Basics of Judaism
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Basics of Judaism
Religion of Judaism
Religious Sects
View of non-Jews
Rabbi, Sages, & Scholars
Synagogues, Shuls, & Temples
Jewish Liturgy/Prayers
Hebrew Language
Name of God
Jewish Signs & Symbols
Tzedakah (Charity/Giving)
Life Cycle (Life, Marriage, Death, & Mourning)
Torah & Jewish Law
Orthodox Jewish Commentary
Chabad: the Coming of Mashiach
Kashrut & Dietary Laws
Covering your Hair
Sabbath & Holy Days
Ancient Israelite Customs
Resources & Organizations
Israeli News & Magazines
Name of God
The Significance of
The Names of God
Writing the Name of God
Pronouncing the
Name of God |
The Hebraic Life
and Ministry of the Messiah

This teaching will help
you to identify with the Hebraic Life, Ministry and Teachings of Yeshua
the Messiah. Yeshua was born a Jew. He lived a Jew. He died a Jew. He
celebrated the weekly Sabbath and annual Festivals. He taught the Torah
in parables and the Torah to all nations from Jerusalem during the
Messianic Era.
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