From: Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 1997 1:02 AM To: Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup Subject: Fishing and Prophecy
From: "HaY'Did" <> To: Subject: Fishing and Prophesy >From Nayra in Brazil: *********************** Through my window I can see the ocean and I love to pray looking at it, 3 days ago while I was praying the L-rd started to talk to me the following : " Look at the sea what can you see? " I replied: "Just waters, L-rd" but the L-rd said: "But I can see fishes under these waters if you want I can open your eyes to see it and I need persons available to see with My eyes, to listen to my voice and to understand it is time to go to deep waters. For a long time I have being calling all these fishes now they are ready to receive the net. They don't want to escape; they know this net means life and not death .. Are you willing to go to deep waters? " I said "yes" and then He replied : "To go to deep waters may mean to be fishing during the night or with contrary winds but I can assure you, my eyes will be upon you and upon all those who will accept this invitation. I love all those fishes and I want them in my boat of love and life. " Then the L-rd invited me to sit and write what He would teach me. But before we go on I want to tell you that I have had the most impressing experience in my life. Some months ago I contacted Cheryle Holeman of HaY'Did Learning Center for the first time and since the first contact I learned to love her. We talk often but 2 days ago we were talking in a chat conversation when she asked me to hold on because she had to open the door to Rabbi O. When she returned I was just finishing the article you will read, and then she said she had something to tell me, a prophesy (See Gearworks article). She started to write me about the miraculous fishing of Luke 5 and what the L-rd was teaching us in this prophesy . As she would write I started crying because I was just finishing the last lines of this article. Cheryle was just writing the same invitation I had heard from God in my spirit!!! In the prophesy the L-rd was saying : "go to deep waters!!! " He had invited me to go to deep waters, He asked me to write inviting Brazilian people to go to deep waters and now I was reading the same invitation!!! I couldn't stop crying it was hard even to type .. I will never forget this day in all my life. I cried all the time I was there with my beloved friends : Cheryle and Rabbi O reading the same invitation ---> go to deep waters!!! Now I will share with you what G-d has taught me . We are living in a special time, we could say we are a "Succot generation" ...a mature generation ready to the Big Crop but unhappily many of us are not understanding the Time of G-d!! This year it is the Jubilee of Israel as a nation we are those who can see this nation flourishing. 50 years ago the miracle happened but the fig tree wasn't flourishing yet. But now it is flourishing!! From Israel we receive technology. We can see the desert that flourished before our eyes and this shows the world is ready to the Big Crop. Hearts are ready to the Biggest Fishing we have ever seen. At Luke 5 Yeshua saw His talmidim in a moment of distress... empty nets, empty ships. Peter was doing the right thing he was washing the nets to remove sea plants from it . Some ministries are feeling as if they are with empty nets, and worst the enemy tries put algae of discouragement at our nets. But Peter was washing the nets. We have to wash daily our minds and our hearts with the Word of G-d to be ready to His calling. Yeshua looked at that crisis and He said what He is saying to you right now : " Stand up , go back to the sea I want to teach you how to fish!!!" But first of all Yeshua started to teach the multitude from the boat Before filling up that boat with fishes, Yeshua filled that empty boat with His word. This is the moment we are living, we have never received so many teachings!! G-d is lifting up persons and ministries all over the world to fill the empty boats with His precious Word ! Yeshua was at the boat. When we give place to the Teachings we give place to Yeshua to be on control of the situation. The Talmidim received this word: " Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a haul "Luke 5:4. Those who have ears to listen are learning the word of G-d deeply and are ready to listen to this calling. To go to deeper waters, he/she means to give a step ahead, means to obey G-d even when we can't see anything but waters! Peter said : "we toiled all night and caught nothing. But on the ground of Your Word. I will lower the nets. " We know that "the darkness covered the earth ... " Isaiah 60:2 and that we have being working during all this night but the right moment to fill up the nets with lost souls is right now!! It is time to lower our nets! These nets are made of gold! When the talmidim obeyed Yeshua : "they caught a great number of fish; and their nets were at the point of breaking." The nets haven't broken because they are made of love and prayers; these nets are the made of bands of love !!! The pupils had already learned a lot with Jesus, but now they needed to apply, otherwise they would return with the empty nets. The talmidim had a great fish because they were doers of the Word and not just listeners! Make a decision to be a doer and not a listener and have a good fishing!!! The talmidim haven't filled their boats with fishes and they had enough to call their friends to share with them the miracle. We know that if we start praying and loving we will see the revival spread all over the World.. Just Yeshua could see the fishes, they had to believe Him. Only Yeshua can see all the fishes that are ready. At this net will be caught not just new fishes but fishes that know Yeshua and are weak and hurt . Three years later we can see those talmidim in a similar situation. They feel alone and powerless; the Messiah is not there ... "they went out and got into the boat and throughout that night they caught nothing" But this time Yeshua was not at the boat he was at the shore. The Talmidim are more mature. For 3 years they have walked with the Messiah but now He is not at the boat, they feel powerless and helpless. The greatest part of the churches are powerless we don't see conversions, miracles ... Those Talmidim hadn't understood the word of Yeshua when He said he would resurrect. We are living in this time. Lots of churches don't have power because they don't understand Jewish roots; they don't understand their rights and their position! Yeshua said to them : " Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find, so they cast the net and now they were not able to haul it in for such a big catch if fish" John 21:6 The L-rd is saying to the church : My first talmidim, my primitive church has lowered nets and they were filled. Now you are the latest talmidim that as the first ones will have to lower the nets according to My Word. But Don' t forget !!! The fishes are ready but just Yeshua's can see where they are! We have to pray and to listen to His Voice . At the first fish Yeshua is at the boat but not this time .. Now He is at the shore. The Bride of Yeshua can listen to His voice clearly even if sometimes it seems He is far from us. Yeshua said : "Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find. So they cast the net and now they were not able to haul it in for such a big catch of fish " John 21:6 We have to accept His invitation : "Go to deep waters and lower the nets of prayer and love throughout the world." At this passage the fishing was much bigger than the first. This is to our generation; we are the latest talmidim. Yeshua has anointed us and our nets (our hearts, our love and our prayers) to haul fish! The latest fish is much bigger !! "Simon Peter ... hauled the net to land, full of large fish, 153 of them : and there were so many of them, the net was not torn " John 21:12 This latest fishing has big fish waiting for us. Among the fish the L-rd has prepared the heart of the important men and women . What is happening in Korea will happen all over the world, we will have presidents, ministries ... businessman .. all them are waiting for this net!! Are you ready ? Lets join up, lets lower this golden net made of love, obedience and prayer, a net that will not be torn even if so many fish will jump into it !! Take part of this great fishing, go to deep waters!!!!! Nayra Pedrini Priegue Brazil Cheryle Holeman USA Joan Womack Gear Works Prayer Net 3005 Fisher Road Edmond, OK 73015 (405)341-5400 ************************************************************************ From: "HaY'Did" <> Reply-to: To: Subject: Nov 10 - 14 Prayer Warriors Wanted Dear Rooters, There will be an intercessory prayer meeting in Edmond, OK (OKC area) Nov 10-14. Those that are interested in launching into the deep should bring their sleeping bags and come with no agenda except to launch into the deep, and to move from our agenda to joining God in HIS. Contact: GEAR WORKS PRAYER NET (Joan Womack, 3005 Fisher Road, Edmond, OK 73013 Phone: 1-405-341-5400 Fax 1-405-842-6865) Gear Works Website is maintained at ***********************************************************************