HHMI Newsgroup Archives
Subject: Re: Need Hebrew transliteration Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 11:05:48 +0000 From: heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com Reply-To: heb_roots_chr@geocities.com To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<heb_roots_chr@geocities.com>
To: heb_roots_chr@geocities.com Subject: Re: Need Hebrew transliteration From: (Yehoshua M Othniel) > Dear Rabbi 0 and other friends' > > Shalom. My name is Annie Tolliver. My husband and I run a Christian >home for delinquent boys called Youth-Reach Tulsať I personally am >interested in our Jewish roots, and I very much appreciate the news mail >and teaching I recieve from Hebrew Heritage. Thank you for your very >valuable service. I have been doing some extensive research for a drama >presentation of the ministry of Jesus. I want very much to paint a >portrait of Jesus as a man just like any other man^ and yet unlike any >man that ever lived. I want people to be captivated with the heroic, >romantic characteristics of Jesus, and also to see the very Jewishness of >Jesus. I believe that we as Christian must come to understand our Jewish >brothers and embrace them with love and acceptance and appreciation. My >heart is like the heart of Paul as expressed in Roman 9,10 and II. but I >don't want to preach. What I would like to know is if you could help me >find or if you could provide two things I need yet for my manuscript. > > 1) the Hebrew transliteration of Isaiah 61:1-2 as Jesus would have read >it from the Torah as recorded in Luke 4:18-19. > > 2) the Hebrew transliteration of the Seven Blessings used in the Jewish <marriage ceremony. > > I very much appreciate your time and I thank you for your gracious consideration of my request. May The Holy One, Blessed Be He, smile upon >you, strengthen you, and >grant you peace! > > Love in Jesus, > > Annie Tolliver > yrt@npi .net > http://www.worldclassads.com/ads/wcal0027.html Dear Annie, Shabbat is now but a memory, l*m sorry for the delay in ansering your question. Some days it can* t be helped. I have what you ' re looking for, let me give you the Hebrew transliteration for the passage of Isaiah first. Yeshiyahu ( Isaiah) 61: 1-2 Ruach Adonai (YHVH) ahlai ya-ahn mashakh Adonai oti levaser anavim shelakhani lakhavosh lenish beray-layv likrho iishevooyim dehrohr vela-amoorim pekakh-koakh. Lekero shenat-ratzon laihoah veyom nakarn leyloheynoo lenaheym kal-aveylim. Note: The word or letters in the "( )" stands for the Hebrew letters that make up the "Tetragramaton" or The Name of the Holy One, blessed be He. Jews do NOT pronounce this name out of respect. Therefore we Jews use one of the following as a substitute... Ruach Adonai, Adonai... Ruach Ados hem... Ruach Elohim... Y'shua when reading this passage would not have pronounced The Father's personal name. (Just as I would not call my father by his first name out of respect.) He would chosen one of these substitutes. My guess would be "Ruach Ados hem... " Now let's turn to the seven berachot or seven blessings from the Jewish wedding ceremony. 1.) Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaenu melech ha-olam, Borae pa're hagofin. Praised be Thou O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe who has created the fruit of the vine 2.) Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaenu melch ha-olam, She-ha-kol bah-rah leekh-voe-doe. Praised be Thou O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has created all things to Thy glory. 3.) Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaenu melech ha-olam, yolzer ha-adam. Praised be Thou O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has created man. 4.) Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaenu melech ha-olam, asher yahtzar et ha-adam bet-zal-rnoe bet-zalem deh-moot tah-veh-ee-toe, veh-heet-keen low me- mae- nu been-yahn ah-day-ahd. Baruch atah Adonai, yohtzer ha-adam. Praised be Thou, O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has made man in Thine image, after Thy likeness, and out of his very self, Thou has prepared unto him a perpetual fabric. Praised be Thou, O L-rd, who has created man. 5. ) Sos tah-cease veh-tah-gel ha-ah-kah-rah, beh-kee-bootz bah-nae-akh leh-toe-kha beh-seem-kha. Baruch atah Adonai, mees-meh-akh tzion biv-ahn-ekha. May she who is childless (Zion) be exceedingly glad and rejoice when her children shall be reunited in her midst in joy. Praised be Thou, O L-rd, who gladdens Zion through ( restoring ) her children. 6.) Shah-meh-akh t'smakh re-eem ha-ah-hoo-veem, keh-sah-mekh ha-akh yet-tzir-reh-kha beh-gahn eh-dane mee-ked-ern. Baruch atah Adonai, misa-meh-akh kha-tahn veh-khaiah. Mayest Thou gladden the beloved friends (the newly married couple), as Thou didst gladden Thy creature (Adam) in the Garden of Edien in the time of yore. Praised be Thou, O L-rd our G-d, who gladdens the bridegroom and the bride. 7.) Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaenu melech ha-olam, ashir bah-rah sass-ohr veh-seem-kha, cha-tan veh-khaiah, gih-lah ree-nah, dee-tzah veched-rah- ah-ha-vah veh-ah chavah, shalom veh-rae-oot. Meh-he-rae-ah Adonai Elohaenu yish-mah beh-ah-rae y'hudah ohv-chutzot yerushalyim kol sass-ohn veh-kol sirncha, kol chatan veh-kol khalah, kol mitzchalot cha-tan-eem meh-choo-pah-tam oohn-ah-reem mee-mish-tae nah-gee-nah-tam. Baruch atah Adonai, mess-ah-mekha cha-tan-eem ha-kalah. Praised be Thou, O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has created joy and gladness, bridegroom and bride, rejoicing, song, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and fellowship. Soon may there be heard in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the jubilant voice of bridegrooms fro their nuptial canopies, and of the youths from their feasts of song. Praised be Thou, O L-rd, who gladdens the bridegroom^ and the bride. There you go. I hope this helps you complete your manuscript. Shavua tov (Have a good week!) Rabbi O.
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