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Free Audio Teachings
on Shabbat
The Sabbath of Yahweh
- Understand
the meaning of the term "The Day of the Lord"
- Learn that "The
Day of the Lord" is a term which describes both the Sabbath and
the Messianic Age
- Learn that
the Sabbath is a prophetic picture of the Messianic Age
- Learn that "The
Day of the Lord" is a major theme in understanding the message
of the prophets
- Learn that
the "Day of the Lord", the Messianic Age, is described as
being a 'time of darkness' and a 'time of peace'
- Learn that
the first seven years of the tribulation period is the first seven
years of the 1,000 year Messianic Age
("The Day of the Lord")
===> The Sabbath is the Holy day
of God. The Sabbath is "The Day of the Lord" (Isaiah
58:13-14 ...
Sabbath on "My Holy
Day"). A term for the
Sabbath is "The Day of
the Lord."
===> The Day of the Lord is a
major theme in the Bible. The Day of the Lord is mentioned over
300 times from the book of Isaiah to Micah.
Sometimes this time will be described with the phrase "In
that day" or "At that
Day of the Lord can be found
(Isaiah 13:6,
Ezekiel 13:5, 30:3, Joel 1:15, 2:1,11, 3:14, Amos 5:18,20, Zephaniah
1:7,14, Zechariah 14:1, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:8,10)
===> The phrase "In
that day" can be found in:
(Isaiah 2:11,17,20,
3:7,18, 4:1,2, 5:30, 7:18, 10:20,27, 11:10,11, 12:1,4, 17:4,9,
19:16,18,19,21,23,24, 20:6, 22:12,20,25, 23:15, 24:21, 25:9, 26:1,
27:1,2,12,13, 28:5, 29:18, 30:23,25,26, 31:7, 52:6)
===> The phrase "At
that time" can be found in:
(Isaiah 18:7,
Jeremiah 3:17, 4:11, 8:1, 33:15, 50:4,20, Zephaniah 1:12, 3:20)
===> Each day in the Bible begins
in the EVENING (darkness) and ends in the morning. So does (will) the
Sabbath (Genesis 1:1,5,8,13,19,23,31, 2:1-3).
===> There are many titles for the
Day of the Lord. Some
of these titles will indicate a time of
wrath (EVENING = a time of darkness), while others will
indicate a time of peace
and tranquility (MORNING = a time of light).
Some of the titles of
the Day of the Lord
indicating wrath/darkness
1. A day of
punishment (Visitation) (Isaiah 10:3, Hosea 9:7, Jeremiah 46:21,
2. A day of fierce anger (Isaiah 13:13, Lam 1:12)
3. The day of grief and desperate sorrow (Isaiah 14:3)
4. The day of trouble (Isaiah 22:5, Ezekiel 7:7,
Zephaniah 1:14-15, Jeremiah 51:2, Nahum 1:7, Hab. 3:16, Psalms 50:15,
91:15, 107:6,13,19,28)
5. The day of the great slaughter (Isaiah 30:25)
6. The day of the Lord's vengeance (Isaiah 34:8, 61:2,
7. The day of slaughter (Jeremiah 12:3)
8. The day of affliction (Jeremiah 16:19)
9. The day of evil (Jeremiah 17:17,18, Amos 6:3,
Proverbs 16:4)
10. The day of destruction (Job 21:30)
11. The day of their calamity (Jeremiah 18:17, 46:21,
Deuteronomy 32:35)
12. The day of His anger (Lam. 2:1,21,22, Zephaniah
13. The day of His wrath (Ezekiel 7:19, Job 20:28,
21:30, Psalms 110:5, Proverbs 11:4, Zephaniah 1:15,18, Romans 2:5,
Revelation 6:17)
14. The day of your fall (Ezekiel 32:10)
15. The day of recompense (Hosea 9:7)
16. The day of darkness and gloominess (Joel 2:1,2,
Zephaniah 1:14-15)
17. The day of clouds and thick darkness (Joel 2:1,2,
Zephaniah 1:14-15)
18. The great and terrible day of the Lord (Joel 2:31,
Malachi 4:5)
19. The day of battle (Job 38:23, Psalms 140:7, Prov
21:31, Amos 1:14, Zech. 14:3)
20. The day of Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel
---> 2/3 will not make it through the tribulation,
1/3 will (Zechariah 13:8-9)
21. A day of devastation and desolation (Zephaniah 1:15)
22. A day of trumpet and alarm (Zephaniah 1:16)
23. The day of judgment (Matt 10:15, 12:36, Mark 6:11,
II Pet 2:9, I John 4:17, Jude 6)
24. The day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men (II
Peter 3:7)
25. The great and notable day of the Lord (Acts 2:20)
===> The
Day of the Lord is also
described as a time of peace,
prosperity, and tranquility or light.
