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Shabbat: An Eternal Ordinance for All BelieversFrom: Wendy McNulty To: Hebraic Roots Newsgroup Subject: Shabbat: An Eternal Ordinance for All Believers Yahueh's 7th Day Shabbat: A Sign, A Privelege, A Delight ... "Throughout all your generations ... forever." "And on the seventh day Elohim completed His work which He had done, and He rested (shabath) on the seventh day from all His work which He had made (ie. The work of creation). And Elohim blessed (barak) the seventh day and set it apart (qadash), because on it He rested (shabath) from all His work which Elohim in creating had made." Bereshith 2:2-3 Shabath: Strongs H#7673, used 7 times in Scripture, (the root word from which comes Shabbat/Shabbath - #7676), meaning to repose, ie. To desist from exertion, to cause to cease, to cause to celebrate, keep (as in Sabbath), suffer to be lacking, leave, put away, make to rest, rid, still, take away. Shabbath: Strongs H#7676, used 73 times in Scripture, meaning intermission, ie. Specifically the Sabbath, every Sabbath. Sabbaton: Strongs G#4521, used 59 times in New Covenant Scriptures, meaning the Sabbath or Shabbath of Hebrew origin, or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself). Barak: Strongs H#1288: to kneel - by implication to bless Elohim as an act of adoration, and (vice versa) man by way of an act of benefit. Qadash: Strongs H#6942, to cause to be, make, pronounce or observed as clean ceremonially or morally; to appoint, bid, consecrate, dedicate, hallow, be holy, keep holy, prepare, proclaim, purify, sanctify. Read: Shemoth/Exodus 31:12-18 "And Yahueh spoke to Mosheh, saying, `And you speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, `My Sabbaths you are to guard (asah), by all means, for it is a sign (owth), between Me and you throughout your generations, to know that I, Yahueh, am setting you apart (qadash)." Shemoth 31:12-13 "And the children of Yisrael shall guard (asah) the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting (owlam) covenant (Beriyth). Between Me and the children of Yisrael it is a sign (owth) forever (alam). For in six days Yahueh made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested (shabath) and was refreshed (naphash)." Shemoth 31:vs. 16-17 Guard - Asah: Strongs H#6213, meaning to do or make in the broadest sense and widest application as follows: accomplish, advance, appoint, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth, be busy at, certainly, have charge of, commit to, deal with, do, execute, fashion, feast, finish, follow, gather, go about, govern, hold (a feast), be industrious at, keep, maintain, make, observe, be occupied with, bring to pass, perform, practise, prepare, procure, provide, sacrifice, serve, yield. Sign - Owth: Strongs H#226, meaning a signal (literal or figurative), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc. - a mark, miracle, sign, token. Everlasting - Olam: Strongs H#5769, meaning the vanishing point, time out of mind past or future, eternity, always, continuance, eternal, since ancient time and evermore, perpetual, at any time, since the beginning of the world and without end. Covenant - Beriyth: Strongs H#1285, meaning a compact between two parties signified in ancient times by the cutting asunder of animals and the signatories passing between the pieces of flesh as in a blood covenant; an agreement, contract, league, confederacy. Forever - Alam: Strongs H#5957, (corresponding to H#5769 - Olam), meaning remoteness of time, the future or past indefinitely, for everlasting and of old. Refreshed - Naphash: Strongs H#5314, meaning to breathe, to be breathed upon, ie. Refreshed as if by a current of air, to refresh oneself. Yeshayahu 56: 1-2, 6-7 "Thus said Yahueh, `Guard right-ruling, and do righteousness, for near is My deliverance to come, and My righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it, guarding the Sabbath lest he profane it, and guarding his hand from doing any evil work. Yeshayahu 58:13-14 "If you do turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my set-apart day, and shall call the Sabbath a `delight', the set-apart day of Yahueh `esteemed', and shall esteem it, not doing your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, then you shall delight yourself in Yahueh. And I shall cause you to ride on the heights of the earth, and feed you with the inheritance of Ya'aqob your father. For the mouth of Yahueh has spoken." Malachi 3:6 "For I am Yahueh, I shall not change." Ibrim/Hebrews 13:8 "Messiah Yahushua is the same yesterday, today and forever." Mattiyahu/Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28 "For the Son of Adam is the Master of the Sabbath." 