Who is the Bride of Christ?
In most Christian
churches, it is preached that the goal for an individual is salvation.
Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and
have been saved, you have met the goal of Christianity. However, from
examining the last chapter, we saw that God is desiring for believers in
Jesus to grow to full spiritual maturity and become His Bride. The heart
of the Apostle Paul for his own life was to grow to spiritual maturity.
The epistles in the New
Testament were written to Christian churches. The major theme in these
writings was an exhortation to existing Christians to strive to overcome
the desires of the flesh and to seek to grow in spiritual maturity and
holiness while living their Christian life. The Apostle Paul gave many
warnings to those Christians who continued to practice the ways of the
world and allowed themselves to yield to the desires of the flesh after
they had become believers in Jesus as Messiah. The consequence of their
behavior was that they would not be prepared to be married to their
bridegroom and would be presented before Jesus with a spotted wedding
garment. This can be seen in Jude 1:23 as it is written:
- "And others save with fear, pulling them
out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Unbelievers do not have a
wedding garment because they are not saved. However, believers are
required to put on their wedding garment in preparation for their
marriage with Jesus, the Bridegroom. The Bride of Christ is called to
make herself ready. In Revelation 19:7-8 it is written:
- "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give
honor to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife
hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be
arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the
righteousness of saints."
In Ephesians 5:27,
we understand that Jesus is coming for a Bride "without spot and
blemish." The Apostle Peter tells us that those who walk in the flesh
have spots and blemishes. In 2 Peter 2:10, 13 it is written:
- "But chiefly them that walk after the
flesh in the lust of uncleanness ... and shall receive the reward of
unrighteousness as they count it pleasure to riot in the day time.
Spots they are and blemishes ..."
The context of the
letters of the epistles that were written to various Christian churches
in the New Testament was an exhortation to them to rise above the things
of the world and the desires of the flesh so that they could walk in the
high calling of God. It was the heart of the Apostle Paul to strive to
achieve the high calling of God. The Apostle Paul was saved on the road
to Damascus when Jesus appeared to him in a vision. At this time, Paul
accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. Paul's conversion is
described in Acts 9:1-6.
The Apostle Paul,
however, was not satisfied with salvation. His desire was to do the Will
of God and to strive to grow in the knowledge and understanding of God
and to grow to spiritual maturity. Paul described this as the high
calling of God. In Philippians 3:10, 12-15 it is written:
- "That I may know him (Jesus), and the
power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings,
being made conformable unto his death ...Not as though I had already
attained, either were already perfect (5048) but I follow after, if
that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ
Jesus. Brethren I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one
thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching
forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark
for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us
therefore, as many as be perfect (5046) ("telios" = spiritually
mature) be thus minded, and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded,
God shall reveal even this unto you."
Therefore, from this, we
can see that Paul desired:
To know Jesus in a deeper way (after he was already
To strive to reach a level of spiritual maturity
To exhort other Christians who desired to strive for
spiritual maturity to be like-minded as him
What is the high calling
of God? There are three primary aspects to the high calling of God. They
are as follows:
Seek to put away the things of the world and the things
of the flesh and live holy and pure Christian lives before God. This
is done by yielding to the desires of the indwelling Holy Spirit and
striving to love God with a pure heart in all that we say and all
that we do
Seek to study God's Word and learn and understand the
heart of God and the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven
Seek to find and walk in the perfect Will of God for your
life by laying down your own Will to do His Will
There are three levels to
God's Will. There is the good Will of God, there is the acceptable Will
of God and there is the perfect Will of God. This can be seen in
Romans 12:1-2 as it is written:
- "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the
mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. And be
not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable, and
perfect will of God."
From this passage we can
see several things that we are commanded by God to do after we are
Present our bodies as a living sacrifice holy unto God.
This requires us to not live according to the ways of the world and
be dominated by the desires of the flesh.
Be not conformed to this world but be transformed (change
your way of thinking) by the renewing of your mind. A renewed mind
desires to know and understand God's Word on a deeper level and to
have an intimate relationship with Him on a daily basis. The person
who is renewed in his mind seeks to follow after the things of God
with his whole heart. It is the consuming desire in his life.
Prove (know and understand) the good, acceptable and
perfect (5046) Will of God. The word translated as "perfect" Will of
God in Romans 12:2 is the Greek word, "Telios"which means
"complete or spiritually mature."
The good, acceptable, and
perfect Will of God implies that God's Will is progressive. Progressive
revelation and understanding of God's Will comes through growth and
maturity. The good Will of God is for the unbeliever to be saved of his
sins so that he can go to heaven. The perfect Will of God is for the
saved believer in Jesus as Messiah to grow to spiritual maturity and
become God's Bride.
The person who is only
walking in the good Will of God understands that his sins are forgiven
and he will be in heaven. The person walking in the perfect Will of God
has an intimate and personal relationship with God. These three
different levels of God's Will is expressed by the three levels of
Christian believers who have a knowledge and understanding about God's
Word and about the Ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. In
I John 2:12, 14 it is written:
- "I write unto you, little children,
because your sins are forgiven ... I write unto you, fathers,
because you have known him that is from the beginning. I have
written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of
God abideth in you, and you have overcome the wicked one."
