Israel, the
ekklessia of the New Covenant, then the jealousy, the warring, the
vexation, the disrespect, the haughty attitudes, and all attempts at
establishing either of the two competing entities as superior or more
chosen, will finally, and thankfully come to an abrupt,, and sudden
end. Then Judah, and Ephraim may tussle as brothers in a sibling
rivalry, within the family of Israel, as all natural families do, but
that is a far cry from the murder fueled by jealousy, coming from two
separate families, or entities!
If we straighten out our theology to match up with scripture, we will
be a partaker in eliminating replacement theology, by eliminating the
oxygen that feeds it which is separate entity theology. By being a
forerunner in the restoration of this last days prophetic truth, we
will gain tremendous rewards in heaven. By continuing to proliferate
the lie of so called physical,, and spiritual Israel, we play right
into the hands of those who hate us so much, that they have decided to
eliminate us, by replacing us through incorrect doctrine, for which
they do not have to do any jail time!
The preaching of the glorious gospel of Yahshua, is the method by
which,, and through which the kingdom is being restored to all Israel
(Acts 1:1-8). The gospel is designed to bring all nations into a
single entity called New Covenant Israel, or the ekklessia of Yahshua.
Verse 6 of Acts:1, tells us that Israel's restoration was foremost on
the minds of the remaining eleven talmidim at the time of Yahshua's
ascension. He rebuked their desire to know the timing of Israel's full
restoration, as something that belonged only to the Sovereign Father
in heaven,, and then proceeded to give them the formula or the means
by which the Kingdom would be restored through the gospel. Verse 8 of
Acts:1, tells us this formula for building this single entity known as
Israel (both simultaneously physical, and spiritual), will come to
pass by first going to the Jews or the House of Judah found in
Jerusalem, and Judea. Then the eleven were told as we all are, to go
to Samaria (Ephraim's former capital city), which is a direct call
from the Messiah to seek out Ephraim, the other House of Israel! All
historians recognize the Samaritans as having been descended form the
Northern ten tribes. Finally we are to go to the outer most parts of
the globe. Why? Because according to Genesis 48:19, and Isaiah 11:12,
this global search via gospel light, will allow us to find the
scattered sheep of Israel, the outcast seed of Ephraim/Israel, along
with the dispersed seed of Jewish/Israel. Together with the past
dispersions of Jewish/Israel, and the obvious outcast status of
Ephraim/Israel, the globe is full of Israelite blood from both houses,
thereby the necessitating of "The Great Commission" of Matthew
28:18-20. If you belong to Yahshua by grace through faith, then "EWE",
must be one of them! Yahweh designed the worldwide preaching of the
gospel to both redeem individuals, all the while simultaneously
restoring Israel corporately. "O the riches, and wisdom of Almighty
The only solution then to replacement theology, physical versus
spiritual Israel theology, and separate entity theology, is the
restoration of both houses of Israel. The House of Judah,
Jewish/Israel, ,and the House of Israel, Ephraim/Israel! (Study Hosea
chapter one to find out how Ephraim would turn up in the last days as
Gentiles,, and unite with saved Jews, into one single body with the
same set of instructions (Torah), and the same vision). Hosea chapter
one verse 11, reminds us that the day of Jezreal or the 12 tribal
re-gathering of Israel, will take place only through Messiah's
establishment of Israel as a single entity. Both houses will appoint
the same King over them (Yahshua), as well as appoint the same
teaching of King Messiah (Torah), as their guidebook, and instruction
manual. The revelation of this last days truth,, and the restoration
of all Israelites from both still divided houses, will cause a cry of
lament to proceed from a reunited Israel, as is beautifully taught in
Hosea 2:1. We will see that non Jewish believers, are really as much
physical Israelites as we ourselves are, and our response to our
Messianic Israelite brothers, and sisters of faith will take on a new
reality, as we see them for who they really are. Not just spiritual
brothers or sisters, but flesh, and blood physical Israelites, as
chosen as is Jewish/Israel!
This realization in both houses of Israel, will give birth to the
joyous, and wonderful heartfelt cry of reunion. "O MY PEOPLE! AMI"!
This last days revelation of the restoration of both houses of Israel,
will allow the spiritually discerned to see their non Jewish brothers
in a new light. That light will reveal Ephraim/Israelites as fellow
redeemed physical Israelites. That same light will allow Ephraim to
shed his temporal denominational name tags, and in its place reclaim
the title of Israel that belonged to them before 921BC, without having
a compulsion to replace the Jews. As the scripture declares: "Truly
great is the day of Jezreal" (the re-gathering of that which had been
previously scattered!).
Ephramites who still hold to replacement theology are in desperate
need of doctrinal healing, and need a true heaven sent vision of
national Israelite unity. Their thinking is sinful, and a major
obstacle, and stumbling block to the ultimate, and glorious
reunification of all Israel!
Where will you stand today? With the two houses OF ISRAEL, beautifully
coming together into a single flock through Yahshua our Messiah's life
giving blood, or with the lies of separate entity theology, and the
spiritual versus physical Israel theology, which remain the twin
oxygen tanks that allows replacement theology to survive. The choice
is yours! As for me, and my house (Joshua 24:15), we will serve
Yahweh, and His eternal covenant people Israel!
Part 2 of 2)