Subject: IFMJ Messianic Conference in FLA
Date:    Thu, 11 Jun 1998 00:27:28 +0000
To:      "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>


From: Katherine (Kitty) Sarchi  (
Subject: IFMJ Messianic Conference in Florida

Shalom, Eddie. 

I am a member of the Newsgroup from Hebraic Roots and have some
information for the group that I have not seen in the e-mails you send me.
There is a Messianic Jewish Conference in Orlando, Florida July1-5, at the
Hyatt-Orlando Hotel,at the junction of I-4 and Rt 192. It is being put on by
the International Federation of Messianic Jews, headquartered in Tampa,

Their website is You can access the site for more
information and explanation of who they are and their vision of reaching out
to the Sephardic Jews who may not even know their own Jewish heritage. The
IFMJ phone number is 813-920-0864. Would you please consider posting this info
on the newsgroup for all to read so the word of the conference gets to every
part of the Body of Messiah. The L-rd said in the last days He would call all
His people back, including those who have been assimilated into the Greek
culture of the Church during the Spanish Inquisition to protect their lives.
The enemy has tried evey way he can to stop this conference from happening,
including spreading falsehoods through others who are supposed to be reaching
out in the Name of  Yeshua. Please pray for G-d's Truth to go forth to reach
His people.

Thank you and G-d bless you and the ministry you shephard for our L-rd.

Katherine (Kitty) Sarchi 