In I John 2:12,14,
we see three levels of Christians. They are little children, young
men, and fathers. These three levels of Christians have three distinct
characteristics. Let us examine them more closely.
Little Children .... their sins are forgiven (they will
go to heaven). This is equivalent to the "good Will" of God.
Young Men ... the Word of God abides in them and they
overcome the wicked one. This is equivalent to the "acceptable Will"
of God.
Fathers ... you have known him (intimately) that is from
the beginning. This is equivalent to the "perfect Will" of God.
What is eternal life?
Probably the most famous and most well known verse in the entire Bible
within Christianity is John 3:16. In John 3:16 it is written:
- "For God so loved the world that he gave
his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life."
This is probably the most
famous and best known verse within Christianity because it is the one
verse in the Bible that best summarizes the Christian Gospel message. It
is most often used to communicate the Gospel truth that by repenting of
your sins and asking Jesus to come into your heart and life and become
your personal Lord and Savior, you will be saved and go to heaven. For
this reason, this is one of the verses in the Bible which is used most
often to bring a person to the knowledge of salvation and the need to
have their sins forgiven.
While this is an absolute
Biblical truth that if we do repent of our sins and ask Jesus into our
life, we will be saved and go to heaven, Christianity has misundertood
the depth of the meaning of what Jesus was speaking about when he talked
about everlasting life. The Greek word which is translated as
everlasting life in the King James Bible is the Greek word, "Zoe." The
Greek word, "Zoe" is the Strong's Word (2222). The Greek word, "Zoe"
means "abundant life or the highest plateau of life."
The Greek word, "Zoe"
correponds to the Hebrew word, "Chai." The Hebrew word, "Chai" is the
Strong's word (2416). Both the Greek word, "Zoe" and the Hebrew word,
"Chai;"describes the highest form of life in existence. In essence, it
is the plateau of life. In John 10:10,Jesus called this the
"abundant" life as it is written:
- " ...I am come that they might have life
(Zoe = 2222) and that they might have it more abundantly."
The "Zoe" life is the
high calling of God. The "Zoe" life is the fullness of spiritual
The rich young ruler came
to Jesus seeking to obtain eternal life. I have been going to church
since I was five years old. I have heard what seems like thousands of
sermons preached about the story of the rich young ruler. Almost 100% of
the time, it is preached that the rich young ruler turned away Jesus'
offer of salvation. However, the rich young ruler did not ask Jesus how
he could be saved. Instead, the rich young ruler asked Jesus how he
could have eternal life (Zoe =2222). Eternal life (Zoe) is the high
calling of God and it is the fullness of spiritual maturity.
The rich young ruler was
not asking Jesus about salvation but instead was asking about what he
needed to do to obtain the "Zoe" or "the plateau of life." We can
understand this by examining the answer which Jesus gave to the rich
young ruler and by examining how Jesus responded to the questions of His
disciples who witnessed this conversation. In Matthew 19:16,
the rich young ruler asked Jesus what he needed to do to receive eternal
life (Zoe = 2222), not salvation, as it iswritten:
- "And, behold, one came and said unto him,
Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal
In Matthew 19:21,
Jesus answered him as it is written:
- "Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be
perfect ("Telios" = 5046 which means, "complete or spiritually
mature") go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou
shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."
In Matthew 19:21,
Jesus' reply to the rich young ruler was not "if you will be saved" but
instead, it was "if you will be perfect." Once again, the word
translated as perfect is the Greek word, "Telios" which means "to be
complete or spiritually mature."
Therefore, what the rich
young ruler walked away from was not "salvation" but "spiritual
maturity." This truth becomes more evident when we examine the reaction
of the disciples and the response that Jesus gave them. The disciples
misunderstood what Jesus was saying to the rich young ruler as well.
They thought that Jesus was talking about salvation also. In Matthew
19:25, 27 it is written:
- "When the disciples heard it, they were
exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved? ... Then answered
Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed
thee; what shall we have therefore?"
The answer that Jesus
gave Peter was not "don't worry, Peter, you will be saved" but instead
Jesus told Peter that because the disciples followed Jesus that they
would have the highest position in the Kingdom of Heaven sitting upon
the twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel In Matthew
19:28 it is written:
- "And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say
unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration (Greek
word is "paliggenesia" which means "the restoration of the Messianic
Age") when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye
also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Finally, we can see from
this story of the rich young ruler that those who obtain eternal life
("Zoe =2222") are not only saved and will be in heaven but are also
those who have the highest rewards when they get to heaven. Jesus told
the rich young ruler what he needed to do if he wanted to be perfect
(5046) (Matthew 19:21), which is "telios" which means "complete
or spiritually mature." However, the rich young ruler declined the high
calling of God. His stumbling block was the cares of this world above
the concern for the things of the Kingdom of God. The highest calling of
God is the "narrow" road but the cares of this world is the "wide" road.
