Sent: 	 Friday, August 15, 1997 12:38 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Re: Book: "Who is the Bride of Christ?" 

From:          Pam Staley
To:            <>
Subject:       Re: Book: "Who is the Bride of Christ?" On-line !!!!

 You did not have to acknowledge the fact that I put your book on the
Internet, Ed, I needed no pat on the back .... ;->.... maybe a year
ago...yeah..but now...for some's not important...

From Eddie:

         Pam, you spent MANY HOURS as a VOLUNTEER to make this 
possible for MANY people to read over the Internet. Thanking you 
publically (even though you didn't know that I was going to do this) 
was the LEAST I could do for your efforts.

From Pam:

I think I was so impressed with the fact that you WANTED to do such a thing,
and thereby
maybe curtail your sales, that I was impressed mightily to do the work.
I've been thru so much and seen so much corruption over the years...that I
was even, forgive me, suspect about your motives concerning the newsgroup. I
thought that possibly here was another 'mind' that was using the people to
make a buck....and it even appeared to me that this was happening when I
first logged on, as there was so much about buying the books...and I must
admit...$32 ... seemed outrageous to me over a paperback book....

From Eddie:

       $32 is for BOTH books and it costs ALOT of money to publish a 
book with less than a 1% chance (in the natural) for the author to break 
even. As you know from the explanation and story given at the Arkansas 
Jerusalem '97 conference, publishing a book is a labor of love by the 
author and participation of merchandising of the gospel by the 
publishers, distributors and retailers (they make all the money and 
leave the author empy handed). Anyone who has published a book or 
attempts to publish a book knows that this is true. Under these 
circumstances, $32 for BOTH book plus FREE shipping 
(a savings of $5 plus shipping)  from the full retail price is a good deal 
plus it blesses the ministry as I do this newsgroup as a VOLUNTEER 

From Pam:

HOWEVER.......I know now that God truly has a hand on you...that you are not
'one like others'...and that your heart is pure. For anyone to do what you
have done...give so freely, offer without strings....shows the pureness in
your heart.  Please know...that I will continue to pray for you and that God
will provide for you..I pray specifically that you will remain a humble
servant, like the shamash...whose only purpose is to bring light to
others...... only then can the work of the Ruach HaKodesh burn brightly,
without fear of being extinguished by our own ego.

From Eddie:

     I will CHERISH your prayers! Thank you for your kind comments.

From Pam:

Again, thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of putting the book

From Eddie:

         You are a real blessing to the ministry. Thank you again!

Shalom, shalom


From:          Yvonne Stubbs 
Subject:       Re: Book: "Who is the Bride of Christ?" On-line !!!!

Eddie:  the attitude you display below is probably one of the many
reasons why this forum is the calmest, kindest, most caring...and
retains the exchange of ideas rather than personalities......of any
forum I know on the Net.  God bless you richly for your


From:          Kathleen Marion 
Subject:       Book: "Who is the Bride of Christ?" On-line !!!! -Reply

I know the Lord has and will continue to
bless you richly for your generosity. 

You are a great blessing to my life and to the
members of my congregation.

From Eddie:

     To GOD and HIS KINGDOM be ALL the glory !!!


From:          Barbara Cohen
Subject:       Re: Book: "Who is the Bride of Christ?" On-line !!!!

Dear Eddie;

After reading several of you chapters on the 'Seven Festivals of the
Messiah' online I realized that I wanted to have the book in hand for
referance.  Yes I could have 'downloaded' it but keeping in mind that
the laborer is worthy of his hire, I ordered it from you.  

At the same time I ordered 'Who is the Bride of Christ.'  I refer to
both of these books often and I pray G-d bless you generously for your
mitzvot of making them available to all.



From:           Marcella Burns
Subject:       Re:  Book: "Who is the Bride of Christ?" On-line !!!!

Thank you for making the book available to us on the web.  We would
not have the money to buy it right now, but eventually I will.  I'm so
hungry to understand the Word of G-d, and it's hard to find someone
that explains things as clearly as you do.  I just wanted to say

                           Marcella Burns

From Eddie:


        You are welcome. But in TRUTH, you really need to thank and 
praise GOD !! It was not my idea to have a ministry or do this.

        In the Spring of 1996, God sent an individual to give me the 
"Word of the Lord". That word was INTERNET.  Since I work for God as 
HIS SERVANT, I have only tried to be obedient to HIM.  How HE uses 
the ministry is totally in His hands. HE is driving the car, I am 
only in the front seat taking everything as it goes and enjoying the 


From:          Bill Meyer
Subject:       Re:  Book: "Who is the Bride of Christ?" On-line !!!!


How do I get a hold of your two books?  Is there an address or phone #
that I might call for info?

G-d bless you for the kindness you show as G-d uses you in His

            Shalom,    Bill

From Eddie:

         You have two options. 

#1) You may order off the Internet at my Web page located at:

#2) You may write a check made out to me (Eddie Chumney) for
       ($32) if you buy BOTH books and send to:

       Hebraic Heritage Ministries
       PO Box 81
       Strasburg, Ohio  44680