Some of the these titles
1. A day the Lord
gives you rest (Isaiah 14:3, Hebrews 4:4,7-9)
2. The day of the EAST wind (Isaiah 27:8)
3. The day of salvation (Isaiah 49:8)
4. The day we have waited for (Lam. 2:16)
5. A day of clouds (clouds refer to believers) - (Ezekiel
30:3, Hebrews 12:1)
6. The day that I am glorified (Ezekiel 39:13)
7. The day of His preparation (Nahum 2:3)
8. The day of His coming (Malachi 3:2)
9. The day when the Son of Man is revealed (Luke 17:30)
10. The day of Lord Jesus (I Corinthians 1:8, II
Corinthians 1:14, Philippians 1:6)
11. The day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30)
12. The day of Christ (Philippians 1:10, 2:16)
13. The day of God (II Peter 3:12)
14. The day of the gladness of His heart (Song of
Solomon 3:11)
Below is a description
of the condition of the earth during this time:
1. A time of peace
and tranquility on the earth (Isaiah 11:6-9)
2. The animals will be at peace, the farmland prosperous (Isaiah
11:6-7, 65:25, Ezekiel 34:25-28, Hosea 2:18, Leviticus 26:6)
3. The whole world will have a knowledge of God (Isaiah
11:9, Hebrews 2:14, Jeremiah 31:33-34, Isaiah 2:2-3, Micah 4:1-2)
4. There will be peace and no wars (Isaiah 2:3, Micah
5. Yeshua/Jesus will be king over all the earth (Zechariah
14:9, Daniel 7:13-14,18,27, Revelation 2:27, 11:15, 12:5, 19:15-16)
6. There will be continual light on the earth (Zechariah
14:6-8, Revelation 22:5)
===> So, the day of the Lord is
described as a time of wrath and a time of peace (at the same time).
Because the day of the Lord covers a 1,000 year period, this enables
both conditions to be true. The time of wrath is the first seven years
of the tribulation. The remaining years after the tribulation is a time
of peace and prosperity. There is no contradiction in the Bible when it
describes the day of the Lord as being both a time of wrath and a time
of peace. To the unbeliever, it will be a time of wrath and sorrow. To
the believer, it will be a time of peace and joy.
===> The weekly period of time and
the conclusion of the week on the Sabbath was given by God to teach us
about his 7,000 years of time which He gave us to understand about His
plan for us and the earth and to teach us about the 1,000 year
millennium period. During the time of the temple, the Sabbath always
began with the cleansing of the altar (the altar was a place of
Likewise, the Messianic
Kingdom (1,000 year millennium known as the "Athid Lavo" in
Hebrew thought) will begin with the cleansing of the earth and judgment
of sin during the first seven years of the day of the Lord. During this
time, the believers will be separated (the Sabbath was Holy and set
apart by God) from the earth and be in heaven during the time of the
tribulation. They will return with Yeshua/Jesus seven years
later to rule and reign with Yeshua/Jesus ON EARTH for the
REMAINING 1,000 years of the millennium.
* *
* Sabbath = The Day of the Lord = Messianic Age = *
* Rest = Light = The Word of God = Gospel = *
* Yeshua/Jesus (Psalm 40:7) *
* *
1. Where can we establish in
scripture that the term 'Day of the
Lord' refers to the
2. Name two idiomatic
phrases which speak about 'The Day of the Lord'.
3. The 'Day of the Lord'
is prophetic of what period of time?
4. In the Genesis
story of creation, how does each Biblical day begin and end?
5. Give several scripture
references which show that the 'Day of the Lord' is a time of
6. Give several scripture
references which show that the 'Day of the Lord' is a time of
7. How can we establish that
the first seven years of the tribulation period is the first seven years
of the Messianic Age?
8. During the days of the
Temple, what was one of the first duties that the priests did in the
Temple prior to the Sabbath services? How is this prophetic of the first
seven years of the Messianic Age known as the tribulation period (Chevlai
shel Maschiach)?
Click here to go
to our free Audio Teachings on Shabbat
Also, click here to
read an article about the Jewish view of Sabbath
Themes of the

The Sabbath is a festival of YHVH. Non-Jews receive
a special blessing for observing the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a
remembrance of creation, redemption and restoration. The Sabbath is
linked to sanctification, holiness and marriage. The Sabbath is likened
to a Bride. The Sabbath will be celebrated during the Messianic Era and
during the time of the new heaven and the new earth. Yeshua is our
Sabbath rest.
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