There are not only two
choices for an unbeliever -heaven or hell - but there are also two
choices for the believer - the cares of this world or the desire to seek
the high calling of God and God's perfect Will and the abundant "Zoe"
life which God promises to those who would choose it. Those Christians
who seek after the high calling of God and the perfect Will of God for
their lives will grow to spiritual maturity and be the Bride of Christ.
However, most Christians choose the path of the rich young ruler. For
the Christian believer in Jesus as Messiah who is reading this book,
what is your choice?
In Matthew 7:13-14,
Jesus talks about two paths. The first way is the straight way. The
second way is the broad way. Once again, these verses have been preached
in Christianity in the context of salvation. These verses have been
preached to mean that the sinners who have not received Jesus as their
personal Lord and Savior are walking the "broad way which leads to
destruction" but the Christians who are saved have walked the narrow way
which "leads to life" or salvation.
While it is true that
those who do not accept Jesus as Messiah are on the way to destruction
and hell and those who do receive him will make it to heaven, Jesus was
speaking these words to His disciples as part of the Sermon on the
Mount. Jesus was giving exhortation to those who would follow Him with
all their heart, mind, soul and strength instructing them concerning
what they needed to do to obtain the highest spiritual reward and what
they needed to do to walk in spiritual maturity. In Matthew 7:13-14
it is written:
- "Enter ye in at the straight gate: for
wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction,
and many there be which go in thereat: Because straight is the gate,
and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life ("Zoe = 2222 =
spiritual maturity") and few there be that find it."
In Matthew 7:14,
Jesus declares that "narrow is the way which leads to life."
We need to examine two
words in this verse. The first word is "narrow" and the second word is
"life." The word translated as "narrow" is the Greek word , "thleebo."
It is the Strong's word (2346). The Greek word, "thleebo," which is the
Strong's word (2346) means " afflict, trouble or suffer tribulation. "
Matthew 7:14 is the only place in the King James Bible where
the Greek word, "thleebo" is translated as "narrow." We will examine two
places in the New Testament where the Greek word, "thleebo," is
translated as "afflicted and troubled." In 2 Corinthians 4:9 it
is written:
- "We are troubled ("thleebo" = 2346) on
every side, yet not distressed, we are perplexed, but not in
despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed."
Hebrews 11 is sometimes
referred to in Christianity as the "Hall of Fame" of faith. In Hebrews
11, it lists all the great men and women of God in the Old Testament. In
Hebrews 11:37 it is written concerning them:
- "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder,
were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in
sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted ("thleebo" =
2346), tormented."
Therefore, from these
verses, we can see that the word in Matthew 7:14 translated as
"narrow" which is the Greek word, "thleebo" refers to the "affiictions,
troubles, and tribulations" of believers who seek to do the Will of God.
This is what the Apostle Paul spoke about in 2 Corinthians 4:8
and the writer of Hebrews concerning the great men and women of God in
the Old Testament in Hebrews 11:37.
The second significant
word in Matthew 7:14 is the word, "life." The word translated
as life is the Greek word, "zoe" which is the Strong`s word (2222). Once
again, "zoe" means, "abundant, spiritual maturity or the highest
plateau". Therefore, the correct understanding of Matthew 7:14
should read as follows:
- "Because straight is the gate, and (to be
afflicted and suffer tribulation) is the way, which leadeth unto
life (the highest plateau or spiritual maturity) and few find it"
(the highest plateau or spiritual maturity). "
The correct spiritual
understanding of Matthew 7:14 is consistent with what we
learned in chapter 3 when we discussed the topic of "A Bride for Isaac."
Abraham's servant, Eliezer, who is a type of the Holy Spirit, obtained a
bride for Isaac after taking ten camels to meet her (Genesis 24:10).
As we discussed in chapter 3, the ten camels spiritually represent
"trials and tribulations". As we also discussed in chapter 3, the bride
for Isaac was taken from AMONG Abraham's kindred (Genesis 24:4).
So, the correct spiritual understanding and application of Matthew
7:14 is consistent with what we learned in studying Genesis 24.