2 Timothy 2:4-5 "No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only Him who enlisted him as a soldier. And if anyone competes in a game, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules." Yehezekel/Ezekiel 22:26 (speaking to the House of Israel) "Her priests have done violence to My teaching and they profane My set-apart matters. They have not distinguished between the set-apart and the profane, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean. And they have hidden their eyes from my Sabbaths and I am profaned in their midst." Galatians 3:28-29 "There is not Yehudite not Greek, there is not slave nor free, there is not male and female, for you are all one in Messiah Yahushua. And if you are of Messiah, you are the seed of Abraham, and heirs according to promise." Yehoshua/Joshua 24:14-15 "And now, fear Yahueh, serve Him in perfection and in truth, and put away the mighty ones which your fathers served beyond the River and in Mitzrayim, and serve Yahueh! And if it seems evil in your eyes to serve Yahueh, choose for yourselves this day whom you are going to serve, whether the mighty ones whom your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the mighty ones of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But I, and my house, we serve Yahueh." The Israel of Yahueh is characterized by observing the Sabbath. It is a sign forever between Yahueh and His people. Yehudah, whose responsibility and role it was to preserve and uplift the Torah (as opposed to Ephrayim/Israel's responsibility to first receive the message of Messiah and uphold the message of grace - Torah and Grace are the "Power Twins" of Yahueh) has consistently and verifiably observed Saturday as the 7th day Sabbath, thereby providing us with credible, historical testimony that Saturday is the 7th day of the week. Shabbat observance - the guarding of the 7th Day Sabbath - is the ultimate sign of distinction and set-apartness for the followers of Yahueh, the Bride of Messiah Yahushua. In the Gospel of Luke alone, Shabbat is mentioned 21 times. Luke was the only non-Jewish disciple and he saw it important enough to refer to Shabbat 21 times in Luke and 8 times in Act. The 7th Day Sabbath The Day of Yahueh Gen. 2:3 An everlasting covenant, a sign between Yahueh and His people forever - Ex. 31:16-17 Represents Jerusalem, the Eternal City of Yahueh Sunday Ancient & traditional day of worship of the sun god - Tammuz, Mithras, Ba'al Represents the Roman Empire Introduced by Constantine at Council of Nicea, 325 AD Called "the Lord's Day" - the word "lord" is an English translation for Ba'al! THESE TWO FORMS OF WORSHIP ARE NOT COMPATIBLE. "You have no other mighty ones against My face. ... You do not bring the Name of Yahueh to naught ...Remember the Sabbath Day, to set it apart." Ex. 20: 3, 7, 8 Yeshayahu/Isaiah 52: 11-12 "Turn aside! Turn aside! Come out from there, touch not the unclean. Come out from her midst, be clean, you who bear the vessels of Yahueh. For you shall not come out in haste, nor go in flight. For Yahueh is going before you and the Elohim of Yisrael is your rear guard. 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 "And what union has the Dwelling Place of Elohim with idols? For you are a Dwelling Place of the living Elohim, as Elohim has said, `I shall dwell in them and walk among them, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.' Therefore, `Come out from among them and be separate, says Yahueh, and do not touch what is unclean, and I shall receive you. And I shall be a Father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says Yahueh the Almighty." Revelation 18:4 (speaking of Babel the great) "And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, `Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues." How did Yahushua and the Talmidim observe Sabbath? Luke 4:16, 31 "And He came to Natsareth, where He had been brought up. And according to His practice, He went into the congregation on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read." "And He came down to Kephar Nahum, a City of Galil, and was teaching them on the Sabbaths." Read Luke 4:31-40: All of these events occurred on the Sabbath Day. Yahushua taught, rebuked a demon, and rebuked an inflammation in Shimon's mother, healing her. She immediately arose and served Yahushua and His talmidim before the setting of the sun and the end of the Sabbath day. Read Luke 13:10-17: Here we see Yahushua teaching and releasing a woman from the bondage of a weakening spirit. In Hebraic teaching, the Shabbat is a prophetic picture of the Messianic Age - "A day is as a thousand years with Yahueh." Ibrim/Hebrews 4 tells us that Messiah is our Sabbath-rest. We will enter into that ultimate Shabbat with His return for during the Millennial Age. Yahusha healed mainly on Shabbat and taught on Shabbat - this is prophetic of His ministry during the Millennial Age, when we will minister with Him as a Kingdom of Priests. The New Covenant Scriptures reveal Yahushua's miracles and healings of major proportion occurred on the Sabbath! Shabbat is a foretaste of the Days of Messiah. Rather than rescind the Sabbath, Yahushua's testimony in the New Covenant Scriptures show it to be a time of joy, a feast, a time of service to one another, of liberation - making people whole, and for healing in accordance with the Word of Yahueh and the testimony of Yahushua. Yahushua put the heart of the Father back into Shabbat. Man and man- made doctrines had made the Shabbat a burden ... putting Yahueh's people into bondage to many rules and regulations designed by man to prevent the breaking of the Sabbath but resulting in legalism. The religious system had put so many "Don'ts!" on Shabbat that it was no longer a joy, a delight, a time of feasting, restoration and liberation. Yahushua reinstitutes the Spirit of the Torah and removes the "Letter of Torah" as interpreted and enforced by the religious system - understood by Messianic Rabbis to be the Babel the great referred to in Revelation. In the Apostle Shaul's words, "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." We should also note that the Scriptures refer to only ONE Spirit in reference to the Kingdom of Yahueh and that is the Ruach haKodesh, the Set-apart Spirit of Yahueh Elohim, which embodies both the Father and the Son. The Spirit is part of the Echad (multiple entities in one unity) nature of Yahueh, as expressed in the Shema - Debarim/Deut. 6:4. Torah observance as led by the Spirit of Yahueh in our lives provides the strong roots in the good soil of Yahueh's blueprint for life that then will, by the Ruach haKodesh, bring forth the fruits of the Ruach: love, mercy, joy, peace, compassion, long-suffering, and all good things! Read Mattiyahu/Matthew 12:1-13:53 (all occurring on one Sabbath Day) Luke 23:54-56 "And it was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was approaching. And the women who had come with Him from Galil followed after, and saw the tomb and how His body was laid. And having returned, they prepared spices and perfumes. