A note from Eddie:
All newsgroup posts can be found under the category "Master Index" which is sorted by date. If you have any posts that do not appear in this index, please email us at chumney@hebroots.org and list which postings you may be able to share with us. These posts will be applied to the archives as soon as possible. Please only send postings we've agreed upon together.
On occassion, we may have a link or two that doesn't actually show the data it suggests, and if you find such a case we'd be VERY happy for you to point it out to us!! <smile> Most newsgroup posts have also been indexed by a broad topic. For example, the most generic topic is the catch-all "Miscellaneous". These sub-categories will be maintained weekly, with each new posting. If you need any postings from newsgroup mailings that aren't under the Master Index (or wherever...), don't hesitate to send an email and ask for them. If we got it, you can have it! WE AIM TO SERVE!
Grace and Shalom,
Eddie ChumneyPS Suggestion: In addition to the search engine provided, if you are looking for a particular topic that may have been discussed try looking under the months it LIKELY would have been brought up/reviewed (under the Master Index).
PSS Suggestion: if you are on a specific page of article listings (or even a single article itself is open), and do a Search from your browser drop-downs (Edit/View menus, bino's, etc...) you may find various topics you are looking for via various key words in your search fields.
PSSS <grin> Should you visit the site, and not see the most recent week's postings, give it a few days and try looking again. The postings are put up as fast as the week's schedule permits. Thank you.
The website for Beit Ya'acov Hebraic Congregation which is the local congregation of Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l is located at: www.hebroots.org/beityaacov.html for those of you who may be interested in attending or visiting the congregation.
May you be Blessed as you continue in your studies and pursuance of the God of Israel. .... Eddie Chumney
Moshiach is on His Way, let's get ready!