The Bride of Christ
"suffers tribulation" (the narrow way) and few (a remnant among
Christians who are going to heaven) find life (the highest plateau or
spiritual maturity). Therefore, Jesus was telling us in Matthew 7:14
that only a few or a remnant of those Christians who will be in heaven
will seek to follow the perfect Will of God (the highest plateau of the
Christian life) and be willing to suffer the trials, tribulations,
persecutions and afflictions which comes by completely yielding unto God
and following Him with all your heart while seeking to reach spiritual
In order to further
clarify that Jesus was telling us in Matthew 7:14 that the
"narrow" way was not "salvation" but was rather "spiritual maturity,"
let us examine the parallel passage to Matthew 7:14 in the book
of Luke. In Luke 13:22-28, Jesus was asked whether He was
talking about salvation when He spoke concerning the "narrow" way. In
Luke 13:22-28 it is written:
- "And he went through the cities and
villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then said one
unto him, Lord, are there few that are saved? And he said unto them,
Strive to enter in at the straight gate: (the "straight gate" is the
"narrow" way - Matthew 7:14) for many, I say unto you, will seek to
enter in, and shall not be able (few find the "straight gate" or
"narrow way"). When once the master of the house is risen up, and
hath shut the door (this is the wedding door - Matthew 25:6, 10-11),
and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying,
Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I
know you not whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to say, We have
eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our
streets. But he shall say,I tell you,I know you not whence ye are:
depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and
Jacob, and all the prophets (those who followed the "narrow" way and
suffered, "trials, tribulations and afflictions" - Hebrews 11:37),
in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out."
Therefore, in Luke
13:22 -28, we see the following:
Jesus was asked, "Are there few who are saved?" (Luke
Jesus said "few" find the "straight gate" (Luke 13:24
= Matthew 7:14)
The "few" will be those who go with Jesus into the
wedding door. (Luke 13:25)
Those who are not able to go in are Christians who have
"eaten and drunk in thy presence and taught in our streets." (Luke
Those Christians who have "eaten and drunk in thy
presence and taught in our streets" are also workers of "iniquity."
(Luke 13:27)
Those Christians who have "eaten and drunk in thy
presence and taught in our street" and are also workers of
"iniquity" are weeping when they see "Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and
all the prophets in the kingdom of God" and they are not.
Unbelievers (those who are not saved) have no heritage with Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob but Christians do.
The Christians who are "weeping and knashing their teeth"
are doing so because of "loss of rewards" in heaven not because they
have lost their salvation.
us examine these truths more closely. First of all, Jesus told
us in Luke 13:22-28, that the "few" (Luke
13:23) are those who go into the wedding door.
Those who do not go into the wedding door stand outside and cry
"Lord, Lord open unto us." These are the same words which are
spoken in Matthew 25:1-13 by the
"foolish virgins."
the parable that Jesus told in Matthew 25:1-13, there
were a total of ten virgins. As we mentioned in chapter 3, "Ten"
is the number in the Bible which represents "a legal
congregation." Christians are seen as being "virgins" unto God.
The Apostle Paul mentioned that Christians were "virgins" in
2 Corinthians 11:2 as it is written:
I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused
(betrothed) you to one husband (Jesus) that I may present you as
a chaste virgin to Christ."
in this book, we studied that there were two stages to the
Biblical marriage. The first stage is betrothal and the second
stage is the consummation of the marriage when the bride and the
groom go into the wedding room ("cheder") and "shut the door" to
consummate the wedding.
2 Corinthians 11:2, Paul spoke to the Christian church
at Corinth and told them that they are "betrothed to one
husband" (the first stage of the Biblical wedding) that I may
present you as a "chaste virgin" to Christ (the second stage of
the Biblical wedding). Therefore, Christians are called "virgins
to Christ" and the number "Ten" represents a legal congregation.
So, "Ten Virgins" in Matthew 25:1-13 represents those
Christians who are betrothed to Jesus (have accepted Him as
their personal Lord and Savior) and will go to heaven.
in Matthew 25:1-13, we see that of those "Ten Virgins"
(who represent, Christians who are betrothed to Jesus and will
go to heaven), five virgins were wise and five virgins wee
foolish. The foolish virgins cried to the Lord to open the
wedding door when they saw that the wise virgins went with the
Bridegroom (Jesus) into the wedding room to consummate the
marriage. In Matthew 25:1-2, 6, 10-11 it is written:
shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which
took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And
five were wise and five were foolish ... And at midnight there
was a cry made, 'Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go out to meet
him' ... And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and
they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the
door was shut. Afterward, came also the other virgins, saying,
Lord, Lord, open to us. "
this, we can see that those who are crying in Luke 13:25
"Lord, Lord, open to us" are the foolish virgins in Matthew
25:11. The foolish virgins are those who are betrothed to
Jesus the Bridegroom by accepting Jesus as their personal Lord
and Savior (Romans 10:9-10, 2 Corinthians 11:2) and
have "eaten and drunk in thy presence and taught in our streets"
(Luke 13:26), are "wailing and knashing their teeth" in
Luke 13:28 and are crying, "Lord, Lord, open to us" in
Luke 13:25 and Matthew 25:11.
