Sent: 	 Tuesday, September 23, 1997 12:17 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Re: Yeshua remaining for 40 days after His Resurrection wrote:
> From:          Deb Molnar
> To:  
> Dear Eddie,
> I was wondering if you could give me some insight as to why Yeshua remained for 40
> days after His resurrection. Is it connected with a (particular day of)Omer? Or
> related in some way to the fact that Moshe was on the mountain for 40 days
> receiving Torah? (I have very little information regarding His ascension on the
> 40th day.) Is there other significances to the number 40? Thank you so much!
> In His Service,
> Deb Molnar
> *****************************************************************************

From:          "Jeremy M. Meiss" 
Subject:       Re: Yeshua remaining for 40 days after His Resurrection

* Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days being tempted
* Israel wandered in the wilderness 40 years
* It rained 40 days and nights for the Flood

This is just a few.

In Yeshua,


From:          David Weiner 
Cc:            Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup<> 
Subject:       Re: Yeshua remaining for 40 days after His Resurrection

Shalom Deb,

Regarding your question as to Yeshua remaining 40 days after the
resurrection, you are right, the number 40 appears in 27 books of the
Bible. I am assurred that the New Testament and the Old Testament are
linked together in such a way that the Holy Spirit used 40 days with
his brother, Yeshua/Jesus. 

David Ben Reuben 
Boruch Hashem


From:          Philip Nowland 
Subject:       Yeshua remaining for 40 days after His Resurrection 
To:  ""

Shalom Deb

I thought that you might like to consider the following ideas.

In the Scriptures, the number 40 seems to speak of a new generation or
a new step in the development of history. Forty is associated with
almost each new development in the history of God's mighty acts.

The downpour of rain during the Flood (Genesis 7:17)
The despatch of the raven (Genesis 8:6)
Moses' fast on the mount (Exodus 24:18; 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9)
The spies' exploration of the land of Canaan (Numbers 13:25)
Moses' prayer for Israel (Deuteronomy 9:25)
Goliath's defiance (1 Samuel 17:16)
Elijah's journey to Horeb (1 Kings 19:8)
Ezekiel's lying on his right side (Ezekiel 4:6)
Jonah's warning to Ninevah (Jonah 3:4)
Yeshua's stay in the wilderness prior to His temptation (Matthew 4:2)
Yeshua's appearances after His resurrection (Acts 1:3).

40 years, is generally accepted as the designation of a generation. In
this context the following should be considered:

The main divisions of Moses' life (Acts 7:23, 30, 36; Deut 31:2) 

Israel's wandering in the wilderness (Exodus 16:35; Numbers
14:33; Joshua 5:6; Psalm 95:10) 

The recurring pattern of servitude and
deliverance in the era of the judges (e.g. Judges 3:11; 13:1)

The reigns of Saul, David and Solomon (Acts 13:21; 2 Samuel 5:4; 
1 Kings 11:42) 

The desolation of Egypt (Ezekiel 29:11).

So Yeshua may have been signalling, by appearing to His followers over
a period of 40 days, that a fresh new phase in God's dealing with man
was about to begin.

As for the actual time between Yeshua's resurrection and ascension.
Well, it had been established (in Leviticus 23) that the time between
the Festival of Firstfruits, or Bikkurim, during the Passover week (a
picture of the Resurrection of Messiah) and the Festival of Shavuot,
or Pentecost (a picture of Messiah's outpouring of the Holy Spirit
upon His people) is to be 50 days. See Leviticus 23:9-16.

But He ascended ten days prior to Shavuot. Ten often talks of
completeness in the Scripture. For those ten days between His
ascension and Shavuot, He was exalted to the right hand of God:

Acts 2:33
Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received
from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this
which you now see and hear. (NKJ)

It logically follows that when Yeshua poured out His Holy Spirit upon
His believers at Shavuot, that it was an expression of the
completeness of His exaltation. As if Shavuot marked the completeness
of His coronation!

I hope that has thrown a bit of light upon your question.

Philip Nowland

Huntingdon, England


From:         Debbie Gosvenor
Subject:       Re: Yeshua remaining for 40 days after His Resurrection

Dear Eddie, 

 In reference to Deb's question about Jesus remaining here for 40
days. I too have questions and am very new in this study. I always assumed that he
remained here to give his disciples time to see him and others to come
to know that he truly was the Son of God.  That he had fullfilled what
he had told them would happen.  By staying here for that length of
time over 500 people became witness and therefore were able after his
ascendtion to honestly report what they saw and make others understand
what had happened for them.  Am I incorrect in this understanding?

Debbie Gosvenor

>From Eddie:

           I believe that this was a part of God's plan also.
