Subject: Voices United for Israel and National Unity Colation Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 00:15:26 +0000 To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>
From: "Ron Frierdich" <> To: Subject: Voices United for Israel and National Unity Colation Ed I have been noticing some reference to the above organization Voices United for Israel which convenes the National Unity Coalition of Christians and Jews for a Strong Israel and Individed Jersulaem. If any one or group or organization would like to have more information our web page is found at Our email addressess are Voices United and Our phone number in Prairie Village Kans is 913 432 7900 and 1 800 688 2204 in Foley Mo. it is 314 566 6184 By the way I am Pam's dad and met you last year in Litte Rock Ark and the bible college conference Ron Frierdich ***********************************************************************