the "few" who go into the "straight gate" and the "narrow" way
in Matthew 7:14 are those who consummate the wedding in
Luke 13:25 and are the wise virgins of Matthew
foolish virgins are saved and will be in heaven but lose eternal
rewards because they decided to walk the "broad" way. The
foolish virgins failed to separate themselves from the world and
didn't overcome the desires of the flesh. Therefore, the foolish
virgins have a spotted wedding garment. However; the wise
virgins walked the "narrow" way. They dedicated their lives to
God and became holy unto God by separating themselves from the
ways of the world and overcame the desires of their flesh. They
were prepared when the wedding came and had a pure and white
wedding garment. (Matthew 25:10, Revelation 19:7-8)
those who are not able to go in with the Bridegroom and stand
outside crying, 'Lord, Lord, open unto us' (Luke 13:25,
Matthew 25:11) whom Jesus "never knew" (Luke 13:27,
Matthew 25:12) are described as being "workers of iniquity"
(Luke 13:27). ln Luke 13:25-27 it is written:
once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the
door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door,
saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say
unto you, I know you not whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to
say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast
taught in our streets, But he shall say, I tell you, I know you
not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity."
parallel passage to Luke 13:22-27 is found in
Matthew 7:13-14, 21-23. In Matthew 7:22-23 it is
will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied
in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy
name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto
them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniguity."
people have interpreted Matthew 7:22-23 in the context
of salvation and against the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
However, in this passage, Jesus is not speaking against the
manifestations of the Holy Spirit and those whom God uses to
manifest His Holy Spirit in mighty and miraculous ways but
against those who are "workers of iniquity." Therefore, those
who are being left behind are carnal Christians who are not the
Bride because they practice "iniquity."
what is the iniquity that they practice? In Matthew 7:23,
the word iniquity is the Greek word "anomia." It is the Strong's
word 458. The word iniquity which is the Greek word "anomia"
comes from the Greek word, "anomos" which is the Strong''s word
459. The word translated as "law" (Torah) in the New Testament
is the Greek word, "nomos". It is the Strong's word 3551. The
word iniquity (which is the Greek word, "anomia" and comes from
the Greek word, "anomos") consists of two Greek words, "a" and
"nomos". "A" comes from a negative participle in Greek which
means "without." "Nomos" means "law" (Torah). So, the workers of
"iniquity" are practicing "anomia" which describes those who are
"without the law" (anomos) and who are violating the Torah.
Therefore, those who are being used by God in ministering the
manifestations of the Holy Spirit are also teaching and
practicing the breaking of the Torah (workers of iniquity).
in Matthew 7:23, Jesus is rebuking those people, not
because God is using them to manifest His Holy Spirit in mighty
and miraculous ways, but because they are also violating the
law/Torah (workers of iniquity). Because they are "workers of
iniquity" (teach and practice the breaking of the
Torah/Commandments), they will be among those who are "least" in
the Kingdom of Heaven
(Matthew 5:19). They still will be saved but they will
be "least" in the
of Heaven
because Jesus never "knew" them in an intimate way.
Jesus marries His Bride, this will be the second stage of the
Biblical marriage. The second stage of the Biblical marriage is
the consummation of the marriage. When consummating the marriage
and performing the marriage act to have children, the husband
and wife are described in the Bible as "knowing" each other. In
Genesis 4:1, Adam "knew" Eve and bore Cain and Abel. In
Genesis 24:16, Rebekah was a virgin and no man had
"known" her. Jesus does not tell the "workers of iniquity" they
are not saved, however, He does tell them that He never "knew"
them. "Knowing" describes the consummation of the marriage and
not salvation.
Luke 13:27-28, those who are "workers of iniquity"
(carnal Christians) will be "weeping and knashing their teeth"
when they realize that they will not be the Bride of Christ. In
Matthew 8:11-12 and Matthew 22:12-13, those
who are "weeping and knashing their teeth"are also cast into
"outer darkness." The words translated as "outer darkness" is
the Greek word, "skotos". It is Strong's word 4655. The word
translated as "outer darkness" which is the Greek word "skotos"
comes from the base of the Greek word, "skia." The Greek word,
"Skia" is the Strong's word 4639 and means "shade or shadow."
So, the word translated as "outer darkness" which is the Greek
word, "skotos" is derived from the Greek word, "skia" which
means "shade or shadow." Therefore, the term "outer darkness"
does not necessarily mean "pitch black" in reference to hell but
can also mean "shade or shadow" which means a lack of "absolute
light would describe Jesus and the light of the glory of God.
The light of the glory of God lit the Holy of Holies in the
Tabernacle. However, the outer court was lit by natural light.
In comparison to the light of the glory of God in the Holy of
Holies, the natural light which lit the outer court could be
described as "outer darkness" or "Shady." The natural light in
the outer court in the Tabernacle represents "carnal
Christians." The light of the glory of God in the Holy of Holies
represents those Christians who will be the Bride of Christ.
John 14:6, Jesus said He was the Way (salvation), the
Truth (the Word/Torah), and the Life ("Zoe"). This describes the
three levels of the Christians who walk with God. This also
corresponds to the three levels of God's Will which we spoke
about earlier. Once again, the three levels of God's Will is the
good, acceptable and perfect Will of God (Romans 12:1-2).
outer court in the Tabernacle describes the "way" or the good
Will of God. In the outer court was the brazen altar
(representing salvation) and the laver (representing baptism).