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the command." Yochanan 5:8-9 "Yahushua said to him, `Rise, take up your bed and walk. And immediately the man became well, and he took up his bed and was walking. Now it was Sabbath on that day." Yochanan 9:16-17 "And because of this, the Yehudim persecuted Yahushua, and were seeking to kill Him, because He was doing these healings on the Sabbath. But Yahushua answered them, `My Father works until now, and I work.'" The above verse has been used as justification for working on Shabbat, however, it should be noted that was Yahushua is referring to here is the REDEMPTIVE WORK of Yahueh. The CREATIVE WORK of Yahueh was completed in the six days of creation, as evidenced in Bereshith 1-2, and Yahueh proclaimed His creative work good and He rested from it. His Redemptive Work continues to this day and until the return of Messiah Yahushua. Yahushua proclaimed the completion of His supreme act of redemption when He cried out "It is finished" from the execution stake. Now, with Yahushua seated at the Right Hand of the Father, interceding for us and the Ruach haKodesh of the Father and the Son indwelling us (Yoch. 14:23 2Cor. 3:17), He continues that on-going redemptive work through His people until He comes. Read: Hebrews 4 "For somewhere He has said thus about the seventh day, `And Elohim rested on the seventh day from all His works,' and in this again, `If they shall enter into My rest (sabattismos) ..." vs. 4-5 "So there remains a Sabbath-keeping for the people of Elohim." vs. 9 "Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest (sabattismos), lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience." vs. 11 Acts 13: 14, 43-44 (Note: Antioch was not a Jewish city.) "But passing through from Perge, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the congregation on the Sabbath day and sat down." "And when the meeting of the congregation had broken up, many of the Yehudim and of the worshipping converts followed Sha'ul and Barnabah, who, speaking to them, were urging them to continue in the favour of Elohim. And on the next Sabbath almost all the city came together to hear the Word of Elohim." Acts 18:4 (in the Greek city of Corinth) "And he was reasoning in the congregation every Sabbath, and won over both Yehudim and Greeks." Mattiyahu 24:20 (Yahusha speaking of the Latter Days) "And pray that your flight does not take place in winter or on the Sabbath" Yahushua expects believers to be keeping the 7th day Sabbath at His return. Mishle/Proverbs 30:6 "Do not add to His Words, lest He reprove you, and you be found to be a liar. Yochanan/John 6:63 "It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh does not profit at all. The words that I speak to you are Spirit and are life." As believers in Yahushua, in Yahueh Elohim, we are to be brainwashed - We are to wash our brains from all wrong doctrine and from conformity to this world, and we are to walk in the Spirit by the Word of Yahueh, who is Yahushua haMashiach. He is the Word of Yahueh incarnate, by His death and resurrection we have the Spirit of the Father and the Son living within us to give revelation to His Word and to enable us to obey it. Ephesians 5:25b-26 " ... as Messiah did love the assembly and gave Himself for it, in order to set it apart and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word." Yochanan/John 7:37-38 "... If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and let him who believes in Me drink. As the Scripture said, out of His innermost shall flow rivers of living water." Yochanan/John 14:23 "Yahushua answered him, `If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our stay with Him.'" |
Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation
This DVD series reveals Yeshua in the entire Bible (Psalm 40:7, Luke 24:44). Yeshua is in the Torah. He created the heavens and earth, made covenant with Abraham, led the children of Israel out of Egypt, gave the Torah at Mount Sinai, is the bridegroom of Israel and the glory of God that filled the tabernacle. Yeshua died on the tree to unite the twelve tribes of Israel (John 10:16-17, 11:49-52). Yeshua will gather the twelve tribes of Israel during the tribulation period and be glorified. He will reign during the Messianic Era as King over the whole earth teaching the Torah to all nations. While revealing Yeshua from Genesis to Revelation, this DVD series also teaches the basic principles of the Hebraic roots of Christianity, including who is the house of Jacob, Torah is for all believers in Yeshua, and Two Houses and the New Testament. Finally, this DVD series gives a Hebraic perspective of the end of days. In all, twelve hours of power packed teaching! |