From: Eddie Chumney
Subject:  One World Government


WORLD CHARTER: the New Charter to Be Published Publicly on UN Day
October 24, 1999 by Henry Lamb October 01, 1999 7:54 PM

In less than a year, the United Nations will convene a special
Millennium Assembly as a global summit on the future of the
world.  This event will crown a decade of preparation to launch
the new millennium on a new system of global governance.  The
blueprint was published by the Commission on Global Governance in
1995.  Now, a Charter to achieve global governance has been
developed for presentation at the Millennium Assembly next
September.  It will be published publicly on UN day, October
24th.  [2000] It is called The Charter for Global Democracy.  It
has already been signed by influential leaders in 56 nations, and
has the support of civil society non-government organizations
around the world.  The document is, in reality, a Charter for the
abolition of individual freedom.

The first of 12 principles calls for the consolidation of all
international agencies under the direct authority of the United

The second principle calls for regulation by the UN of all
transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring
an "inter- national code of conduct" concerning the environment
and labor standards.

Principle number 3 demands an independent source of revenue for
the UN, such as the "Tobin tax" and taxes on aircraft and
shipping fuels, and licensing the use of the global commons.  The
"global commons" is defined to be "outer space, the atmosphere,
non-territorial seas, and the related environment that supports
human life."

Number 4 would eliminate the veto power and permanent member
status on the Security Council.

Number 5 would authorize a standing UN army.

Number 6 would require UN registration of all arms and the
reduction of all national armies "as part of a multilateral
global security system" under the authority of the United

Principle number 7 would require individual and national
compliance with all UN "Human Rights" treaties and declarations.

Number 8 would activate the International Criminal Court, make
the International Court of Justice compulsory for all nations,
and give individuals the right to petition the courts to remedy
social injustice.

Principle 9 calls for a new institution to establish economic and
environmental security by insuring "sustainable development."

Number 10 calls for the establishment of an International
Environmental Court.

Number 11 calls for a declaration that climate change is an
essential global security interest that requires the creation of
a "high-level action team" to allocate carbon emission based on
equal per-capita rights.

Principle number 12 calls for the cancellation of all debt owed
by the poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for
"equitable sharing of global resources," as allocated by the
United Nations.

As preposterous as these ideas may sound to freedom-loving
Americans, most of the world considers them to be an improve-
ment over their current circumstance.  The fuel that fires the
global governance movement, however, is not the desires of
oppressed people, it is the money supplied by the well-to-do
elite who feel the need to "do something" to help the less
fortunate people of the world.  The strategy for advancing the
movement is supplied by those who expect to control the machinery
of global governance.  It is no coincidence that financial
contributions in support of the Charter for Global Democracy are
to be made to the London office of United Nations Association.
Dozens of documents, all promoting some form of world government,
have been circulating for most of this decade.  All contain these
same principles.  The Millennium Assembly will receive these
documents and meld them into the legal instruments required to
modify the existing UN Charter.  It will take a year or two for
the legal documents to be prepared and adopted, and another year
for ratification.
