Hebraic Roots Study Hall
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Hebraic Roots 101
Biblical Terms
Hebraic Life
and Teachings of Yeshua the
Torah and Grace
Acts 15 - Restoring the Tabernacle of
Hebrew/Biblical Calendar
Biblical Festivals
Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
Shavuot (Pentecost)
Rosh Hashanah (Day of Trumpets)
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
New Moon
Two House Teachings
The Two
House Controversy
What the Rabbis Teach about the Ten Tribes
The Two
Houses: An Orthodox Jewish Perspective
Principles of Exile and
What the Rabbis Say about
the Messiah
Who is the Bride of Messiah?
Hebrew Roots Teachers (Audio and Video)
Free Audio Teachings
on Shabbat
Restoring the Two Houses of Israel: Chapter
4 -
The Sabbath: Our Rest is in Messiah
How to Celebrate the Sabbath
What about the Lunar Sabbath?
God's Prophetic Timetable: The Day of the Lord
(Sabbath) Part 1
God's Prophetic Timetable: The Day of the Lord (Sabbath) Part 2
Is Sabbath for Today (Part 1 of 2)
Is Sabbath for Today (Part 2 of 2)
Sunday: Roman Catholic and Protestant
Confessions (Part 1 of 2)
Sunday: Roman Catholic Confessions (Part
2 of 2)
Havdalah: A Ceremony to End the Sabbath
Day of the Week in the New Testament?
Themes of the

The Sabbath is a festival of YHVH. Non-Jews receive
a special blessing for observing the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a
remembrance of creation, redemption and restoration. The Sabbath is
linked to sanctification, holiness and marriage. The Sabbath is likened
to a Bride. The Sabbath will be celebrated during the Messianic Era and
during the time of the new heaven and the new earth. Yeshua is our
Sabbath rest.
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