Subject: Keeping the Sabbath Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 23:46:09 +0000 To: "Hebraic Heritage Newsgroup"<>
From: Cindy Maddox To: Subject: Sabbath Dear Eddie, I have recently seen the importance of going back to our Hebraic roots and I have seen God's truth regarding the keeping of the Sabbath as well as keeping the other festivals. I am interested in learning how others celebrate the festivals. But today I would like to know how others keep the Sabbath. What do you do as well as things you not do. I am seeing the Bible in a whole new light as I am reading it and studying it going back to our Hebraic roots. Thank you for being there to teach us and enlighten those of us who are non- Jews. I truly believe we have looked at God's Word through "American eyes" and have lost God's truth. But I am thankful many of us are finding it. Blessings to you, Cindy Maddox Houston,Tx ***********************************************************************