This compares to the "little children" who are saved in (I
John 2:12).
inner court in the Tabernacle describes the "truth" or the
acceptable Will of God. The Table of Shewbread represents the
Word of God. The candlestick representsthe Spirit of God. This
compares to the "young men" in (I John 2:14) who have a
deeper understanding of God's Word through the help of the Holy
Holy of Holies represents the life ("Zoe" =2222) of God or the
perfect Will of God. This compares to the "fathers" who have
"known" God intimately and have grown to spiritual maturity.
Therefore, the outer darkness in Matthew 8:11-12 and
Matthew 22:12-13 describes "outer court" Christians who
are not abiding in the light of the glory of God in the Holy of
Holies. The "outer court" Christians who will not be in the
"Holy of Holies" will be saved but they will not have the
fullness of rewards as those who are the Bride of Christ and
will be in the "Holy of Holies."
term "outer darkness" in the Bible has two meanings and
applications. To the unbeliever who has not accepted Jesus as
their personal Lord and Savior, "outer darkness" is a reference
to hell and damnation. To the carnal Christian, "outer darkness"
refers to not being the Bride of Christ and abiding with God in
the "Holy of Holies" thereby suffering a lack of the highest
spiritual rewards in heaven.
judgment of the believer's works are described in 1
Corinthians 3:13-15 as it is written:
man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it,
because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try
every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide
which he has built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any
man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself
shall be saved: yet so as by fire."
1 Corinthians 3:13-15, it describes two types of
Christians. These two types of Christians are characterized by
their works of service unto God. The first type of Christian
(the carnal Christian) is saved but has no works (his judgment
is a lack of rewards by not being the Bride of Christ and cast
into "outer darkness"). The second type of Christian (the Bride
of Christ) is saved and has the highest reward unto God by
overcoming the desires of the flesh and submitting to the
perfect Will of God
those "workers of iniquity" (breakers of God's Law/Torah) will
lose rewards by not being the Bride of Christ and will be cast
into "outer darkness" being "outer court" Christians rather than
"Holy of Holy"Christians.
conclusion, by comparing Matthew 7:13-14, 21-23 with
Matthew 25:1-12 and Luke 13:22-27 as we have
been doing, it is clear that those who are being left behind are
carnal Christians who are saved but who are not the Bride of
Christ. They have the following characteristics:
They are saved (Matthew
7:13-14, Luke 13:22 25, 1 Corinthians 3:15)
They are "foolish virgins" (Matthew
They walk the "broad" way (Matthew
7:13-14) not the "narrow" way
They have not been "known"
by Jesus intimately (Matthew 25:14-12, Luke 13:25-26)
They break the Torah of God
(workers of iniquity) (Matthew 7:22-23)
They are cast into "outer darkness" (Matthew 8:11-12 ,
Luke 13:27-28) and suffer a loss of eternal rewards (I
Corinthians 3:13-15)
in this chapter, we began to examine what the New Testament
talks about when it uses the word, "Eternal Life." In this
section, we will continue our study and examine the difference
between two kinds of lives which Christians may live after they
have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and become
first kind of life is represented by a carnal Christian who is
influenced by the ways of the world, who is dominated by the
desires of their flesh and who lives a self willed life. This
type of person is a carnal Christian and is described as being a
"babe" in Christ (I Corinthians 3:1-3). The Christian
life which is dominated by the ways of the flesh is called the
"psuche" life in Greek. "Psuche" is sometimes translated as
"life" in the New Testament. It is the Strong's word (5590). The
corresponding word in Hebrew is "Nephesh." "Nephesh" is the
Strong's word (5315). "Psuche" and "Nephesh" describes the
"soulish life."
"Zoe" life is often translated as "eternal life" in the New
Testament. It is the Strong's word (2222). The word translated
as eternal life in the New Testament is the Greek word, "Zoe"
which means, "abundant life or the highest plateau of life." The
"Zoe" life represents walking in the fullness of spiritual
maturity. This is a characteristic of God's Bride.
"Zoe" life is a life that is yielded to please and serve God
with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. This is the
greatest commandment (Mark 12:28-30). The "Zoe"
Christian desires to yield themselves to the Will of God in
every area of their life while seeking to learn and understand
the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Christians relate "eternal life" to salvation. The most famous
salvation verse in the New Testament is John 3:16. In
John 3:16 it is written:
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life (Zoe)."
"eternal life" (Zoe) consists of being saved, "Zoe" actually
describes a person who is "saved" and continues to walk toward
spiritual maturity and the highest plateau of the Christian
life. This can be seen in John 10:10 as it is written:
I am come that they might have life (Zoe = 2222) and that they
might have it more abundantly."
we can understand the difference between the "Psuche" life and
the "Zoe" life. Below is a more comprehensive definition and
characteristics of the difference between the "psuche/soulish
life" which is represented by a carnal Christian and the "Zoe
life" which is an attribute of God's Bride:
Abundant, everlasting, Spirit-led life which is yielded to the
indwelling Holy Spirit working in our lives so that we may
produce Godly character and bear much fruit for the Kingdom of
God while seeking to walk in the perfect Will of God for our
lives (Characteristic of the BRIDE)
Soulish life controlled and
dominated by our own human desires and self will above the Will
of God. Those whose lives are more controlled by following the
desires of the flesh rather than the life of the Spirit
told us that those Christians who live according to the ways of
the world and the ways of the "Psuche/soulish life" will not
grow to spiritual maturity and live the abundant "Zoe" life.
