Sent: 	 Tuesday, November 4, 1997 11:17 PM
To: 	 Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup
Subject: Guidance in learning about my Hebraic Roots
From:         Gary Martin
To:            <>
Subject:       Seeking


I am a gentile and have spent many years torn between my 
love for G-d and christain teachings. I believe that yeshua was sent by 
G-d to make it possible for us to be in a right relationship with G-d. I 
believe that the Jewish people were and are G-d's chosen. I believe 
that thru the Torah G-d gave us a way of life that is meant to keep us 
in rememberance of our relationship with him. I believe that we 
should worship G-d the message giver and honor yeshua, the 
messenger and gift.

I have been praying to find others that beleive as I do. Although I have
much knowledge concerning the Bible, the Torah, Judism and Christianity I
feel as if I know nothing. I've been praying and looking for guidenance,
sometimes feeling as if I was totally in left field othertimes as if G-d
had totally forsaken me. 

Could you please direct me to some whom I can learn from, share and 
pray with so that I may enjoy the fullness of my relationship with G-d. I 
would like to become Messianic Jew.

			Gary Martin

>From Eddie:

        You have found what you are looking for. It is in your HEART. 
In your heart is a desire for a greater knowledge and understanding 
of God's way and His Kingdom. A knowledge of your Jewish roots and 
background of scripture will enable you to have that greater 
knowledge and understanding. 

         Since you are a "Gentile", you don't need to become a 
"Messianic Jew".  Since you have accepted Yeshua/Jesus as your 
personal Lord and Savior, you are already a member of the family of 
God and God has given you a "Jewish heart". I would encourage you to 
"release" this love and desire in your heart to seek a greater and 
deeper PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the God of Israel and His 
Messiah. This is what God desires. He wants a relationship with His 
people from the HEART. There is no need to become a "Messianic Jew" 
as this would only be an OUTWARD expression of the feelings in your 
heart. God wants these feelings to be directed toward HIM. I would 
encourage you to continue in your studies and ask God to allow the 
Holy Spirit / Ruach HaKodesh to direct your paths. May God 
bless you as you seek to walk in His ways !!!
