Sent: 	 Friday, August 15, 1997 12:37 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: A car for the Rabbi

From	 Holeman, Tom 
Subject: A car for the Rabbi


You might inform the NewsGroup that Rabbi O. is in need of a family
vehicle. If someone has an extra vehicle setting around that they don't
know what to do with they could us it to make someone happy.

Presently the only vehicle we have to offer is a pickup truck. To
transport the whole family he has to make two trips.

If someone has a vehicle to offer it would have to be in good condition
as we have no funds available for repairs or restoration. Another
requirement will be that it has to be delivered to him or a bus ticket to
come and pick it up.

If you think it would do any good to send this request out then please do


Tom Holeman (husband of Cheryle Holeman ... HaY'Did Ministries)