Jesus told us that if we seek to hold onto the "Psuche/soulish
life" we will not have the "Zoe" life. In John 12:25 it
is written:
that loveth his life (Psuche = 5590) shall lose it: and he that
hateth his life (Psuche/soulish life) in this world shall keep
it unto life (Zoe) eternal."
Jesus laid down his
life (Psuche) to do the will of God (John 10:17)
We are to lay down
our lives (Psuche) for our brothers and sisters in the
Lord in service to God (Philippians 2:25, 29-30, 1
John 3:14,16)
We are to take no
thought for our life (Psuche) (Matthew 6:25)
We overcome Satan by
not loving our life (Psuche) (Revelation 12:11)
Jesus came so that Christians who are saved will live
according to the "Zoe" life of God.
Jesus came that we
might have life (Zoe - 2222) - (John 10:10)
Jesus is the way,
truth, and the life (Zoe - 2222) - (John 14:6)
God has given us
eternal life (Zoe) and this life (Zoe) is in His Son (I
John 5:11)
Zoe is the narrow
life (Zoe) and FEW find it (Matthew 7:13-14)
The life (Zoe) is the light of men (John 1:4)
Christians who seek to walk after the "Zoe" life of God are
described in the Bible as walking in "light". "Light" is
associated with "Zoe". Those who walk after the "Psuche/soulish
life" are described in the Bible as walking in "darkness." Jesus
is both the "Zoe" of God and the "Light" of God. In John 1:4
it is written:
Him (Jesus) was life (Zoe) and the life (Zoe) was the light
(5457) of men."
Christians who are saved and who seek to follow Jesus and please
God in every area of their lives are described as not walking in
darkness but in the light (5457) of the "Zoe" life of God. In
John 8:12 it is written:
spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light (5457) of
the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but
shall have the light (5457) of life (Zoe) ."
truth can be further seen in John 12:46 as it is
am come a light (5457) into the world, that whosoever believeth
on me should not abide in darkness."
John 8:12 and John 12:46, Jesus is not talking
about salvation. Instead, Jesus is talking about how those who
already believe on Him should be living their lives as a
lifestyle. In these verses, Jesus is making it very clear that
those who follow Him will live their lives and experience the
"Zoe" life and will not "walk in darkness" as represented by the
"Psuche/soulish life."
in darkness means that you are living a carnal Christian life.
Walking in darkness means that while you may be saved by
accepting Jesus into your heart and life, you are still
influenced by the ways of the world and are dominated by the
desires of your flesh. Walking in darkness will result in
walking in spiritual ignorance to the ways of God and blind your
understanding to the deeper spiritual truths in God's Word.
Below is a list of scriptures which explains these things.
Walking in darkness
will keep us from comprehending God (John 1:5)
Walking in darkness will blind our spiritual eyes (I
John 2:11)
a) God is light and in Him is
no darkness (I John 1:5)
b) Followers of God will not
walk in darkness (I John 1:6)
c) Walking in the truth of
God's Word will keep us from walking in darkness
(Psalm 119:105, John 3:21, John 17:17, I John 1:6)
Walking in darkness will produce the WORKS OF
DARKNESS which is the manifestation of the desires of
the flesh. The works of the flesh = Unfruitful Works of
darkness (John 3:20, Ephesians 5:11)
a) The believers (Bride) are to
cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor
of light (Romans 13:12)
ROMANS 13:13
a) Rioting b)
Drunkenness c) Chambering d) Wantonness e) Strife f) Envying
The unfruitful works of righteousness = Works of the flesh
(Psuche) (Romans 13:14)
a) Adultery b)
Fornication c) Uncleanness d) Lasciviousness e) Idolatry f)
Witchcraft g) Hatred h) Variance i) Emulations j) Wrath k)
Strife l) Seditions m) Heresies n) Envyings o) Murders p)
Drunkenness q) Revellings
a) Fornicators b)
Covetous c) Extortioners d) Idolaters e) Railers f) Drunkards
The Bride of Christ does
not walk in darkness which is the desires of
the flesh = Soulish life (Psuche) which includes:
a) Fornication b) Covetousness c) Uncleanness (Ephesians 5:3)
2 CORINTHIANS 12:20-21
a) Debates b) Envyings
c) Wraths d) Strifes e) Backbitings f) Whisperings g) Swellings
h) Tumults i) Uncleanness j) Fornication k) lasciviousness
Walking in Darkness and
the Unfruitful works of darkness by living the soulish life
(Psuche) according to the desires of the flesh = Walking in the
Vanity of your Mind (Ephesians 4:17)
Walking in Darkness: (Ephesians
a) Darkens our understanding of
b) Blinds our hearts
c) Alienates us from the life
(ZOE) of God
The Bride of Christ is not to have the works of darkness
manifested in her life (Ephesians 4:19-20)
a) Fornicators b)
Uncleanness c) Inordinate affections d) Evil Concupiscence e)
Covetousness f) Idolatry g) Anger h) Wrath i) Malice j)
Blasphemy k) Filthy Communication l) Lying
who walk in light do good works unto God. Doing good works does
not save you. We are saved by the grace of God through faith and
not by our good works. In Ephesians 2:8-9 it is
by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
after we are saved, God requires us to walk in light and perform
good works which is our service unto Him. After explaining in
Ephesians 2:8-9 that we are not saved by good works, it
explains in Ephesians 2:10 that after we are saved, we
are required by God to do good works of service for the Kingdom of God.
