Sent: 	 Wednesday, October 29, 1997 12:07 AM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Thank you for this Newsgroup!


From:          "Cecil A. Thompson" 
Subject:       Thank you for the newsgroup

Dear Eddie,

I eagerly look forward each day to the messages you send out.  They are
a blessing to me.  I pastor a community church in Olympia, Washington
and we have been blessed with the awakening to our Hebrew heritage in
the past year.  We begin our call to worship each Sunday with the
blowing of the shofar.  We have celebrated all of the feasts and
festivals this year and the people are coming alive to a new reality of
the power of God as a result of this "completed" teaching.  I could
share much more, but will leave it at that.  God richly bless you and
the work you are doing.


Rev. Cecil A. Thompson
