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From:          Gary Collett
To:               heb_roots_chr@hebroots.org
Subject:       Jerusalem -Prophetic East/West Study

Greetings from Jerusalem!

EAST-WEST STUDY -- For understanding prophetic coming events:

*Man was expelled Eastward out of the Garden (Genesis 3:24).

*Cain went Eastward from the presence of the Lord (Genesis 4:16).

*Lot traveled East towards Sodom (Genesis 13:11).

*The 10 tribes were taken Eastward as captives (II Kings 17:6).

*The two tribes were taken Eastward into captivity (II Kings 25:21).

*The Skekinah Glory withdrew Eastward (Ezekiel 10:18-19 &11:22-23).

*The penalty for sin was East of the Temple altar (Leviticus 4:1-12
 & 1:16; Ezekiel 43:21 and Hebrews 13:11-12).

*East of Jerusalem is the "Dead" Sea.

*East of the Dead Sea will be a place of foul smell and burying for
 the first battle of Gog & Magog (Ezekiel 39:11).

*God will separate our Sin as far as the East is from the West
 (Psalms 103:12).

***Biblically going Eastward is depicting separation from and/or
 "leaving God"!

***Biblically coming towards God is depicted as going Westward.

*Abram was called from Ur to journey Westward (Genesis 11:31).

*The tribes of Israel returned from captivity going West (II Kings 17:6 &

*The Holy of Holies was in the West end of the Tabernacle as well
as in the First and Second Temple and will be for the future Third
Temple. Therefore coming to the presence of God with the Ark of the
Covenant or Holy of Holies was only possible by going West from
the East (Numbers 3:38; Lev. 16:14 & Ezekiel 43:1-5).

*Ezekiel saw the Glory of God returning Westward (Ezekiel 43:1-5).

*The Wiseman went West from the East to find the baby Jesus (Matthew

*The Messiah will come from the East (top of the Mount of Olives) going
West to enter the Temple as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Ez.44:1-3
& Rev.19:11-16).

*The blood (of the bullocks used for sacrifice) was used Westward
in the Temple while the flesh was burned to the East on the Mt. of
Olives (Lev.4:7, 11-12; Lev. 1:16; Ezekiel 43:21 and Heb. 13:10-12).

*The Red Heifer (Numbers 19) was offered first in the Wilderness (to
the East of the Tabernackle) and when in Jerusalem it was offered on
the Mt. of Olives to the East of the Temple but its ashes were used to
go West into the presence of God (Numbers 19 and Lev. 16 & 27).

*Psalms 49:2 makes reference to "the sides of North" which are
East and West!

All of these East-West relationships begin to show why the Mount of
Olives will be controlled fully by the State of Israel, a part of the
Temple itself, before the coming of Messiah/Christ. This also explains
"why" the Mount of Olives will split when His feet touch, Zechariah 14:4,
as there cannot be two sites of importance when He is in residence on
Mount Moriah! There cannot be a second Altar of the Temple, Ezekiel
43: 21, on the top of the Mount of Olives, in competition when He
is the embodied fulfillment of God's promises, living in the Temple
on the Temple Mount of Mount Moriah, Mount Tsion!

In His Love,
G.R. Collett, DD
PO Bx 11388, 91113 Jerusalem, Israel
USA: Jerusalem Ministries International, PO Bx 1667, Everett WA. 98201


From:          Gary Collett
To:               heb_roots_chr@hebroots.org
Subject:      TALIT- The Jewish Prayer Shawl

Shalom to All, from Jerusalem!

TALIT- The Jewish Prayer Shawl

  In the book of Numbers and Deutoronomy the command is given for all
male members of Israel to wear a garment which has tassels, or strings
on the corners, which reveal multiple facets of revelation about God,
His unpronounceable name, even who He is. This "covering" we have
found can be linked or tied into the "covering(s)" that was brought by
God for Adam and Eve in the Genisis account, when sin entered the
Garden. This covering then seems to be the representation as found in
the first covering of the Tabernacle in Exodus chapter 26. From all
this we became extremely interested in the meanings and root meanings
of "Talit". From a very old Encyclopedia Judaica we found that the
word "Talit" comes from a word meaning "lamb", Hebrew dictionaries
will confirm this. Because the Talit is used as a "covering" the
transliteration of Talit should be . "the Covering of the Lamb".  Is
this then the intended meaning as represented in  the "covering" given
to Adam and Eve, the first covering as given for the Tabernacle and as
commanded to be worn by male members of Israel? We think so!

   The description in Exodus 26 of the first "covering" of the Tabernacle
in the wilderness was white linen with stripes with the "string" or
rope tie downs, which fits a description of a very large "Talit", the
first required covering of God, the "covering of the Lamb"! We found
that to tie the strings called Tzit-Tzit, on a Talit, four strings are
used. Three of the strings are long and one is short, i.e. "One in
Three" or "Three in One". Sound familiar? The four strings are then
put Through a hole in the corner of the Talit ... this is done for
each corner. With the hole representing an unbroken circle or eternity
the "One in Three, Three in One" is then declared to be the same on
both sides of Eternity! The four strings then put together become
"eight",which is  the number of Messiah!

    From this we can took on a new look at the story in Mark Chapter
five.  The woman touching the "Hem" was touching the Tzit-Tzit (strings tied
knots), which would have been a symbolic appeal to the Messiah who is
the Three in One. She was instantly made whole! But by the Law, as
given to Moses, being touched by a woman who had an issue if blood
made the Rabbi called Jesus "unclean". The interesting facet is this
was the very requirement needed to be able to enter where the young
girl lay dead. By the Law if a person knowingly chooses to enter where
a body lay dead then that person could be stoned to death but if the
person were already "unclean", not by choice, then there is complete
freedom to enter without the risk of stoning! He fulfilled the Law!
But now a second "problem" occurs. As an "unclean" Rabbi, which
explains why those around Him ridiculed Him so strongly, He can do
nothing but we know the text tells the "rest of the story"! But we
were suspicious!

   We suspicioned that because Jewish Scribes copied
texts without spaces between words a translational error was made. The
text reads as printed in Mark 5: 41, "Talitha, cumi", but we came to
the conclusion that it should read, "Talit Ha Cumi"! (We have had a
number of scholars who now agree with us!) This would then be
translated as, "Little girl covered by the Talit, arise!" From other
issues of the Biblical culture Jesus would have had to have taken His
own Talit off and covered the girl with it, symbolically covering her
with Himself as the Lamb of God! A scholar, Dr. Doug Wheeler, who we
shared this with, conferred with others and a further dimension arose!
Because of the mixing of the masculine and feminine, with active
personal application the phrase "Talit Ha Cumi" it now explains why in
verse 43 it reads, "But He commanded them strictly that no one should
know it." What was commanded that "it" should not be shared publicly?
Surly it was not the fact that the girl arose because as soon as she
is seen everyone would know! No, what was commanded to not be told
revolves around the command "Talit Ha." which because of the personal
application can be translated, "I as the Lamb of God, God in the
Flesh"  "command you, little girl to arise!" Jesus then commanded them
not to publicly disclose that as God in the Flesh He spoke, verse 43!
This is awesome and is quite timely as it helps reveal the Deity of
Christ when so many are denying it!  Food for thought! Thank you Doug
Wheeler and others for your part in this revelation!

IN Him,
G.R. Collett, DD
Jerusalem Ministries International


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