In Ephesians 2:10 it is written:
we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.''
truths can be see in the following scriptures:
Jesus did the GOOD
WORKS of God (John 10:32, Acts 10:38)
The believers were
created before the foundation of the world to do good
works (Ephesians 2:10)
By walking in the
LIGHT of the life (Zoe), the world will be able to see
our GOOD WORKS and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16)
The believers are commanded by God to do the good
works of Jesus (John 14:12, 1 Timothy 6:17-18, 2
Timothy 3:17, Titus 1:16, 2:14, 1 Peter 2:12)
are instructed to: (Romans 13:12)
Cast off the works of
Put on the armor of light
a) We are to turn from darkness
to light (Acts 26:18)
b) We have been delivered from
darkness into the kingdom of God
(Colossians 1:13)
We are the children
of light and not of darkness (I Thessalonians 5:5)
We were in darkness
but now are children of light (John 12:36, Ephesians
God has commanded the light to shine out of the
darkness (II Corinthians 4:6). We have this
treasure in earthen vessels (II Corinthians 4:7)
is coming for a Bride who is without spot and blemish (Ephesians
5:26-27). Being without spot and blemish is a "priestly"
term. The Bride of Christ will not only be without spot and
blemish but she will also be "sanctified" (Ephesians 5:26).
Being made sanctified is also a "priestly" term. When the high
priest went before God in the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur (Leviticus
16), he had to prepare himself by "putting on" holy
garments and "putting off " unclean garments. In 1
Thessalonians 5:23, Christians are instructed to be
"sanctified" in our soul (Psuche/soulish life) that we may be
preserved blameless (spiritually mature) unto the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ as it is written:
the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your
whole spirit and soul (Psuche= 5590) and body be preserved
blameless (Ephesians 5:26-27) unto the coming of our Lord Jesus
us examine some scriptures which speak about "putting on" (which
is a priestly term):
We are to "Put On"
(Priestly Term) the new man who is renewed in the
knowledge of God (Colossians 3:10)
We are to "Put On": (Colossians 3:12-14)
a) Mercies b) Kindness
c) Humbleness of mind d) Meekness e) Longsuffering f)
Forgiveness g) Love
are to: (Colossians 3:15-17)
Let the peace of God
rule our hearts
Be thankful
Let the Word of
Christ dwell in us
Teach and admonish
one another
Sing Psalms and hymns and Spiritual songs to God
= Spirit Life = Abundant Life = Narrow Way = Few find it =
Walking in the Light = Fruit of the Spirit = Doing Good Works =
Priests of God = No Spot or Blemish = Bride
= Soulish Life = Carnal Life = Broad Gate = Many find it =
Walking in Darkness = No fruit = No works = Not Priests of God =
Spotted and Blemished Garments = Carnal Christians/Unbelievers
conclusion, when the Bride of Christ appears before God to be
married to her Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, she will be presented
before Him with an unspotted and pure white wedding garment (Revelation
19:7-8). To those believers who have accepted Jesus into
their heart and life and have accepted Him as their personal
Lord and Savior, they will be saved. However, those Christians
who are saved may appear before the Lord at the time of the
wedding with a spotted wedding garment. They will be saved but
have no works or eternal rewards (I Corinthians 3:13-15).
Their wedding garment will be spotted by yielding to the desires
of the flesh as a lifestyle after they are saved (II Peter
2:13, Jude 1:12, Jude 1:23).
who keep their wedding garment unspotted are spiritually mature
before God. They will grow from spiritual babies to spiritual
maturity and "ascend the hill of the Lord" by having clean hands
(good works) and a pure heart (Psalm 24:3-4, Matthew 5:8).
They will seek to live the "narrow" road which few seek and will
strive to live the "Zoe" life by not yielding to the flesh and
the "Psuche" life. They will lay down their "Psuche/soulish"
life to find the Zoe" (Spirit life) of God (John 12:25)
and by doing so will spiritually ascend to
Zion, the city of the
Bride (Hebrew 12:22, Revelation 21:9-10). What is the
condition of your wedding garment?
Continue to Chapter