HHMI Newsgroup Archives

From: 	 heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com
Sent: 	 Wednesday, May 14, 1997 12:37 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Re: Yeshua the Nazarene

From:          "Hay Did Center For Learning - haydid" <haydid@haydid.org>
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Re: Yeshua the Nazarene

heb_roots_chr@mail.geocities.com wrote:
> >From  Ching                                          dink     at INTERNET
>       dink@msw0.attnet.or.jp
> To:  heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
> Subject: Nazirite
> Shalom, Eddie:
> Recently during our "rooters" debate concerning wine bibbing (smile), some
> folks wrote in referring to Y'Shua as a "Nazarene" and therefore
> attributing the qualities of a "Nazirite" to  him.  My understanding is
> that Jesus was called a "Nazarene" because he was from Nazareth.
> Apparently Nazareth is a play on the Hebrew word for "branch."  It was a
> Yaweh joke that the "righteous branch" would come from Nazareth just as the
> 'bread of life" would come from Bethlehem (the house of bread).
> At any rate, it would certainly be stretching it to call Y'Shua a Nazirite
> since he "came eating and drinking, in contrast to his cousin Yochanen the
> Immerser, who was a Nazirite from his mother's womb.  Y'Shua himself made
> this contrast when basically telling the people they didn't know WHAT they
> wanted in a prophet!  Now that is MY understanding.  I'll be the first to
> admit I don't understand everything, so if I have missed it, please
> straigten me out.  However, if there is no connection between Nazarene and
> Nazirite, please make that plain also, because many people seem to use this
> argument when teaching about the character of Y'Shua.
> Thank you,
> Cherie Ching
> >From Eddie:
> ***************
>          You are correct. People often confuse the "Nazirite" with
> Yeshua/Jesus being from Nazareth. In the Talmud (I can't remember the
> reference), those people from Nazareth were called "the despised
> one's". It is like, "Oh, you grew up no that side of town where the
> low-life live".
>           As it tells us in Isaiah 53, Yeshua/Jesus was "despised"
> and rejected of men.
>            A Branch in Hebrew is called a "Natzar" (5342). This is a term
> which refers to Yeshua/Jesus. In Isaiah 11:1 it is written:
> "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a
> branch (5342)  shall grow out of his roots"
>             So, a term for Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah is the BRANCH
> which is the Hebrew word, "Natzar". A Nazirite is one that takes a
> special vow unto G-d (Numbers 6:1-21). A Nazirite was NOT aloud to
> have strong drink (Numbers 6:3). Yeshua/Jesus was from the town of
> Nazareth. Those from Nazareth were called "the despised ones".  This
> is prophetic of how Yeshua/Jesus would be received by His own people.
>             Therefore, Cherie, your understanding of these things are
> correct.
>                                                Eddie Chumney

From:          AMIAVRAHAM@aol.com
To:            heb_roots_chr@geocities.com
Subject:       Re: Yeshua the Nazarene

Shalom Eddie!

I has send my check to you for you new book. Tomorrow my book ISRAEL:
ready and we planing to consacrate it on this coming Shabath. The book is
about 300 pages and its purpose is to present Yeshua as our Jewish
Messiah and to help hispanics believers to discovery their Jewish
Roots & Faith, specially from sephardic "marranos" perspective. I read
your book  THE SEVEN FESTIVALS. It is very good book. Congratulations!

Later I will send to you my private observations about it. I hope this
new one will be super. In relation with "Yeshua the Nazarene" your
observations are relevant because in Mt.2:23 the conection are not 
geografical but profetic. It is not geografical since a Nazarene is a 
resident of the city that name but that city (Nazareth) did not exist during 
the time period of the Isiah. So the hebrew word "Natzer" is related to
"branch" not to geografical city. As in other texts, this one is another 
"idioms" to codifed the mystery and the revelation of Yeshua as 
Messiah and HaMelech Yisrael. When Matiyau said:"He shall be 
called Nazarene" any ilustred Jew may do the prophetic conection 
almost automaticly.

Shalom, Dan.


Dear Eddie,

Many Christians need to understand the Law of the Nazirite Vow. This is
something that is discussed in Acts 21:15-26. The vow that Paul was
asked to participate in was the Nazarite Vow. Two resources that I know
of that explain this vow are: (1) Pentateuch & Haftorahs by Soncino
Press (if I  had to recommend only one book on the Original (Old)
Testament this would be it!) and a good Bible Dictionary (also required
in any good scholars library). 

On page 592-on in the Pentateuch & Haftorahs is an excellent discussion
of the Nazarite vow from the Jewish point of view. I love this book as
each week you are given the weekly readings ---not hit and miss as so
many churches do--but a planned order of reading---with commentary for
each verse. 

The stories within the Original (Old) Testament come alive when you 
breath the breath of it's Jewish understanding into it! Each week the
family gathers for a discussion about the reading and discusses what God
has planned for them to share. It prepares your family for the coming
week, and when you tie the Pentateuch (first five books reading:
Genesis-Deuteronomy) with the Haftorah (Prophets) you will see God's
plan for our lives unfold. As each week you prepare for the coming of
the next festival, you see Yeshua being revealed in even deeper ways!

We now have a new minicatalog of materials that we are sending out from
HaY'Did. If you are a non-member of the Learning Center and would like a
copy of that minicatalog---a preview of our new 300+ item catalog to be
sent out in July for our membership in the Network Learning
Center---then you will find the Penteteuch Haftorah is listed as a new
item we are carrying. As we step into the area of homeschooling, we ask
your prayers and know that we are here to provide different levels of
materials, classes, seminars and so forth. The minicatalog is available
for filling out our guestbook on our website. If you would like to be
included in the Network Learning Center, then you will also find
membership information on our site. 

Cheryle Holeman

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