To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>
Date: Wed, 17 Sept 1997 02:14:36
Subject: Celebrating the Feast of Sukkot in Korea
From: "Dana Wilson"
Subject: Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles
Greetings again,
The school asked me to submit a written proposal before it would consider
having a celebration of Sukkot. I have now finished it by the grace of God,
and am sending it to you as an attachment, just in case there is someone
else who has the same idea and wants to convince their church/Christian
school, etc. to have the same type of celebration.
The document leans heavily on the "lost piece of Christian heritage" side,
as I did not want to stir up needless controversy over celebrating a Jewish
festival in a highly traditional-Christian-oriented school like this one.
Since we have kids from almost every culture/religion in the world here, I
also did not want to open a can of worms over the idea that if the Jewish
kids get their celebration, then the Hindu kids ought to get one of their
own, and the Islamic kids . . . etc.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Yours in Him,
>To: Operation Tarshish, Hebrew Roots, MJMI
>From: Dana Wilson
>Subject: Celebrating the Feast of Sukkot in Korea
>My name is Dana Wilson. I am a teacher at Seoul Foreign School, a
Christian (at least in name) school in Seoul, South Korea. Our students
come from all over the world. Many of them are ethnic Koreans, but some of
them come from other countries. Most of our students are not Christian,
which gives the teachers here a chance to reach out to the lost, even in our
job. We also have a number of Jewish students, some of which are from
Israel, others from other countries.
>God has given me a great love for the Jewish people. At first, I thought
it a little strange that He would put these feelings in my heart, and then
send me to South Korea, a country that seemingly has no Jews in it.
However, I am seeing God's mighty hand at work, in that He has put me in a
unique place to minister to the Jewish kids we have right here on our
campus. There is also a Jewish congregation that meets on the 8th US army
base here in Seoul. I hope, Lord willing, to connect with them soon and
develop friendships with them.
>I got together with one of the other teachers here today (who also has a
great love for Israel) and we were talking about some of the things that we
could do at this school for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). We
have a two-fold purpose in this: one, to reach out to the Jewish kids in
our school (we have quite a few this year) and their families, but also to
raise awareness among the Christians here that we really do worship the God
of Israel and that the Jews really are our brothers, not our enemies as some
would put it.
>What I'm doing tonight is this: I'm typing up a written proposal to
present to the school for a school-wide celebration of the festival. We
will then submit the proposal to our respective principals who will in turn
present it to the school academic committee. If the committee approves of
it, then we can have a school-wide celebration. If not, we can still do
something under the auspices of one of the clubs on campus, perhaps one of
the Christian clubs. There is one teacher here who sponsors one of the
clubs who I think will probably be interested.
>This has the potential to be a mighty work of God. I really believe it's
coming from Him, and I can't help but rejoice every time I think about it.
We must, however travail against the enemy, who would ruin this wonderful
>Please therefore pray:
>1. That God would speedily put together this celebration and prepare the
hearts of those people who are to participate in it, giving us His wisdom.
Luke 10:2
>2. That those people who have hardened their hearts against the Jews would
be touched and realize that they really are our brothers. Eph 2:11-22, Rom
11:18, Eze 37:19
>3. That the Jews who attend will also be touched and that they will see
the sh'kinah glory of God in it, so that they will become jealous and want
to have it, too. Rom 11:13-16
>4. That God will melt and overrule any factionalism that may arise within
this school that would divide it over the idea of celebrating a festival
which has only been historically celebrated by the Jews. John 17:23
>5. That God will anoint and use this celebration in a powerful way. Zech
>6. Anything else God may burden you to pray for.
>I'll send you a copy of the written proposal when I'm finished with it.
>The Lord has been working really fast on this one, but I sense the urgent
need for continued prayer on it. Please pass this on to your people there,
and get everyone to pray earnestly on it.
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